* A ToolFactory creates tools on demand. All tools ({@link OO.ui.Tool Tools},
* {@link OO.ui.PopupTool PopupTools}, and {@link OO.ui.ToolGroupTool ToolGroupTools}) must be
* registered with a tool factory. Tools are registered by their symbolic name. See
* {@link OO.ui.Toolbar toolbars} for an example.
* For more information about toolbars in general, please see the
* [OOUI documentation on MediaWiki][1].
* [1]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI/Toolbars
* @class
* @extends OO.Factory
* @constructor
OO.ui.ToolFactory = function OoUiToolFactory() {
// Parent constructor
OO.ui.ToolFactory.super.call( this );
/* Setup */
OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.ToolFactory, OO.Factory );
/* Methods */
* Get tools from the factory.
* @param {Array|string} include Included tools, see #extract for format
* @param {Array|string} exclude Excluded tools, see #extract for format
* @param {Array|string} promote Promoted tools, see #extract for format
* @param {Array|string} demote Demoted tools, see #extract for format
* @return {string[]} List of tools
OO.ui.ToolFactory.prototype.getTools = function ( include, exclude, promote, demote ) {
const auto = [],
used = {};
// Collect included and not excluded tools
const included = OO.simpleArrayDifference( this.extract( include ), this.extract( exclude ) );
// Promotion
const promoted = this.extract( promote, used );
const demoted = this.extract( demote, used );
// Auto
for ( let i = 0, len = included.length; i < len; i++ ) {
if ( !used[ included[ i ] ] ) {
auto.push( included[ i ] );
return promoted.concat( auto ).concat( demoted );
* Get a flat list of names from a list of names or groups.
* Normally, `collection` is an array of tool specifications. Tools can be specified in the
* following ways:
* - To include an individual tool, use the symbolic name: `{ name: 'tool-name' }` or `'tool-name'`.
* - To include all tools in a group, use the group name: `{ group: 'group-name' }`. (To assign the
* tool to a group, use OO.ui.Tool.static.group.)
* Alternatively, to include all tools that are not yet assigned to any other toolgroup, use the
* catch-all selector `'*'`.
* If `used` is passed, tool names that appear as properties in this object will be considered
* already assigned, and will not be returned even if specified otherwise. The tool names extracted
* by this function call will be added as new properties in the object.
* @private
* @param {Array|string} collection List of tools, see above
* @param {Object.<string,boolean>} [used] Object containing information about used tools, see above
* @return {string[]} List of extracted tool names
OO.ui.ToolFactory.prototype.extract = function ( collection, used ) {
const names = [];
collection = !Array.isArray( collection ) ? [ collection ] : collection;
for ( let i = 0, len = collection.length; i < len; i++ ) {
let item = collection[ i ],
name, tool;
if ( item === '*' ) {
for ( name in this.registry ) {
tool = this.registry[ name ];
if (
// Only add tools by group name when auto-add is enabled
tool.static.autoAddToCatchall &&
// Exclude already used tools
( !used || !used[ name ] )
) {
names.push( name );
if ( used ) {
used[ name ] = true;
} else {
// Allow plain strings as shorthand for named tools
if ( typeof item === 'string' ) {
item = { name: item };
if ( OO.isPlainObject( item ) ) {
if ( item.group ) {
for ( name in this.registry ) {
tool = this.registry[ name ];
if (
// Include tools with matching group
tool.static.group === item.group &&
// Only add tools by group name when auto-add is enabled
tool.static.autoAddToGroup &&
// Exclude already used tools
( !used || !used[ name ] )
) {
names.push( name );
if ( used ) {
used[ name ] = true;
// Include tools with matching name and exclude already used tools
} else if ( item.name && ( !used || !used[ item.name ] ) ) {
names.push( item.name );
if ( used ) {
used[ item.name ] = true;
return names;