Defined Type: mediawiki::user
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/mediawiki/manifests/user.pp
Define: mediawiki::user
Uses MediaWiki's maintenance scripts to create a MediaWiki account and/or add groups for an account
- password
Password for the new account.
- username
User name of account to create or modify. Defaults to the resource title.
Email address for the new account.
- wiki
DB name of Wiki that account will be on. Defaults to the primary wiki.
- groups
Array of groups to add. Defaults to no new groups. This does not support removing groups from a user.
Make sure the 'sumana' user exists
mediawiki::user { 'sumana':
password => 'secretpassword',
Make sure the AdminSuppresser user exists and has the 'sysop' and
'suppress' groups.
mediawiki::user { 'AdminSuppresser':
password => 'securepassword',
groups => ['sysop', 'suppress']
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# File 'puppet/modules/mediawiki/manifests/user.pp', line 40
define mediawiki::user(
$username = $title,
$email = undef,
$wiki = $::mediawiki::db_name,
$groups = [],
) {
include ::mediawiki
# Ideally, this would use the same canonicalization as core.
# In the meantime, just address one common issue.
# Capitalize first character
# Ruby's capitalize has a bug/feature where it *lower-cases* every
# character except the first even when they were already
# capitalized. Puppet inherits this.
$canonical_username = inline_template('<%= @username[0].capitalize + @username[1..-1] %>')
mediawiki::maintenance { "mediawiki_user_${canonical_username}_${wiki}":
command => "/usr/local/bin/mwscript createAndPromote.php \
--wiki='${wiki}' '${canonical_username}' '${password}'",
unless => "/usr/local/bin/mwscript createAndPromote.php \
--wiki='${wiki}' '${canonical_username}' 2>&1 | \
/bin/grep -Pq '^#?Account exists'",
require => [
if ! empty($groups) {
$comma_groups = join($groups, ',')
$comma_groups_php = join($groups, "', '")
# eval.php requires each command to be a single line
# double-escape $ against puppet + shell
$eval_unless = "
\\\$services = \\\\MediaWiki\\\\MediaWikiServices::getInstance();
\\\$u = \\\$services->getUserFactory()->newFromName( '${username}' );
\\\$u->load( \\\\IDBAccessObject::READ_LATEST );
\\\$expected_groups = array_intersect( [ '${comma_groups_php}' ], \\\$services->getUserGroupManager()->listAllGroups() );
\\\$actual_groups = \\\$services->getUserGroupManager()->getUserGroups( \\\$u );
echo array_diff( \\\$expected_groups, \\\$actual_groups ) ? 'Bad' : 'Good';
mediawiki::maintenance { "mediawiki_user_${canonical_username}_${wiki}_${comma_groups}":
command => "/usr/local/bin/mwscript createAndPromote.php --wiki='${wiki}' \
--custom-groups '${comma_groups}' \
--force '${canonical_username}'",
# Check that they're already in all the requested groups,
# using counts.
unless => "/bin/echo \"${eval_unless}\" | \
/usr/local/bin/mwscript eval.php --wiki='${wiki}' | \
/bin/grep -q '^Good$'",
require => [
if $email {
mediawiki::maintenance { "mediawiki_user_${canonical_username}_${wiki}_email":
command => "/usr/local/bin/mwscript resetUserEmail.php --wiki='${wiki}' \
'${canonical_username}' '${email}' --no-reset-password",
refreshonly => true,
subscribe => Mediawiki::Maintenance["mediawiki_user_${canonical_username}_${wiki}"],