Puppet Class: role::iabot
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/role/manifests/iabot.pp
Class: role::iabot
Provision and configure InternetArchiveBot for local testing
- deploy_dir
Directory to clone git repos in.
- remote
Remote URL for the repository.
- branch
Name of branch to check out.
- user
Wiki user for InternetArchiveBot
- password
Wiki password for InternetArchiveBot
- consumer_key
OAuth consumer key
- consumer_secret
OAuth consumer secret
- srv_secret_key
OAuth server-side secret key
- access_token
OAuth access token
- access_secret
OAuth access secret
- srv_access_secret
OAuth server-side access secret
Using an alternate github fork
Set role::iabot::remote in hiera:
$ vagrant hiera role::iabot::remote https://github.com/wikimedia/Cyberbot_II
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# File 'puppet/modules/role/manifests/iabot.pp', line 34
class role::iabot (
) {
include ::role::mediawiki
$ia_dir = "${deploy_dir}/iabot"
git::clone { 'iabot':
directory => $ia_dir,
remote => $remote,
branch => $branch,
mysql::db { 'iabot': }
mysql::user { 'iabot':
password => 'iabot',
# The bot script autocreates tables
grant => 'ALL ON iabot.*',
mediawiki::user { $user:
password => $password,
if defined(Class['role::centralauth']) {
role::centralauth::migrate_user { $user: }
role::oauth::consumer { 'InternetArchiveBot':
description => 'InternetArchiveBot',
consumer_key => $consumer_key,
secret_key => $srv_secret_key,
callback_url => '/wiki/Special:OAuth/verified',
# Grants from list at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:OAuthListConsumers/view/ad8e33572688dd300d2b726bee409f5d
grants => [
user => $user,
owner_only => true,
access_token => $access_token,
access_secret => $srv_access_secret,
file { "${ia_dir}/IABot/deadlink.config.local.inc.php":
ensure => 'present',
owner => $::share_owner,
group => $::share_group,
mode => '0664',
content => template('role/iabot/config.php.erb'),
require => [
mediawiki::import::text{ "User:${user}/Dead-links.js":
content => template('role/iabot/Dead-links.wiki.erb'),
require => Mediawiki::User[$user],