Puppet Class: adduser
- Defined in:
- modules/adduser/manifests/init.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/adduser/manifests/init.pp', line 2
class adduser (
Stdlib::Unixpath $default_shell = '/bin/bash',
Stdlib::Unixpath $default_home = '/home',
Boolean $use_group_homes = false,
Boolean $use_letter_homes = false,
Stdlib::Unixpath $skel_dir = '/etc/skel',
Integer[1] $first_system_uid = 100,
Integer[1] $last_system_uid = 499,
Integer[1] $first_system_gid = 100,
Integer[1] $last_system_gid = 499,
Integer[1] $first_uid = 1000,
Integer[1] $last_uid = 59999,
Integer[1] $first_gid = 1000,
Integer[1] $last_gid = 59999,
Boolean $use_usergroups = true,
Integer[1] $users_gid = 100,
Stdlib::Filemode $dir_mode = '0755',
Boolean $home_setgid = false,
String $quota_user = '',
String $skel_ignore_regex = 'dpkg-(old|new|dist|save)',
Optional[Array[String[1]]] $extra_groups = [],
Optional[String[1]] $name_regex = undef,
) {
if $first_system_uid > $last_system_uid {
fail("\$first_system_uid (${first_system_uid}) must be smaller then \$last_system_uid (${last_system_uid})")
if $first_system_gid > $last_system_gid {
fail("\$first_system_gid (${first_system_gid}) must be smaller then \$last_system_gid (${last_system_gid})")
if $first_uid > $last_uid {
fail("\$first_uid (${first_uid}) must be smaller then \$last_uid (${last_uid})")
if $first_gid > $last_gid {
fail("\$first_gid (${first_gid}) must be smaller then \$last_gid (${last_gid})")
if $first_uid < $last_system_uid {
fail("\$last_system_uid (${last_system_uid}) must be smaller then \$first_uid (${first_uid})")
if $first_gid < $last_system_gid {
fail("\$last_system_gid (${last_system_gid}) must be smaller then \$first_gid (${first_gid})")
file {'/etc/adduser.conf':
ensure => file,
mode => '0644',
content => template('adduser/etc/adduser.conf.erb'),
systemd::sysuser { 'sysusers-base-config':
usertype => 'range',
username => '-',
id => "${first_system_uid}-${last_system_uid}",
# For historical reasons, users in modules/admin/data/data.yaml
# (for production) and in LDAP (for Labs) start at uid/gid 500, so
# we need to guard against system users being created in that
# range.
file_line { 'login.defs-SYS_UID_MAX':
path => '/etc/login.defs',
match => '#?SYS_UID_MAX\b',
line => "SYS_UID_MAX ${last_system_uid}",
file_line { 'login.defs-SYS_GID_MAX':
path => '/etc/login.defs',
match => '#?SYS_GID_MAX\b',
line => "SYS_GID_MAX ${last_system_gid}",