Defined Type: mediawiki::settings
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/mediawiki/manifests/settings.pp
Define: mediawiki::settings
This resource type represents a collection of MediaWiki settings.
- values
This parameter contains the configuration settings. Settings may be specified as a hash, array, or string. See examples below. Empty by default.
- wiki
Wiki to add settings for. The default will install the settings for all wikis. The wiki name can also be specified in the resource's title as 'wiki:rest_of_title'.
- ensure
If 'present' (the default), Puppet will install the settings. If 'absent', Puppet will delete its configuration file.
- priority
This parameter takes a numeric value, which is used to generate a prefix for the configuration snippet. Settings managed by Puppet will load in order of priority, with smaller values loading first. The default is 10. You only need to override the default if you want these settings to load before or after some other settings.
- header
Block of PHP code or documentation to stick in the settings file. The content will be added before the settings values. Empty by default.
- footer
Block of PHP code or documentation to stick in the settings file. The content will be added after the settings values. Empty by default.
The following example configures the EventLogging MediaWiki settings and illustrates the use of hashes to specify settings:
mediawiki::settings { 'database debug':
values => {
'wgDebugDumpSql' => true,
Note that the order of keys in a hash is unspecified. If the order matters to you, use an array or a string. The next example shows how settings may be specified as an array:
mediawiki::settings { 'database debug':
values => [
'$wgDebugDumpSql = true;',
Finally, 'settings' can also be specified as a string value. This can be especially powerful when used in combination with Puppet's template() function, as the following example illustrates:
mediawiki::settings { 'database debug':
values => template('db_debug/settings.php.erb'),
If you have configured multiple wikis, settings can be applied to a particular wiki by either providing a value for the 'wiki' parameter:
mediawiki::settings { 'only for commons':
values => ...,
wiki => 'commons',
Or by starting the resource title with 'wiki_name:':
mediawiki::settings { 'commons:also for commons':
values => ...,
By default, settings are applied to all wikis. If you have some settings that should only be applied to the default wiki, use `wiki => $::mediawki::wiki_name`.
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# File 'puppet/modules/mediawiki/manifests/settings.pp', line 85
define mediawiki::settings(
$wiki = undef,
$ensure = present,
$priority = 10,
$header = '',
$footer = '',
) {
include ::mediawiki
require ::mediawiki::multiwiki
# Set wiki from title if appropriate
if $title =~ /^(\w+):(.+)$/ {
$parts = split($title, ':')
$wiki_name = $wiki ? {
undef => $parts[0],
default => $wiki,
$settings_name = $parts[1]
} else {
$wiki_name = $wiki
$settings_name = $title
if $wiki_name == $::mediawiki::wiki_name {
$db_name = $::mediawiki::db_name
} elsif $wiki_name =~ String and $wiki_name =~ /wiki$/ {
$db_name = $wiki_name
} else {
$db_name = "${wiki_name}wiki"
# Determine collection to place settings in: shared or wiki specific
$dir = $wiki_name ? {
undef => $::mediawiki::managed_settings_dir,
default => "${::mediawiki::multiwiki::settings_root}/${db_name}/settings.d/puppet-managed",
# make a safe filename based on our title
$fname = inline_template('<%= @settings_name.gsub(/\W/, "-") %>')
$settings_file = sprintf('%s/%.2d-%s.php', $dir, $priority, $fname)
file { $settings_file:
ensure => $ensure,
content => template('mediawiki/settings.php.erb'),
owner => $::share_owner,
group => $::share_group,
if $wiki_name {
# Ensure that wiki is created before adding settings
Mediawiki::Wiki[$wiki_name] -> File[$settings_file]