Puppet Class: bigtop::hive
- Defined in:
- modules/bigtop/manifests/hive.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class bigtop::hive
Installs Hive packages (needed for Hive Client). Use this in conjunction with bigtop::hive::master to install and set up a Hive Server and Hive Metastore. This also installs hive-hcatalog
$metastore_host - fqdn of the metastore host $zookeeper_hosts - Array of zookeeper hostname/IP(:port)s.
Default: undef (zookeeper lock management
will not be used).
$support_concurrency - Whether Hive supports concurrency or not. A Zookeeper
instance must be up and running for the default Hive
lock manager to support read-write locks.
Default: false
$jdbc_database - Metastore JDBC database name.
Default: 'hive_metastore'
$jdbc_username - Metastore JDBC username. Default: hive $jdbc_password - Metastore JDBC password. Default: hive $jdbc_host - Metastore JDBC hostname. Default: localhost $jdbc_port - Metastore JDBC port. Default: 3306 $jdbc_driver - Metastore JDBC driver class name.
Default: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
$jdbc_protocol - Metastore JDBC protocol. Default: mysql
Only set these if your root user cannot issue database
commands without a different username and password.
Default: undef
$variable_substitute_depth - The maximum replacements the substitution engine will do. Default: undef
$auxpath - Additional path to pass to hive. Default: undef $parquet_compression - Compression type for parquet-format to use. It will
ignore mapreduce_output_compession_codec. Set this to
one of UNCOMPRESSED, SNAPPY, GZIP. Default: undef
$exec_parallel_thread_number - Number of jobs at most can be executed in parallel.
Set this to 0 to disable parallel execution.
$optimize_skewjoin - Enable or disable skew join optimization.
Default: false
$skewjoin_key - Number of rows where skew join is used.
- Default: 10000
$skewjoin_mapjoin_map_tasks - Number of map tasks used in the follow up
map join jobfor a skew join. Default: 10000.
$skewjoin_mapjoin_min_split - Skew join minimum split size. Default: 33554432
$stats_enabled - Enable or disable temp Hive stats. Default: false $stats_dbclass - The default database class that stores
temporary hive statistics. Default: jdbc:derby
$stats_jdbcdriver - JDBC driver for the database that stores
temporary hive statistics.
Default: org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
$stats_dbconnectionstring - Connection string for the database that stores
temporary hive statistics.
Default: jdbc:derby:;databaseName=TempStatsStore;create=true
$hive_metastore_sasl_enabled - If true, the metastore thrift interface will be secured with SASL.
Clients must authenticate with Kerberos. Default: undef
$hive_metastore_kerberos_keytab_file - The path to the Kerberos Keytab file containing the metastore
thrift server's service principal.</description>
$hive_metastore_kerberos_principal - The service principal for the metastore thrift server.
The special string _HOST will be replaced automatically with
the correct host name.
$hive_server2_authentication - This property sets the authentication mode for Hive Server 2.
Values available: NOSASL, KERBEROS, NONE, PLAINTEXT. Default: undef
$hive_server2_authentication_kerberos_principal - The service principal for the Hive Server. Default: undef $hive_server2_authentication_kerberos_keytab - The path to the Kerberos Keytab file. $config_files_group_ownership - The file group ownership of Hive's configuration files like hive-site.xml.
When running jobs in Hadoop is desirable not to run them under users like 'hdfs'
but with lower priviledged ones. These jobs needs, most of the times, to read
files like hive-site.xml, so proper group permissions are needed.
Default: 'hdfs'
hive_metastore_disallow_incompatible_col_type_changes - If true, the Metastore will disallow incompatible column type changes through
alter table. This is a new setting in Hive 2.x.
Hive Default: true (was: false in Hive 1.x)
Default: undef (we don't want to render it with Hive 1.x)
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# File 'modules/bigtop/manifests/hive.pp', line 79
class bigtop::hive(
$zookeeper_hosts = undef,
$support_concurrency = false,
$jdbc_database = 'hive_metastore',
$jdbc_username = 'hive',
$jdbc_password = 'hive',
$jdbc_host = 'localhost',
$jdbc_port = 3306,
$jdbc_driver = 'com.mysql.jdbc.Driver',
$jdbc_protocol = 'mysql',
$jdbc_tls_settings = 'useSSL=true&enabledTLSProtocols=TLSv1.2',
$deploy_jdbc_settings = false,
$variable_substitute_depth = undef,
$auxpath = undef,
$parquet_compression = undef,
$exec_parallel_thread_number = 8,
$optimize_skewjoin = false,
$skewjoin_key = 10000,
$skewjoin_mapjoin_map_tasks = 10000,
$skewjoin_mapjoin_min_split = 33554432,
$stats_enabled = false,
$stats_dbclass = 'jdbc:derby',
$stats_jdbcdriver = 'org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver',
$stats_dbconnectionstring = 'jdbc:derby:;databaseName=TempStatsStore;create=true',
$hive_site_template = 'bigtop/hive/hive-site.xml.erb',
$hive_log4j_version = 1,
$hive_log4j_template = 'bigtop/hive/hive-log4j.properties.erb',
$hive_exec_log4j_template = 'bigtop/hive/hive-exec-log4j.properties.erb',
$hive_log4j2_template = 'bigtop/hive/hive-log4j2.properties.erb',
$hive_exec_log4j2_template = 'bigtop/hive/hive-exec-log4j2.properties.erb',
$parquet_logging_template = 'bigtop/hive/parquet-logging.properties.erb',
$hive_env_template = 'bigtop/hive/hive-env.sh.erb',
$java_home = undef,
$hive_metastore_opts = '-Xmx2048m',
$hive_server_opts = '-Xmx2048m',
$hive_metastore_jmx_port = 9979,
$hive_server_jmx_port = 9978,
$hive_server_udf_blacklist = undef,
$hive_metastore_sasl_enabled = undef,
$hive_metastore_kerberos_keytab_file = undef,
$hive_metastore_kerberos_principal = undef,
$hive_server2_authentication = undef,
$hive_server2_authentication_kerberos_principal = undef,
$hive_server2_authentication_kerberos_keytab = undef,
$hive_cluster_delegation_token_store_class = undef,
$config_files_group_ownership = 'hdfs',
$hive_metastore_disallow_incompatible_col_type_changes = undef,
) {
Class['bigtop::hadoop'] -> Class['bigtop::hive']
package { 'hive':
ensure => 'installed',
# Explicitly adding the 'hive' user
# to the catalog, even if created by the hive package,
# to allow other resources to require it.
user { 'hive':
gid => 'hive',
comment => 'Hive User',
home => '/var/lib/hive',
shell => '/bin/false',
managehome => false,
system => true,
require => Package['hive'],
# https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HIVE-12582
# Introduce the HIVE_SERVER2_HADOOP_OPTS environment variable
# to allow a fine tuning of JVM's parameters. Not yet included in
# upstream's Hive or related distributions.
file { '/usr/lib/hive/bin/ext/hiveserver2.sh':
source => 'puppet:///modules/bigtop/hive/hiveserver2.sh',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
require => Package['hive'],
$config_directory = "/etc/hive/conf.${bigtop::hadoop::cluster_name}"
# Create the $cluster_name based $config_directory.
file { $config_directory:
ensure => 'directory',
require => Package['hive'],
bigtop::alternative { 'hive-conf':
link => '/etc/hive/conf',
path => $config_directory,
# If we need more hcatalog services
# (e.g. webhcat), this may be moved
# to a class of its own.
package { 'hive-hcatalog':
ensure => 'installed',
require => Package['hive'],
if $deploy_jdbc_settings {
# Make sure hive-site.xml is not world readable on the
# metastore host. On the metastore host, hive-site.xml
# will contain database connection credentials.
$hive_site_mode = '0440'
$base_jdbc_connection_url = "jdbc:${jdbc_protocol}://${jdbc_host}:${jdbc_port}/${jdbc_database}"
# If the Metastore does not connect to the database on localhost,
# force TLS to encrypt traffic and to verify the target db-host.
if $jdbc_host != $::fqdn {
$jdbc_connection_url = "${base_jdbc_connection_url}?${jdbc_tls_settings}"
} else {
$jdbc_connection_url = $base_jdbc_connection_url
} else {
$hive_site_mode = '0444'
file { "${config_directory}/hive-env.sh":
content => template($hive_env_template),
mode => '0444',
owner => 'root',
group => 'hdfs',
require => Package['hive'],
file { "${config_directory}/hive-site.xml":
content => template($hive_site_template),
mode => $hive_site_mode,
owner => 'hive',
group => $config_files_group_ownership,
require => Package['hive'],
# Remove log4j v1 configuration files if v2 has been specified for use
case $hive_log4j_version {
2: {
$ensure_log4j2_config = present
$ensure_log4j_config = absent
default: {
$ensure_log4j2_config = absent
$ensure_log4j_config = present
file { "${config_directory}/hive-log4j.properties":
ensure => $ensure_log4j_config,
content => template($hive_log4j_template),
require => Package['hive'],
file { "${config_directory}/hive-log4j2.properties":
ensure => $ensure_log4j2_config,
content => template($hive_log4j2_template),
require => Package['hive'],
file { "${config_directory}/hive-exec-log4j.properties":
ensure => $ensure_log4j_config,
content => template($hive_exec_log4j_template),
require => Package['hive'],
file { "${config_directory}/hive-exec-log4j2.properties":
ensure => $ensure_log4j2_config,
content => template($hive_exec_log4j2_template),
require => Package['hive'],
# https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T275757#6958662
file { "${config_directory}/parquet-logging.properties":
content => template($parquet_logging_template),
require => Package['hive'],