* Progress bars visually display the status of an operation, such as a download,
* and can be either determinate or indeterminate:
* - **determinate** process bars show the percent of an operation that is complete.
* - **indeterminate** process bars use a visual display of motion to indicate that an operation
* is taking place. Because the extent of an indeterminate operation is unknown, the bar does
* not use percentages.
* The value of the `progress` configuration determines whether the bar is determinate
* or indeterminate.
* @example
* // Examples of determinate and indeterminate progress bars.
* const progressBar1 = new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget( {
* progress: 33
* } );
* const progressBar2 = new OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget();
* // Create a FieldsetLayout to layout progress bars.
* const fieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout;
* fieldset.addItems( [
* new OO.ui.FieldLayout( progressBar1, {
* label: 'Determinate',
* align: 'top'
* } ),
* new OO.ui.FieldLayout( progressBar2, {
* label: 'Indeterminate',
* align: 'top'
* } )
* ] );
* $( document.body ).append( fieldset.$element );
* @class
* @extends OO.ui.Widget
* @mixes OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement
* @constructor
* @param {Object} [config] Configuration options
* @param {number|boolean} [config.progress=false] The type of progress bar (determinate or indeterminate).
* To create a determinate progress bar, specify a number that reflects the initial
* percent complete.
* By default, the progress bar is indeterminate.
* @param {boolean} [config.inline=false] Use a smaller inline variant on the progress bar
OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget = function OoUiProgressBarWidget( config ) {
// Configuration initialization
config = config || {};
// Parent constructor
OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget.super.call( this, config );
// Mixin constructors
OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement.call( this, config );
// Properties
this.$bar = $( '<div>' );
this.progress = null;
// Initialization
this.setProgress( config.progress !== undefined ? config.progress : false );
this.$bar.addClass( 'oo-ui-progressBarWidget-bar' );
.attr( {
role: 'progressbar',
'aria-valuemin': 0,
'aria-valuemax': 100
} )
.addClass( 'oo-ui-progressBarWidget' )
.append( this.$bar );
if ( config.inline ) {
this.$element.addClass( 'oo-ui-progressBarWidget-inline' );
/* Setup */
OO.inheritClass( OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget, OO.ui.Widget );
OO.mixinClass( OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget, OO.ui.mixin.PendingElement );
/* Static Properties */
* @static
* @inheritdoc
OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget.static.tagName = 'div';
/* Methods */
* Get the percent of the progress that has been completed. Indeterminate progresses will
* return `false`.
* @return {number|boolean} Progress percent
OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget.prototype.getProgress = function () {
return this.progress;
* Set the percent of the process completed or `false` for an indeterminate process.
* @param {number|boolean} progress Progress percent or `false` for indeterminate
OO.ui.ProgressBarWidget.prototype.setProgress = function ( progress ) {
this.progress = progress;
if ( progress !== false ) {
this.$bar.css( 'width', this.progress + '%' );
this.$element.attr( 'aria-valuenow', this.progress );
} else {
this.$bar.css( 'width', '' );
this.$element.removeAttr( 'aria-valuenow' );
this.$element.toggleClass( 'oo-ui-progressBarWidget-indeterminate', progress === false );