Puppet Class: role::translate
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/role/manifests/translate.pp
Class: puppet::roles::translate
The Translate extension turns MediaWiki into a tool for collaborative translation work, useful especially for language localisation of free software tools.
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# File 'puppet/modules/role/manifests/translate.pp', line 7
class role::translate {
include ::role::uls
mediawiki::extension { 'Translate':
needs_update => true,
settings => [
'$wgGroupPermissions["*"]["translate"] = true',
'$wgGroupPermissions["sysop"]["pagetranslation"] = true',
'$wgGroupPermissions["sysop"]["translate-manage"] = true',
'$wgTranslateDocumentationLanguageCode = "qqq"',
'$wgExtraLanguageNames["qqq"] = "Message documentation"',