Defined Type: mediawiki::maintenance
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/mediawiki/manifests/maintenance.pp
Define: mediawiki::maintenance
This resource type represents a MediaWiki maintenance script that needs to be run. This resource will alwyas run the named script as the www-data user and require that all settings files are provisioned and database updates have been run.
It is a wrapper around exec that ensures that the MediaWiki settings files are in place before the script runs.
It can either be a single-wiki or all-wiki script. The full command is specified in the format exec accepts.
See Puppet's built-in exec resource for parameter documentation.
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# File 'puppet/modules/mediawiki/manifests/maintenance.pp', line 15
define mediawiki::maintenance(
$creates = undef,
$cwd = undef,
$environment = undef,
$group = undef,
$logoutput = undef,
$onlyif = undef,
$path = undef,
$refresh = undef,
$refreshonly = undef,
$timeout = undef,
$unless = undef,
) {
exec { $title:
command => $command,
creates => $creates,
cwd => $cwd,
environment => $environment,
group => $group,
logoutput => $logoutput,
onlyif => $onlyif,
path => $path,
refresh => $refresh,
refreshonly => $refreshonly,
timeout => $timeout,
unless => $unless,
# Maintenance scripts always run as the www-data user
user => 'www-data',
# Always wait for the databases to get setup
require => Exec['update_all_databases'],
# Make sure all Puppet-defined PHP settings are in place before
# running maintenance scripts.
Mediawiki::Settings <| |> -> Mediawiki::Maintenance <| |>