* Window managers are used to open and close {@link OO.ui.Window windows} and control their
* presentation. Managed windows are mutually exclusive. If a new window is opened while a current
* window is opening or is opened, the current window will be closed and any on-going
* {@link OO.ui.Process process} will be cancelled. Windows
* themselves are persistent and—rather than being torn down when closed—can be repopulated with the
* pertinent data and reused.
* Over the lifecycle of a window, the window manager makes available three promises: `opening`,
* `opened`, and `closing`, which represent the primary stages of the cycle:
* **Opening**: the opening stage begins when the window manager’s #openWindow or a window’s
* {@link OO.ui.Window#open open} method is used, and the window manager begins to open the window.
* - an `opening` event is emitted with an `opening` promise
* - the #getSetupDelay method is called and the returned value is used to time a pause in execution
* before the window’s {@link OO.ui.Window#method-setup setup} method is called which executes
* OO.ui.Window#getSetupProcess.
* - a `setup` progress notification is emitted from the `opening` promise
* - the #getReadyDelay method is called the returned value is used to time a pause in execution
* before the window’s {@link OO.ui.Window#method-ready ready} method is called which executes
* OO.ui.Window#getReadyProcess.
* - a `ready` progress notification is emitted from the `opening` promise
* - the `opening` promise is resolved with an `opened` promise
* **Opened**: the window is now open.
* **Closing**: the closing stage begins when the window manager's #closeWindow or the
* window's {@link OO.ui.Window#close close} methods is used, and the window manager begins
* to close the window.
* - the `opened` promise is resolved with `closing` promise and a `closing` event is emitted
* - the #getHoldDelay method is called and the returned value is used to time a pause in execution
* before the window's {@link OO.ui.Window#getHoldProcess getHoldProcess} method is called on the
* window and its result executed
* - a `hold` progress notification is emitted from the `closing` promise
* - the #getTeardownDelay() method is called and the returned value is used to time a pause in
* execution before the window's {@link OO.ui.Window#getTeardownProcess getTeardownProcess} method
* is called on the window and its result executed
* - a `teardown` progress notification is emitted from the `closing` promise
* - the `closing` promise is resolved. The window is now closed
* See the [OOUI documentation on MediaWiki][1] for more information.
* [1]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI/Windows/Window_managers
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.Element
* @mixes OO.EventEmitter
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @param {OO.Factory} [config.factory] Window factory to use for automatic instantiation
* Note that window classes that are instantiated with a factory must have
* a {@link OO.ui.Dialog.static.name static name} property that specifies a symbolic name.
* @param {boolean} [config.modal=true] Prevent interaction outside the current window
* @param {boolean} [config.forceTrapFocus] Force the trapping of focus within windows. This is done
* automatically for modal window managers and full screen windows.
OO.ui.WindowManager = function OoUiWindowManager( config ) {
// Configuration initialization
config = config || {};
// Parent constructor
OO.ui.WindowManager.super.call( this, config );
// Mixin constructors
OO.EventEmitter.call( this );
// Properties
this.factory = config.factory;
this.modal = config.modal === undefined || !!config.modal;
this.windows = {};
// Deprecated placeholder promise given to compatOpening in openWindow()
// that is resolved in closeWindow().
this.compatOpened = null;
this.preparingToOpen = null;
this.preparingToClose = null;
this.currentWindow = null;
this.lastSize = null;
this.globalEvents = false;
this.$returnFocusTo = null;
this.isolated = false;
this.$ariaHidden = null;
this.$inert = null;
this.onWindowResizeTimeout = null;
this.onWindowResizeHandler = this.onWindowResize.bind( this );
this.afterWindowResizeHandler = this.afterWindowResize.bind( this );
this.onWindowFocusHandler = this.onWindowFocus.bind( this );
// Initialization
.addClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager' )
.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-modal', this.isModal() )
.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-forceTrapFocus', !!config.forceTrapFocus );
if ( this.isModal() ) {
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'inert', '' );
/* Setup */
OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.WindowManager, OO.ui.Element );
OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.WindowManager, OO.EventEmitter );
/* Events */
* An 'opening' event is emitted when the window begins to be opened.
* @event OO.ui.WindowManager#opening
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window that's being opened
* @param {jQuery.Promise} opened A promise resolved with a value when the window is opened
* successfully. This promise also emits `setup` and `ready` notifications. When this promise is
* resolved, the first argument of the value is an 'closed' promise, the second argument is the
* opening data.
* @param {Object} data Window opening data
* A 'closing' event is emitted when the window begins to be closed.
* @event OO.ui.WindowManager#closing
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window that's being closed
* @param {jQuery.Promise} closed A promise resolved with a value when the window is closed
* successfully. This promise also emits `hold` and `teardown` notifications. When this promise is
* resolved, the first argument of its value is the closing data.
* @param {Object} data Window closing data
* A 'resize' event is emitted when a window is resized.
* @event OO.ui.WindowManager#resize
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window that was resized
/* Static Properties */
* Map of the symbolic name of each window size and its CSS properties.
* Symbolic name must be valid as a CSS class name suffix.
* @static
* @property {Object}
OO.ui.WindowManager.static.sizes = {
small: {
width: 300
medium: {
width: 500
large: {
width: 700
larger: {
width: 900
full: {
// These can be non-numeric because they are never used in calculations
width: '100%',
height: '100%'
* Symbolic name of the default window size.
* The default size is used if the window's requested size is not recognized.
* @static
* @property {string}
OO.ui.WindowManager.static.defaultSize = 'medium';
/* Methods */
* Check if the window manager is modal, preventing interaction outside the current window
* @return {boolean} The window manager is modal
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.isModal = function () {
return this.modal;
* Handle window resize events.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Window resize event
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.onWindowResize = function () {
clearTimeout( this.onWindowResizeTimeout );
this.onWindowResizeTimeout = setTimeout( this.afterWindowResizeHandler, 200 );
* Handle window focus events.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Window focus event
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.onWindowFocus = function () {
const currentWindow = this.getCurrentWindow();
if (
// This event should only be bound while a window is open
currentWindow &&
// Focus can be moved outside the window focus traps but pressing tab
// from the address bar (T307995). When this happens move focus back
// to the start of the current window.
!OO.ui.contains( currentWindow.$element[ 0 ], document.activeElement )
) {
* Handle window resize events.
* @private
* @param {jQuery.Event} e Window resize event
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.afterWindowResize = function () {
const currentFocusedElement = document.activeElement;
if ( this.currentWindow ) {
this.updateWindowSize( this.currentWindow );
// Restore focus to the original element if it has changed.
// When a layout change is made on resize inputs lose focus
// on Android (Chrome and Firefox), see T162127.
if ( currentFocusedElement !== document.activeElement ) {
* Check if window is opening.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window to check
* @return {boolean} Window is opening
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.isOpening = function ( win ) {
return win === this.currentWindow && !!this.lifecycle &&
* Check if window is closing.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window to check
* @return {boolean} Window is closing
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.isClosing = function ( win ) {
return win === this.currentWindow && !!this.lifecycle &&
* Check if window is opened.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window to check
* @return {boolean} Window is opened
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.isOpened = function ( win ) {
return win === this.currentWindow && !!this.lifecycle &&
* Check if a window is being managed.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window to check
* @return {boolean} Window is being managed
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.hasWindow = function ( win ) {
for ( const name in this.windows ) {
if ( this.windows[ name ] === win ) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the number of milliseconds to wait after opening begins before executing the ‘setup’ process.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window being opened
* @param {Object} [data] Window opening data
* @return {number} Milliseconds to wait
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.getSetupDelay = function () {
return 0;
* Get the number of milliseconds to wait after setup has finished before executing the ‘ready’
* process.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window being opened
* @param {Object} [data] Window opening data
* @return {number} Milliseconds to wait
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.getReadyDelay = function () {
return this.isModal() ? OO.ui.theme.getDialogTransitionDuration() : 0;
* Get the number of milliseconds to wait after closing has begun before executing the 'hold'
* process.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window being closed
* @param {Object} [data] Window closing data
* @return {number} Milliseconds to wait
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.getHoldDelay = function () {
return 0;
* Get the number of milliseconds to wait after the ‘hold’ process has finished before
* executing the ‘teardown’ process.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window being closed
* @param {Object} [data] Window closing data
* @return {number} Milliseconds to wait
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.getTeardownDelay = function () {
return this.isModal() ? OO.ui.theme.getDialogTransitionDuration() : 0;
* Get a window by its symbolic name.
* If the window is not yet instantiated and its symbolic name is recognized by a factory, it will
* be instantiated and added to the window manager automatically. Please see the [OOUI documentation
* on MediaWiki][3] for more information about using factories.
* [3]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI/Windows/Window_managers
* @param {string} name Symbolic name of the window
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved with matching window, or rejected with an OO.ui.Error
* @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the symbolic name is not recognized by the factory.
* @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the named window is not recognized as a managed window.
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.getWindow = function ( name ) {
const deferred = $.Deferred();
let win = this.windows[ name ];
if ( !( win instanceof OO.ui.Window ) ) {
if ( this.factory ) {
if ( !this.factory.lookup( name ) ) {
deferred.reject( new OO.ui.Error(
'Cannot auto-instantiate window: symbolic name is unrecognized by the factory'
) );
} else {
win = this.factory.create( name );
this.addWindows( [ win ] );
deferred.resolve( win );
} else {
deferred.reject( new OO.ui.Error(
'Cannot get unmanaged window: symbolic name unrecognized as a managed window'
) );
} else {
deferred.resolve( win );
return deferred.promise();
* Get current window.
* @return {OO.ui.Window|null} Currently opening/opened/closing window
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.getCurrentWindow = function () {
return this.currentWindow;
* Open a window.
* @param {OO.ui.Window|string} win Window object or symbolic name of window to open
* @param {Object} [data] Window opening data
* @param {jQuery|null} [data.$returnFocusTo] Element to which the window will return focus when
* closed. Defaults the current activeElement. If set to null, focus isn't changed on close.
* @param {OO.ui.WindowInstance} [lifecycle] Used internally
* @param {jQuery.Deferred} [compatOpening] Used internally
* @return {OO.ui.WindowInstance} A lifecycle object representing this particular
* opening of the window. For backwards-compatibility, then object is also a Thenable that is
* resolved when the window is done opening, with nested promise for when closing starts. This
* behaviour is deprecated and is not compatible with jQuery 3, see T163510.
* @fires OO.ui.WindowManager#opening
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.openWindow = function ( win, data, lifecycle, compatOpening ) {
data = data || {};
// Internal parameter 'lifecycle' allows this method to always return
// a lifecycle even if the window still needs to be created
// asynchronously when 'win' is a string.
lifecycle = lifecycle || new OO.ui.WindowInstance();
compatOpening = compatOpening || $.Deferred();
// Turn lifecycle into a Thenable for backwards-compatibility with
// the deprecated nested-promise behaviour, see T163510.
[ 'state', 'always', 'catch', 'pipe', 'then', 'promise', 'progress', 'done', 'fail' ]
.forEach( ( method ) => {
lifecycle[ method ] = function () {
'Using the return value of openWindow as a promise is deprecated. ' +
'Use .openWindow( ... ).opening.' + method + '( ... ) instead.'
return compatOpening[ method ].apply( this, arguments );
} );
// Argument handling
if ( typeof win === 'string' ) {
this.getWindow( win ).then(
( w ) => {
this.openWindow( w, data, lifecycle, compatOpening );
( err ) => {
lifecycle.deferreds.opening.reject( err );
return lifecycle;
// Error handling
let error;
if ( !this.hasWindow( win ) ) {
error = 'Cannot open window: window is not attached to manager';
} else if ( this.lifecycle && this.lifecycle.isOpened() ) {
error = 'Cannot open window: another window is open';
} else if ( this.preparingToOpen || ( this.lifecycle && this.lifecycle.isOpening() ) ) {
error = 'Cannot open window: another window is opening';
if ( error ) {
compatOpening.reject( new OO.ui.Error( error ) );
lifecycle.deferreds.opening.reject( new OO.ui.Error( error ) );
return lifecycle;
// If a window is currently closing, wait for it to complete
this.preparingToOpen = $.when( this.lifecycle && this.lifecycle.closed );
// Ensure handlers get called after preparingToOpen is set
this.preparingToOpen.done( () => {
if ( this.isModal() ) {
this.toggleGlobalEvents( true, win );
this.toggleIsolation( true );
this.$returnFocusTo = data.$returnFocusTo !== undefined ?
data.$returnFocusTo :
$( document.activeElement );
this.currentWindow = win;
this.lifecycle = lifecycle;
this.preparingToOpen = null;
this.emit( 'opening', win, compatOpening, data );
lifecycle.deferreds.opening.resolve( data );
setTimeout( () => {
this.compatOpened = $.Deferred();
win.setup( data ).then( () => {
compatOpening.notify( { state: 'setup' } );
setTimeout( () => {
win.ready( data ).then( () => {
compatOpening.notify( { state: 'ready' } );
lifecycle.deferreds.opened.resolve( data );
compatOpening.resolve( this.compatOpened.promise(), data );
this.togglePreventIosScrolling( true );
}, ( dataOrErr ) => {
this.closeWindow( win );
if ( dataOrErr instanceof Error ) {
setTimeout( () => {
throw dataOrErr;
} );
} );
}, this.getReadyDelay() );
}, ( dataOrErr ) => {
this.closeWindow( win );
if ( dataOrErr instanceof Error ) {
setTimeout( () => {
throw dataOrErr;
} );
} );
}, this.getSetupDelay() );
} );
return lifecycle;
* Close a window.
* @param {OO.ui.Window|string} win Window object or symbolic name of window to close
* @param {Object} [data] Window closing data
* @return {OO.ui.WindowInstance} A lifecycle object representing this particular
* opening of the window. For backwards-compatibility, the object is also a Thenable that is
* resolved when the window is done closing, see T163510.
* @fires OO.ui.WindowManager#closing
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.closeWindow = function ( win, data ) {
const compatClosing = $.Deferred();
let lifecycle = this.lifecycle;
// Argument handling
if ( typeof win === 'string' ) {
win = this.windows[ win ];
} else if ( !this.hasWindow( win ) ) {
win = null;
// Error handling
let error;
if ( !lifecycle ) {
error = 'Cannot close window: no window is currently open';
} else if ( !win ) {
error = 'Cannot close window: window is not attached to manager';
} else if ( win !== this.currentWindow || this.lifecycle.isClosed() ) {
error = 'Cannot close window: window already closed with different data';
} else if ( this.preparingToClose || this.lifecycle.isClosing() ) {
error = 'Cannot close window: window already closing with different data';
if ( error ) {
// This function was called for the wrong window and we don't want to mess with the current
// window's state.
lifecycle = new OO.ui.WindowInstance();
// Pretend the window has been opened, so that we can pretend to fail to close it.
lifecycle.deferreds.opening.resolve( {} );
lifecycle.deferreds.opened.resolve( {} );
// Turn lifecycle into a Thenable for backwards-compatibility with
// the deprecated nested-promise behaviour, see T163510.
[ 'state', 'always', 'catch', 'pipe', 'then', 'promise', 'progress', 'done', 'fail' ]
.forEach( ( method ) => {
lifecycle[ method ] = function () {
'Using the return value of closeWindow as a promise is deprecated. ' +
'Use .closeWindow( ... ).closed.' + method + '( ... ) instead.'
return compatClosing[ method ].apply( this, arguments );
} );
if ( error ) {
compatClosing.reject( new OO.ui.Error( error ) );
lifecycle.deferreds.closing.reject( new OO.ui.Error( error ) );
return lifecycle;
// If the window is currently opening, close it when it's done
this.preparingToClose = $.when( this.lifecycle.opened );
// Ensure handlers get called after preparingToClose is set
this.preparingToClose.always( () => {
this.preparingToClose = null;
this.emit( 'closing', win, compatClosing, data );
lifecycle.deferreds.closing.resolve( data );
const compatOpened = this.compatOpened;
this.compatOpened = null;
compatOpened.resolve( compatClosing.promise(), data );
this.togglePreventIosScrolling( false );
setTimeout( () => {
win.hold( data ).then( () => {
compatClosing.notify( { state: 'hold' } );
setTimeout( () => {
win.teardown( data ).then( () => {
compatClosing.notify( { state: 'teardown' } );
if ( this.isModal() ) {
this.toggleGlobalEvents( false );
this.toggleIsolation( false );
if ( this.$returnFocusTo && this.$returnFocusTo.length ) {
this.$returnFocusTo[ 0 ].focus();
this.currentWindow = null;
this.lifecycle = null;
lifecycle.deferreds.closed.resolve( data );
compatClosing.resolve( data );
} );
}, this.getTeardownDelay() );
} );
}, this.getHoldDelay() );
} );
return lifecycle;
* Add windows to the window manager.
* Windows can be added by reference, symbolic name, or explicitly defined symbolic names.
* See the [OOUI documentation on MediaWiki][2] for examples.
* [2]: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/OOUI/Windows/Window_managers
* This function can be called in two manners:
* 1. `.addWindows( [ winA, winB, ... ] )` (where `winA`, `winB` are OO.ui.Window objects)
* This syntax registers windows under the symbolic names defined in their `.static.name`
* properties. For example, if `windowA.constructor.static.name` is `'nameA'`, calling
* `.openWindow( 'nameA' )` afterwards will open the window `windowA`. This syntax requires the
* static name to be set, otherwise an exception will be thrown.
* This is the recommended way, as it allows for an easier switch to using a window factory.
* 2. `.addWindows( { nameA: winA, nameB: winB, ... } )`
* This syntax registers windows under the explicitly given symbolic names. In this example,
* calling `.openWindow( 'nameA' )` afterwards will open the window `windowA`, regardless of what
* its `.static.name` is set to. The static name is not required to be set.
* This should only be used if you need to override the default symbolic names.
* Example:
* const windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
* $( document.body ).append( windowManager.$element );
* // Add a window under the default name: see OO.ui.MessageDialog.static.name
* windowManager.addWindows( [ new OO.ui.MessageDialog() ] );
* // Add a window under an explicit name
* windowManager.addWindows( { myMessageDialog: new OO.ui.MessageDialog() } );
* // Open window by default name
* windowManager.openWindow( 'message' );
* // Open window by explicitly given name
* windowManager.openWindow( 'myMessageDialog' );
* @param {Object.<string,OO.ui.Window>|OO.ui.Window[]} windows An array of window objects specified
* by reference, symbolic name, or explicitly defined symbolic names.
* @throws {Error} An error is thrown if a window is added by symbolic name, but has neither an
* explicit nor a statically configured symbolic name.
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.addWindows = function ( windows ) {
let list;
if ( Array.isArray( windows ) ) {
// Convert to map of windows by looking up symbolic names from static configuration
list = {};
for ( let i = 0, len = windows.length; i < len; i++ ) {
const name = windows[ i ].constructor.static.name;
if ( !name ) {
throw new Error( 'Windows must have a `name` static property defined.' );
list[ name ] = windows[ i ];
} else if ( OO.isPlainObject( windows ) ) {
list = windows;
// Add windows
for ( const n in list ) {
const win = list[ n ];
this.windows[ n ] = win.toggle( false );
this.$element.append( win.$element );
win.setManager( this );
* Remove the specified windows from the windows manager.
* Windows will be closed before they are removed. If you wish to remove all windows, you may wish
* to use the #clearWindows method instead. If you no longer need the window manager and want to
* ensure that it no longer listens to events, use the #destroy method.
* @param {string[]} names Symbolic names of windows to remove
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when window is closed and removed
* @throws {Error} An error is thrown if the named windows are not managed by the window manager.
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.removeWindows = function ( names ) {
const cleanup = ( name, win ) => {
delete this.windows[ name ];
const promises = names.map( ( name ) => {
const win = this.windows[ name ];
if ( !win ) {
throw new Error( 'Cannot remove window' );
const cleanupWindow = cleanup.bind( null, name, win );
return this.closeWindow( name ).closed.then( cleanupWindow, cleanupWindow );
} );
return $.when.apply( $, promises );
* Remove all windows from the window manager.
* Windows will be closed before they are removed. Note that the window manager, though not in use,
* will still listen to events. If the window manager will not be used again, you may wish to use
* the #destroy method instead. To remove just a subset of windows, use the #removeWindows method.
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when all windows are closed and removed
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.clearWindows = function () {
return this.removeWindows( Object.keys( this.windows ) );
* Set dialog size. In general, this method should not be called directly.
* Fullscreen mode will be used if the dialog is too wide to fit in the screen.
* @param {OO.ui.Window} win Window to update, should be the current window
* @chainable
* @return {OO.ui.WindowManager} The manager, for chaining
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.updateWindowSize = function ( win ) {
// Bypass for non-current, and thus invisible, windows
if ( win !== this.currentWindow ) {
const size = win.getSize();
// The following classes are used here
// * oo-ui-windowManager-size-small
// * oo-ui-windowManager-size-medium
// * oo-ui-windowManager-size-large
// * oo-ui-windowManager-size-larger
// * oo-ui-windowManager-size-full
.removeClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-size-' + this.lastSize )
.addClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-size-' + size );
this.lastSize = size;
// Backwards compatibility
const isFullscreen = size === 'full';
this.$element.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-fullscreen', isFullscreen );
this.$element.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-floating', !isFullscreen );
const $body = $( this.getElementDocument().body );
const stack = $body.data( 'windowManagerGlobalEvents' ) || [];
$body.add( $body.parent() ).toggleClass(
stack.some( ( w ) => w.getSize() === 'full' )
win.setDimensions( win.getSizeProperties() );
this.emit( 'resize', win );
return this;
* Prevent scrolling of the document on iOS devices that don't respect `body { overflow: hidden; }`.
* This function is called when the window is opened (ready), and so the background is covered up,
* and the user won't see that we're doing weird things to the scroll position.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [on=false]
* @chainable
* @return {OO.ui.WindowManager} The manager, for chaining
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.togglePreventIosScrolling = function ( on ) {
const isIos = /ipad|iphone|ipod/i.test( navigator.userAgent ),
$body = $( this.getElementDocument().body ),
stackDepth = ( $body.data( 'windowManagerGlobalEvents' ) || [] ).length;
// Only if this is the first/last WindowManager (see #toggleGlobalEvents)
if ( !isIos || stackDepth !== 1 ) {
return this;
const scrollableRoot = OO.ui.Element.static.getRootScrollableElement( $body[ 0 ] );
if ( on ) {
// We can't apply this workaround for non-fullscreen dialogs, because the user would see the
// scroll position change. If they have content that needs scrolling, you're out of luck…
// Always remember the scroll position in case dialog is closed with different size.
this.iosOrigScrollPosition = scrollableRoot.scrollTop;
if ( this.getCurrentWindow().getSize() === 'full' ) {
$body.add( $body.parent() ).addClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-ios-modal-ready' );
} else {
// Always restore ability to scroll in case dialog was opened with different size.
$body.add( $body.parent() ).removeClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-ios-modal-ready' );
if ( this.getCurrentWindow().getSize() === 'full' ) {
scrollableRoot.scrollTop = this.iosOrigScrollPosition;
return this;
* Bind or unbind global events for scrolling/focus.
* @private
* @param {boolean} [on] Bind global events
* @param {OO.ui.Window} [win] The just-opened window (when turning on events)
* @chainable
* @return {OO.ui.WindowManager} The manager, for chaining
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.toggleGlobalEvents = function ( on, win ) {
const $body = $( this.getElementDocument().body );
const $window = $( this.getElementWindow() );
// We could have multiple window managers open so only modify
// the body css at the bottom of the stack
const stack = $body.data( 'windowManagerGlobalEvents' ) || [];
on = on === undefined ? !!this.globalEvents : !!on;
const $bodyAndParent = $body.add( $body.parent() );
if ( on ) {
if ( !this.globalEvents ) {
$window.on( {
// Start listening for top-level window dimension changes
'orientationchange resize': this.onWindowResizeHandler,
focus: this.onWindowFocusHandler
} );
stack.push( win );
this.globalEvents = true;
} else if ( this.globalEvents ) {
$window.off( {
// Stop listening for top-level window dimension changes
'orientationchange resize': this.onWindowResizeHandler,
focus: this.onWindowFocusHandler
} );
this.globalEvents = false;
$bodyAndParent.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-modal-active', stack.length > 0 );
if ( stack.length === 0 ) {
$bodyAndParent.removeClass( 'oo-ui-windowManager-modal-active-fullscreen' );
$body.data( 'windowManagerGlobalEvents', stack );
return this;
* Toggle isolation of content other than the window manager.
* This hides the content from screen readers (aria-hidden) and makes
* it invisible to user input events (inert).
* @private
* @param {boolean} [isolate] Make only the window manager visible to screen readers
* @chainable
* @return {OO.ui.WindowManager} The manager, for chaining
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.toggleIsolation = function ( isolate ) {
this.isolated = isolate === undefined ? !this.isolated : !!isolate;
if ( this.isolated ) {
// In case previously set by another window manager
.removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' )
.removeAttr( 'inert' );
let $el = this.$element;
const ariaHidden = [];
const inert = [];
// Walk up the tree
while ( !$el.is( 'body' ) && $el.length ) {
// Hide all siblings at each level, just leaving the path to the manager visible.
const $siblings = $el.siblings().not( 'script' );
// Ensure the path to this manager is visible, as it may have been hidden by
// another manager.
.removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' )
.removeAttr( 'inert' );
// $ariaHidden/$inert exclude elements which already have aria-hidden/inert set,
// as we wouldn't want to reset those attributes when window closes.
// This will also support multiple window managers opening on top of each other,
// as an element hidden by another manager will not be re-enabled until *that*
// manager closes its window.
ariaHidden.push.apply( ariaHidden, $siblings.not( '[aria-hidden=true]' ).toArray() );
inert.push.apply( inert, $siblings.not( '[inert]' ).toArray() );
$el = $el.parent();
// Build lists as plain arrays for performance ($.add is slow)
this.$ariaHidden = $( ariaHidden );
this.$inert = $( inert );
// Hide everything other than the window manager from screen readers
this.$ariaHidden.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' );
this.$inert.attr( 'inert', '' );
} else {
// Restore screen reader visibility
this.$ariaHidden.removeAttr( 'aria-hidden' );
this.$inert.removeAttr( 'inert' );
this.$ariaHidden = null;
this.$inert = null;
// and hide the window manager
.attr( 'aria-hidden', 'true' )
.attr( 'inert', '' );
return this;
* Destroy the window manager.
OO.ui.WindowManager.prototype.destroy = function () {