* Toolbars are complex interface components that permit users to easily access a variety
* of {@link OO.ui.Tool tools} (e.g., formatting commands) and actions, which are additional
* commands that are part of the toolbar, but not configured as tools.
* Individual tools are customized and then registered with a
* {@link OO.ui.ToolFactory tool factory}, which creates the tools on demand. Each tool has a
* symbolic name (used when registering the tool), a title (e.g., ‘Insert image’), and an icon.
* Individual tools are organized in {@link OO.ui.ToolGroup toolgroups}, which can be
* {@link OO.ui.MenuToolGroup menus} of tools, {@link OO.ui.ListToolGroup lists} of tools, or a
* single {@link OO.ui.BarToolGroup bar} of tools. The arrangement and order of the toolgroups is
* customized when the toolbar is set up. Tools can be presented in any order, but each can only
* appear once in the toolbar.
* The toolbar can be synchronized with the state of the external "application", like a text
* editor's editing area, marking tools as active/inactive (e.g. a 'bold' tool would be shown as
* active when the text cursor was inside bolded text) or enabled/disabled (e.g. a table caption
* tool would be disabled while the user is not editing a table). A state change is signalled by
* emitting the {@link OO.ui.Toolbar#event:updateState 'updateState' event}, which calls Tools'
* {@link OO.ui.Tool#onUpdateState onUpdateState method}.
* @example <caption>The following is an example of a basic toolbar.</caption>
* // Example of a toolbar
* // Create the toolbar
* const toolFactory = new OO.ui.ToolFactory();
* const toolGroupFactory = new OO.ui.ToolGroupFactory();
* const toolbar = new OO.ui.Toolbar( toolFactory, toolGroupFactory );
* // We will be placing status text in this element when tools are used
* const $area = $( '<p>' ).text( 'Toolbar example' );
* // Define the tools that we're going to place in our toolbar
* // Create a class inheriting from OO.ui.Tool
* function SearchTool() {
* SearchTool.super.apply( this, arguments );
* }
* OO.inheritClass( SearchTool, OO.ui.Tool );
* // Each tool must have a 'name' (used as an internal identifier, see later) and at least one
* // of 'icon' and 'title' (displayed icon and text).
* SearchTool.static.name = 'search';
* SearchTool.static.icon = 'search';
* SearchTool.static.title = 'Search...';
* // Defines the action that will happen when this tool is selected (clicked).
* SearchTool.prototype.onSelect = function () {
* $area.text( 'Search tool clicked!' );
* // Never display this tool as "active" (selected).
* this.setActive( false );
* };
* SearchTool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {};
* // Make this tool available in our toolFactory and thus our toolbar
* toolFactory.register( SearchTool );
* // Register two more tools, nothing interesting here
* function SettingsTool() {
* SettingsTool.super.apply( this, arguments );
* }
* OO.inheritClass( SettingsTool, OO.ui.Tool );
* SettingsTool.static.name = 'settings';
* SettingsTool.static.icon = 'settings';
* SettingsTool.static.title = 'Change settings';
* SettingsTool.prototype.onSelect = function () {
* $area.text( 'Settings tool clicked!' );
* this.setActive( false );
* };
* SettingsTool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {};
* toolFactory.register( SettingsTool );
* // Register two more tools, nothing interesting here
* function StuffTool() {
* StuffTool.super.apply( this, arguments );
* }
* OO.inheritClass( StuffTool, OO.ui.Tool );
* StuffTool.static.name = 'stuff';
* StuffTool.static.icon = 'ellipsis';
* StuffTool.static.title = 'More stuff';
* StuffTool.prototype.onSelect = function () {
* $area.text( 'More stuff tool clicked!' );
* this.setActive( false );
* };
* StuffTool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {};
* toolFactory.register( StuffTool );
* // This is a PopupTool. Rather than having a custom 'onSelect' action, it will display a
* // little popup window (a PopupWidget).
* function HelpTool( toolGroup, config ) {
* OO.ui.PopupTool.call( this, toolGroup, $.extend( { popup: {
* padded: true,
* label: 'Help',
* head: true
* } }, config ) );
* this.popup.$body.append( '<p>I am helpful!</p>' );
* }
* OO.inheritClass( HelpTool, OO.ui.PopupTool );
* HelpTool.static.name = 'help';
* HelpTool.static.icon = 'help';
* HelpTool.static.title = 'Help';
* toolFactory.register( HelpTool );
* // Finally define which tools and in what order appear in the toolbar. Each tool may only be
* // used once (but not all defined tools must be used).
* toolbar.setup( [
* {
* // 'bar' tool groups display tools' icons only, side-by-side.
* type: 'bar',
* include: [ 'search', 'help' ]
* },
* {
* // 'list' tool groups display both the titles and icons, in a dropdown list.
* type: 'list',
* indicator: 'down',
* label: 'More',
* include: [ 'settings', 'stuff' ]
* }
* // Note how the tools themselves are toolgroup-agnostic - the same tool can be displayed
* // either in a 'list' or a 'bar'. There is a 'menu' tool group too, not showcased here,
* // since it's more complicated to use. (See the next example snippet on this page.)
* ] );
* // Create some UI around the toolbar and place it in the document
* const frame = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
* expanded: false,
* framed: true
* } );
* const contentFrame = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
* expanded: false,
* padded: true
* } );
* frame.$element.append(
* toolbar.$element,
* contentFrame.$element.append( $area )
* );
* $( document.body ).append( frame.$element );
* // Here is where the toolbar is actually built. This must be done after inserting it into the
* // document.
* toolbar.initialize();
* toolbar.emit( 'updateState' );
* @example <caption>The following example extends the previous one to illustrate 'menu' toolgroups and the usage of
* {@link OO.ui.Toolbar#event:updateState 'updateState' event}.</caption>
* // Create the toolbar
* const toolFactory = new OO.ui.ToolFactory();
* const toolGroupFactory = new OO.ui.ToolGroupFactory();
* const toolbar = new OO.ui.Toolbar( toolFactory, toolGroupFactory );
* // We will be placing status text in this element when tools are used
* const $area = $( '<p>' ).text( 'Toolbar example' );
* // Define the tools that we're going to place in our toolbar
* // Create a class inheriting from OO.ui.Tool
* function SearchTool() {
* SearchTool.super.apply( this, arguments );
* }
* OO.inheritClass( SearchTool, OO.ui.Tool );
* // Each tool must have a 'name' (used as an internal identifier, see later) and at least one
* // of 'icon' and 'title' (displayed icon and text).
* SearchTool.static.name = 'search';
* SearchTool.static.icon = 'search';
* SearchTool.static.title = 'Search...';
* // Defines the action that will happen when this tool is selected (clicked).
* SearchTool.prototype.onSelect = function () {
* $area.text( 'Search tool clicked!' );
* // Never display this tool as "active" (selected).
* this.setActive( false );
* };
* SearchTool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {};
* // Make this tool available in our toolFactory and thus our toolbar
* toolFactory.register( SearchTool );
* // Register two more tools, nothing interesting here
* function SettingsTool() {
* SettingsTool.super.apply( this, arguments );
* this.reallyActive = false;
* }
* OO.inheritClass( SettingsTool, OO.ui.Tool );
* SettingsTool.static.name = 'settings';
* SettingsTool.static.icon = 'settings';
* SettingsTool.static.title = 'Change settings';
* SettingsTool.prototype.onSelect = function () {
* $area.text( 'Settings tool clicked!' );
* // Toggle the active state on each click
* this.reallyActive = !this.reallyActive;
* this.setActive( this.reallyActive );
* // To update the menu label
* this.toolbar.emit( 'updateState' );
* };
* SettingsTool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {};
* toolFactory.register( SettingsTool );
* // Register two more tools, nothing interesting here
* function StuffTool() {
* StuffTool.super.apply( this, arguments );
* this.reallyActive = false;
* }
* OO.inheritClass( StuffTool, OO.ui.Tool );
* StuffTool.static.name = 'stuff';
* StuffTool.static.icon = 'ellipsis';
* StuffTool.static.title = 'More stuff';
* StuffTool.prototype.onSelect = function () {
* $area.text( 'More stuff tool clicked!' );
* // Toggle the active state on each click
* this.reallyActive = !this.reallyActive;
* this.setActive( this.reallyActive );
* // To update the menu label
* this.toolbar.emit( 'updateState' );
* };
* StuffTool.prototype.onUpdateState = function () {};
* toolFactory.register( StuffTool );
* // This is a PopupTool. Rather than having a custom 'onSelect' action, it will display a
* // little popup window (a PopupWidget). 'onUpdateState' is also already implemented.
* function HelpTool( toolGroup, config ) {
* OO.ui.PopupTool.call( this, toolGroup, $.extend( { popup: {
* padded: true,
* label: 'Help',
* head: true
* } }, config ) );
* this.popup.$body.append( '<p>I am helpful!</p>' );
* }
* OO.inheritClass( HelpTool, OO.ui.PopupTool );
* HelpTool.static.name = 'help';
* HelpTool.static.icon = 'help';
* HelpTool.static.title = 'Help';
* toolFactory.register( HelpTool );
* // Finally define which tools and in what order appear in the toolbar. Each tool may only be
* // used once (but not all defined tools must be used).
* toolbar.setup( [
* {
* // 'bar' tool groups display tools' icons only, side-by-side.
* type: 'bar',
* include: [ 'search', 'help' ]
* },
* {
* // 'menu' tool groups display both the titles and icons, in a dropdown menu.
* // Menu label indicates which items are selected.
* type: 'menu',
* indicator: 'down',
* include: [ 'settings', 'stuff' ]
* }
* ] );
* // Create some UI around the toolbar and place it in the document
* const frame = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
* expanded: false,
* framed: true
* } );
* const contentFrame = new OO.ui.PanelLayout( {
* expanded: false,
* padded: true
* } );
* frame.$element.append(
* toolbar.$element,
* contentFrame.$element.append( $area )
* );
* $( document.body ).append( frame.$element );
* // Here is where the toolbar is actually built. This must be done after inserting it into the
* // document.
* toolbar.initialize();
* toolbar.emit( 'updateState' );
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.Element
* @mixes OO.EventEmitter
* @mixes OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement
* @constructor
* @param {OO.ui.ToolFactory} toolFactory Factory for creating tools
* @param {OO.ui.ToolGroupFactory} toolGroupFactory Factory for creating toolgroups
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @param {boolean} [config.actions] Add an actions section to the toolbar. Actions are commands that are
* included in the toolbar, but are not configured as tools. By default, actions are displayed on
* the right side of the toolbar.
* This feature is deprecated. It is suggested to use the ToolGroup 'align' property instead.
* @param {string} [config.position='top'] Whether the toolbar is positioned above ('top') or below
* ('bottom') content.
* @param {jQuery} [config.$overlay] An overlay for the popup.
* See <https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI/Concepts#Overlays>.
OO.ui.Toolbar = function OoUiToolbar( toolFactory, toolGroupFactory, config ) {
// Allow passing positional parameters inside the config object
if ( OO.isPlainObject( toolFactory ) && config === undefined ) {
config = toolFactory;
toolFactory = config.toolFactory;
toolGroupFactory = config.toolGroupFactory;
// Configuration initialization
config = config || {};
// Parent constructor
OO.ui.Toolbar.super.call( this, config );
// Mixin constructors
OO.EventEmitter.call( this );
OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement.call( this, config );
// Properties
this.toolFactory = toolFactory;
this.toolGroupFactory = toolGroupFactory;
this.groupsByName = {};
this.activeToolGroups = 0;
this.tools = {};
this.position = config.position || 'top';
this.$bar = $( '<div>' );
this.$after = $( '<div>' );
this.$actions = $( '<div>' );
this.$popups = $( '<div>' );
this.initialized = false;
this.narrow = false;
this.narrowThreshold = null;
this.onWindowResizeHandler = this.onWindowResize.bind( this );
this.$overlay = ( config.$overlay === true ? OO.ui.getDefaultOverlay() : config.$overlay ) ||
// Events
.add( this.$bar ).add( this.$group ).add( this.$after ).add( this.$actions )
.on( 'mousedown keydown', this.onPointerDown.bind( this ) );
// Initialization
this.$bar.addClass( 'oo-ui-toolbar-bar' );
this.$group.addClass( 'oo-ui-toolbar-tools' );
this.$after.addClass( 'oo-ui-toolbar-tools oo-ui-toolbar-after' );
this.$popups.addClass( 'oo-ui-toolbar-popups' );
this.$bar.append( this.$group, this.$after );
if ( config.actions ) {
this.$bar.append( this.$actions.addClass( 'oo-ui-toolbar-actions' ) );
this.$bar.append( $( '<div>' ).css( 'clear', 'both' ) );
// Possible classes: oo-ui-toolbar-position-top, oo-ui-toolbar-position-bottom
.addClass( 'oo-ui-toolbar oo-ui-toolbar-position-' + this.position )
.append( this.$bar );
this.$overlay.append( this.$popups );
/* Setup */
OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.Toolbar, OO.ui.Element );
OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.Toolbar, OO.EventEmitter );
OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.Toolbar, OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement );
/* Events */
* An 'updateState' event must be emitted on the Toolbar (by calling
* `toolbar.emit( 'updateState' )`) every time the state of the application using the toolbar
* changes, and an update to the state of tools is required.
* @event OO.ui.Toolbar#updateState
* @param {...any} data Application-defined parameters
* An 'active' event is emitted when the number of active toolgroups increases from 0, or
* returns to 0.
* @event OO.ui.Toolbar#active
* @param {boolean} There are active toolgroups in this toolbar
* Toolbar has resized to a point where narrow mode has changed
* @event OO.ui.Toolbar#resize
/* Methods */
* Get the tool factory.
* @return {OO.ui.ToolFactory} Tool factory
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getToolFactory = function () {
return this.toolFactory;
* Get the toolgroup factory.
* @return {OO.Factory} Toolgroup factory
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getToolGroupFactory = function () {
return this.toolGroupFactory;
* @inheritdoc {OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement}
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.insertItemElements = function ( item ) {
// Mixin method
OO.ui.mixin.GroupElement.prototype.insertItemElements.apply( this, arguments );
if ( item.align === 'after' ) {
// Toolbar only ever appends ToolGroups to the end, so we can ignore 'index'
this.$after.append( item.$element );
* Handles mouse down events.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Mouse down event
* @return {undefined|boolean} False to prevent default if event is handled
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.onPointerDown = function ( e ) {
const $closestWidgetToEvent = $( e.target ).closest( '.oo-ui-widget' ),
$closestWidgetToToolbar = this.$element.closest( '.oo-ui-widget' );
if (
!$closestWidgetToEvent.length ||
$closestWidgetToEvent[ 0 ] ===
$closestWidgetToToolbar[ 0 ]
) {
return false;
* Handle window resize event.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Window resize event
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.onWindowResize = function () {
this.setNarrow( this.$bar[ 0 ].clientWidth <= this.getNarrowThreshold() );
* Check if the toolbar is in narrow mode
* @return {boolean} Toolbar is in narrow mode
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.isNarrow = function () {
return this.narrow;
* Set the narrow mode flag
* @param {boolean} narrow Toolbar is in narrow mode
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.setNarrow = function ( narrow ) {
if ( narrow !== this.narrow ) {
this.narrow = narrow;
this.$element.add( this.$popups ).toggleClass(
this.emit( 'resize' );
* Get the (lazily-computed) width threshold for applying the oo-ui-toolbar-narrow
* class.
* @private
* @return {number} Width threshold in pixels
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getNarrowThreshold = function () {
if ( this.narrowThreshold === null ) {
this.narrowThreshold = this.$group[ 0 ].offsetWidth + this.$after[ 0 ].offsetWidth +
this.$actions[ 0 ].offsetWidth;
return this.narrowThreshold;
* Sets up handles and preloads required information for the toolbar to work.
* This must be called after it is attached to a visible document and before doing anything else.
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.initialize = function () {
if ( !this.initialized ) {
this.initialized = true;
$( this.getElementWindow() ).on( 'resize', this.onWindowResizeHandler );
* Set up the toolbar.
* The toolbar is set up with a list of toolgroup configurations that specify the type of
* toolgroup ({@link OO.ui.BarToolGroup bar}, {@link OO.ui.MenuToolGroup menu}, or
* {@link OO.ui.ListToolGroup list}) to add and which tools to include, exclude, promote, or demote
* within that toolgroup. Please see {@link OO.ui.ToolGroup toolgroups} for more information about
* including tools in toolgroups.
* @param {Object[]} groups List of toolgroup configurations
* @param {string} groups.name Symbolic name for this toolgroup
* @param {string} [groups.type] Toolgroup type, e.g. "bar", "list", or "menu". Should exist in the
* {@link OO.ui.ToolGroupFactory} provided via the constructor. Defaults to "list" for catch-all
* groups where `include='*'`, otherwise "bar".
* @param {Array|string} [groups.include] Tools to include in the toolgroup, or "*" for catch-all,
* see {@link OO.ui.ToolFactory#extract}
* @param {Array|string} [groups.exclude] Tools to exclude from the toolgroup
* @param {Array|string} [groups.promote] Tools to promote to the beginning of the toolgroup
* @param {Array|string} [groups.demote] Tools to demote to the end of the toolgroup
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.setup = function ( groups ) {
const defaultType = 'bar';
// Cleanup previous groups
const items = [];
// Build out new groups
for ( let i = 0, len = groups.length; i < len; i++ ) {
const groupConfig = groups[ i ];
if ( groupConfig.include === '*' ) {
// Apply defaults to catch-all groups
if ( groupConfig.type === undefined ) {
groupConfig.type = 'list';
if ( groupConfig.label === undefined ) {
groupConfig.label = OO.ui.msg( 'ooui-toolbar-more' );
// Check type has been registered
const type = this.getToolGroupFactory().lookup( groupConfig.type ) ?
groupConfig.type : defaultType;
const toolGroup = this.getToolGroupFactory().create( type, this, groupConfig );
items.push( toolGroup );
this.groupsByName[ groupConfig.name ] = toolGroup;
toolGroup.connect( this, {
active: 'onToolGroupActive'
} );
this.addItems( items );
* Handle active events from tool groups
* @param {boolean} active Tool group has become active, inactive if false
* @fires OO.ui.Toolbar#active
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.onToolGroupActive = function ( active ) {
if ( active ) {
if ( this.activeToolGroups === 1 ) {
this.emit( 'active', true );
} else {
if ( this.activeToolGroups === 0 ) {
this.emit( 'active', false );
* Get a toolgroup by name
* @param {string} name Group name
* @return {OO.ui.ToolGroup|null} Tool group, or null if none found by that name
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getToolGroupByName = function ( name ) {
return this.groupsByName[ name ] || null;
* Remove all tools and toolgroups from the toolbar.
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.reset = function () {
this.groupsByName = {};
this.tools = {};
for ( let i = 0, len = this.items.length; i < len; i++ ) {
this.items[ i ].destroy();
* Destroy the toolbar.
* Destroying the toolbar removes all event handlers and DOM elements that constitute the toolbar.
* Call this method whenever you are done using a toolbar.
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.destroy = function () {
$( this.getElementWindow() ).off( 'resize', this.onWindowResizeHandler );
* Check if the tool is available.
* Available tools are ones that have not yet been added to the toolbar.
* @param {string} name Symbolic name of tool
* @return {boolean} Tool is available
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.isToolAvailable = function ( name ) {
return !this.tools[ name ];
* Prevent tool from being used again.
* @param {OO.ui.Tool} tool Tool to reserve
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.reserveTool = function ( tool ) {
this.tools[ tool.getName() ] = tool;
* Allow tool to be used again.
* @param {OO.ui.Tool} tool Tool to release
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.releaseTool = function ( tool ) {
delete this.tools[ tool.getName() ];
* Get accelerator label for tool.
* The OOUI library does not contain an accelerator system, but this is the hook for one. To
* use an accelerator system, subclass the toolbar and override this method, which is meant to
* return a label that describes the accelerator keys for the tool passed (by symbolic name) to
* the method.
* @param {string} name Symbolic name of tool
* @return {string|undefined} Tool accelerator label if available
OO.ui.Toolbar.prototype.getToolAccelerator = function () {
return undefined;