Crate mwtimestamp

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mwtimestamp is a library for parsing and formatting MediaWiki timestamps, powered by chrono.

The MediaWiki API typically produces ISO 8601 timestamps. In some cases, like protection or block expiry, it may alternatively return the string “infinity” to represent that there is no end period.

use mwtimestamp::{Expiry, Timestamp};
// Deserializing a fixed timestamp
let finite: Timestamp = serde_json::from_str("\"2001-01-15T14:56:00Z\"").unwrap();
    chrono::NaiveDate::from_ymd_opt(2001, 1, 15).unwrap(),
// Deserializing an infinite timestamp
let infinity: Expiry = serde_json::from_str("\"infinity\"").unwrap();


mwtimestamp is a part of the mwbot-rs project. We’re always looking for new contributors, please reach out if you’re interested!


  • Represents a MediaWiki timestamp, which are always in UTC. It is basically a wrapper around DateTime but serializes and deserializes in the ISO 8601 format MediaWiki wants.


  • A MediaWiki expiry, which can either be infinity (aka indefinite) or a specific Timestamp.