Puppet Class: role::oauth
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/role/manifests/oauth.pp
Class: role::oauth
This role sets up the OAuth extension for MediaWiki. Other OAuth enabled applications can then edit this instance of MediaWiki on its users' behalf. It also installs the OAuthRateLimiter companion extension.
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# File 'puppet/modules/role/manifests/oauth.pp', line 8
class role::oauth (
) {
include ::mediawiki
require ::role::mediawiki
mediawiki::extension { 'OAuth':
needs_update => true,
composer => true,
settings => template('role/oauth/settings.php.erb'),
# horrible hack to avoid breaking curl when in hello-world
if defined(Class['role::https']) {
$server_url = lookup('mediawiki::server_url_https')
} else {
$server_url = lookup('mediawiki::server_url')
file { $hello_world_dir:
ensure => directory,
file { "${hello_world_dir}/index.php":
content => template('role/oauth/hello_world.php.erb'),
file { "${hello_world_dir}/oauth-hello-world.ini":
content => template('role/oauth/oauth-hello-world.ini.erb'),
apache::site_conf { 'oauth-hello-world':
site => 'devwiki',
content => template('role/oauth/apache.conf.erb'),
role::oauth::consumer { 'Hello World':
description => 'OAuth test for MW-Vagrant',
consumer_key => $helloworld_consumer_key,
secret_key => $helloworld_secret_key,
callback_url => "${::mediawiki::server_url}/oauth-hello-world/",
grants => ['basic', 'editpage'],
git::clone { 'mediawiki/oauthclient-php':
directory => $oauthclient_dir,
php::composer::install { $oauthclient_dir:
require => Git::Clone['mediawiki/oauthclient-php'],
file { "${oauthclient_dir}/demo/config.php":
content => template('role/oauth/oauthclient-php.config.php.erb'),
require => Git::Clone['mediawiki/oauthclient-php'],
apache::site_conf { 'oauthclient-php':
site => 'devwiki',
content => template('role/oauth/oauthclient-php.conf.erb'),
role::oauth::consumer { 'Oauthclient-php':
description => 'OAuth test for MW-Vagrant',
consumer_key => $oauthclientphp_consumer_key,
secret_key => $oauthclientphp_secret_key,
callback_url => "${::mediawiki::server_url}/oauthclient-demo/callback.php",
grants => ['editpage'],
mediawiki::extension { 'OAuthRateLimiter':
needs_update => true,
mediawiki::import::text { 'VagrantRoleOAuth':
content => template('role/oauth/VagrantRoleOAuth.wiki.erb'),