* Lazy-initialize and return a global OO.ui.WindowManager instance, used by OO.ui.alert and
* OO.ui.confirm.
* @private
* @return {OO.ui.WindowManager}
OO.ui.getWindowManager = function () {
if ( !OO.ui.windowManager ) {
OO.ui.windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
$( OO.ui.getTeleportTarget() ).append( OO.ui.windowManager.$element );
OO.ui.windowManager.addWindows( [ new OO.ui.MessageDialog() ] );
return OO.ui.windowManager;
* Display a quick modal alert dialog, using a OO.ui.MessageDialog. While the dialog is open, the
* rest of the page will be dimmed out and the user won't be able to interact with it. The dialog
* has only one action button, labelled "OK", clicking it will simply close the dialog.
* A window manager is created automatically when this function is called for the first time.
* @example
* OO.ui.alert( 'Something happened!' ).done( function () {
* console.log( 'User closed the dialog.' );
* } );
* OO.ui.alert( 'Something larger happened!', { size: 'large' } );
* @param {jQuery|string|Function} text Message text to display
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options, see {@link OO.ui.MessageDialog#getSetupProcess}
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when the user closes the dialog
OO.ui.alert = function ( text, options ) {
return OO.ui.getWindowManager().openWindow( 'message', Object.assign( {
message: text,
actions: [ OO.ui.MessageDialog.static.actions[ 0 ] ]
}, options ) ).closed.then( () => undefined );
* Display a quick modal confirmation dialog, using a OO.ui.MessageDialog. While the dialog is open,
* the rest of the page will be dimmed out and the user won't be able to interact with it. The
* dialog has two action buttons, one to confirm an operation (labelled "OK") and one to cancel it
* (labelled "Cancel").
* A window manager is created automatically when this function is called for the first time.
* @example
* OO.ui.confirm( 'Are you sure?' ).done( function ( confirmed ) {
* if ( confirmed ) {
* console.log( 'User clicked "OK"!' );
* } else {
* console.log( 'User clicked "Cancel" or closed the dialog.' );
* }
* } );
* @param {jQuery|string|Function} text Message text to display
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options, see {@link OO.ui.MessageDialog#getSetupProcess}
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when the user closes the dialog. If the user chose to
* confirm, the promise will resolve to boolean `true`; otherwise, it will resolve to boolean
* `false`.
OO.ui.confirm = function ( text, options ) {
return OO.ui.getWindowManager().openWindow( 'message', Object.assign( {
message: text
}, options ) ).closed.then( ( data ) => !!( data && data.action === 'accept' ) );
* Display a quick modal prompt dialog, using a OO.ui.MessageDialog. While the dialog is open,
* the rest of the page will be dimmed out and the user won't be able to interact with it. The
* dialog has a text input widget and two action buttons, one to confirm an operation
* (labelled "OK") and one to cancel it (labelled "Cancel").
* A window manager is created automatically when this function is called for the first time.
* @example
* OO.ui.prompt( 'Choose a line to go to', {
* textInput: { placeholder: 'Line number' }
* } ).done( function ( result ) {
* if ( result !== null ) {
* console.log( 'User typed "' + result + '" then clicked "OK".' );
* } else {
* console.log( 'User clicked "Cancel" or closed the dialog.' );
* }
* } );
* @param {jQuery|string|Function} text Message text to display
* @param {Object} [options] Additional options, see {@link OO.ui.MessageDialog#getSetupProcess}
* @param {Object} [options.textInput] Additional options for text input widget,
* see {@link OO.ui.TextInputWidget}
* @return {jQuery.Promise} Promise resolved when the user closes the dialog. If the user chose to
* confirm, the promise will resolve with the value of the text input widget; otherwise, it will
* resolve to `null`.
OO.ui.prompt = function ( text, options ) {
const manager = OO.ui.getWindowManager(),
textInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( ( options && options.textInput ) || {} ),
textField = new OO.ui.FieldLayout( textInput, {
align: 'top',
label: text
} );
const instance = manager.openWindow( 'message', Object.assign( {
message: textField.$element
}, options ) );
// TODO: This is a little hacky, and could be done by extending MessageDialog instead.
instance.opened.then( () => {
textInput.on( 'enter', () => {
manager.getCurrentWindow().close( { action: 'accept' } );
} );
} );
return instance.closed.then( ( data ) => data && data.action === 'accept' ? textInput.getValue() : null );