Defined Type: role::oauth::consumer
- Defined in:
- puppet/modules/role/manifests/oauth/consumer.pp
Define: role::oauth::consumer
Provision an OAuth consumer directly in the database.
- consumer_key
OAuth consumer key.
- secret_key
OAuth secret key.
- callback_url
Application callback url.
- is_prefix
Allow consumer to specify a callback in requests and use callback_url as a required prefix? Default true.
- description
Application description. Default $title.
- wiki
Project that grant is authorized for. Default '*'.
- grants
Array of grants to allow authenticated clients. Default ['authonly'].
- restrictions
Hash of usage restrictions. Default => ['','::/0'].
- user
Grant owner. Default 'Admin'.
- owner_only
Consumer is for use by the owner only? Default false.
- access_token
Accepted token for owner-only grant. Default undef.
- access_secret
Accepted secret for owner-only grant. Default undef.
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# File 'puppet/modules/role/manifests/oauth/consumer.pp', line 30
define role::oauth::consumer (
$is_prefix = true,
$description = $title,
$wiki = '*',
$grants = ['authonly'],
$restrictions = {'IPAddresses' => ['','::/0']},
$user = 'Admin',
$owner_only = false,
$access_token = undef,
$access_secret = undef,
$db_name = $::mediawiki::db_name,
) {
include ::role::oauth
$grants_json = ordered_json($grants)
$restrictions_json = ordered_json($restrictions)
mysql::sql { "Register OAuth ${title}":
sql => template('role/oauth/register.sql.erb'),
unless => template('role/oauth/check.sql.erb'),
require => [
if $owner_only {
mysql::sql { "Authorize OAuth ${title}":
sql => template('role/oauth/authorize.sql.erb'),
unless => template('role/oauth/check-auth.sql.erb'),
require => Mysql::Sql["Register OAuth ${title}"],