Puppet Class: bigtop::hadoop::namenode
- Defined in:
- modules/bigtop/manifests/hadoop/namenode.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class bigtop::hadoop::namenode
Installs and configureds Hadoop NameNode. This will format the NameNode if it is not already formatted. It will also create a common HDFS directory hierarchy.
Note: If you are using HA NameNode (indicated by setting bigtop::hadoop::nameservice_id), your JournalNodes should be running before this class is applied.
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# File 'modules/bigtop/manifests/hadoop/namenode.pp', line 12
class bigtop::hadoop::namenode(
$standby = false,
$excluded_hosts = [],
) {
Class['bigtop::hadoop'] -> Class['bigtop::hadoop::namenode']
file { "${::bigtop::hadoop::config_directory}/hosts.exclude":
ensure => present,
content => template('bigtop/hadoop/hosts.exclude.erb'),
notify => Exec['hadoop-namenode-refresh-nodes'],
# install namenode daemon package
package { 'hadoop-hdfs-namenode':
ensure => 'installed',
require => [
if ($::bigtop::hadoop::ha_enabled and $::bigtop::hadoop::zookeeper_hosts) {
if !defined(Package['zookeeper']) {
package { 'zookeeper':
ensure => 'installed'
package { 'hadoop-hdfs-zkfc':
ensure => 'installed',
require => User['hdfs'],
# Ensure that the namenode directory has the correct permissions.
file { $::bigtop::hadoop::dfs_name_dir:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'hdfs',
group => 'hdfs',
mode => '0700',
require => Package['hadoop-hdfs-namenode'],
if $standby {
$namenode_format_command = '/usr/bin/hdfs namenode -bootstrapStandby -nonInteractive'
} else {
$namenode_format_command = '/usr/bin/hdfs namenode -format -nonInteractive'
# If $dfs_name_dir/current/VERSION doesn't exist, assume
# NameNode has not been formated. Format it before
# the namenode service is started.
kerberos::exec { 'hadoop-namenode-format':
command => $namenode_format_command,
creates => "${::bigtop::hadoop::dfs_name_dir_main}/current/VERSION",
user => 'hdfs',
require => [File[$::bigtop::hadoop::dfs_name_dir], File["${::bigtop::hadoop::config_directory}/hosts.exclude"]],
service { 'hadoop-hdfs-namenode':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
alias => 'namenode',
require => Exec['hadoop-namenode-format'],
kerberos::exec { 'hadoop-namenode-refresh-nodes':
command => "/usr/bin/hdfs dfsadmin -fs hdfs://${::fqdn}:8020 -refreshNodes",
user => 'hdfs',
refreshonly => true,
require => Service['hadoop-hdfs-namenode'],
if ($::bigtop::hadoop::ha_enabled and $::bigtop::hadoop::zookeeper_hosts) {
# Create a znode in ZooKeeper inside of which the automatic failover
# system stores its data. The command will create a znode in ZooKeeper
# and it needs to be executed only when the znode is not present.
# Catch-all if the zookeeper_hosts is not an array.
$zookeeper_hosts = $::bigtop::hadoop::zookeeper_hosts
$zookeeper_hosts_string = inline_template(
'<%= Array(@zookeeper_hosts).join(",") %>'
kerberos::exec { 'hadoop-hdfs-zkfc-init':
# If the znode created by -formatZK already exists, and for
# some buggy reason it happens to run, -formatZK will prompt
# the user to confirm if the znode should be reformatted.
# Puppet isn't able to answer this question on its own.
# Default to answering with 'N' if the command asks.
# This should never happen, but just in case it does,
# We don't want this eternally unanswered prompt to fill up
# puppet logs and disks.
command => 'echo N | hdfs zkfc -formatZK',
user => 'hdfs',
require => [
# NOTE. zkCli.sh from debian uses different install path than
# from CDH. Add both possibilities to PATH.
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/share/zookeeper/bin:/usr/lib/zookeeper/bin',
# Don't attempt to run this command if the znode already exists
# or if a Java Exception is returned by the zkCli tool containing
# the ERROR log (for example when the Zookeeper node is down).
unless => "zkCli.sh -server ${zookeeper_hosts_string} \
stat /hadoop-ha/${::bigtop::hadoop::cluster_name} 2>&1 \
| egrep -q 'ctime|ERROR'",
# Supporting daemon to enable automatic-failover via health-check.
# Stores its state in zookeeper.
service { 'hadoop-hdfs-zkfc':
ensure => 'running',
enable => true,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => [