Defined Type: mysql::sql
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/sql.pp
Define: mysql::sql
This custom resource type allows you to execute arbitrary SQL against the MySQL database as the database server's root user. No attempt is made to sanitize input.
- sql
String containing SQL code to execute. Defaults to resource title.
- unless
String containing SQL query. Its result will be used as the basis for determining whether or not to execute the code contained in the 'sql' param.
It should always SELECT 1, with appropriate other clauses (WHERE, etc.).
Create a user named 'monty', unless one already exists:
mysql::sql { 'add user':
sql => "create user 'monty'@'localhost'",
unless => "select 1 from mysql.user where user = 'monty'",
29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 |
# File 'puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/sql.pp', line 29
define mysql::sql(
$sql = $title,
) {
require ::mysql::packages
exec { $title:
# Passing input to a shell command in Puppet without it undergoing shell expansion is nasty.
command => @("PUPPETCOMMAND")
/usr/bin/mysql -qsA <<'SQLCOMMAND'
unless => @("PUPPETCOMMAND")
/usr/bin/mysql -qfsAN <<'SQLCOMMAND' | /usr/bin/tail -1 | /bin/grep -q 1