Puppet Class: cassandra
- Defined in:
- modules/cassandra/manifests/init.pp
Class: cassandra
Installs and configures a Cassandra server
(Much of this module was adapted from: github.com/msimonin/puppet-cassandra)
Note: This class requires the Puppet stdlib module, particularly the pick() function.
class { '::cassandra':
cluster_name => 'my_cluster',
seeds => ['', ''],
dc => 'my_datacenter1',
rack => 'my_rack1',
# … }
- cluster_name
The logical name of this Cassandra cluster. Default: Test Cluster
- tls_cluster_name
If specified, use private keys (client and server) from private.git belonging to this cluster. Also install the cluster's CA as trusted. Default: undef
- tls_use_pki
Whether or not to use PKI for TLS certificates. See T288470 Default: false
- tls_use_pki_truststore
Whether or not to use a special truststore to support PKI TLS certificates. See T288470 Default: false
- tls_use_pki_keep_old_ca
Whether or not to keep the old root CA around when a PKI trustore is used. Only needed to keep consistency when upgrading to PKI. See T352647 Default: false
- tls_keystore_password
Password of the TLS keystore to use. Needed only if tls_use_pki is true. Default: undef
- instances
An hash from instance name to several instance-specific parameters, including:
* jmx_port must be unique per-host * listen_address address to use for cassandra clients * rpc_address address to use for cassandra cluster traffic
See also cassandra::instance
Unless default behaviour (as in Cassandra's Debian package) is wanted, each instance will have its configuration deployed at /etc/cassandra-<TITLE> with data at /srv/cassandra-<TITLE> and a corresponding nodetool binary named nodetool-<TITLE> to be used to access instances individually. Similarly each instance service will be available under “cassandra-<TITLE>”.
- default_instance_params
A hash of default instance parameters, to reduce duplication when multiple instances share the same configuration. A hash is used instead of parameters on the cassandra class to better identify parameters that only apply to instances and not to the cassandra class. Some shared parameters are still present on the cassandra class, either because they are used directly by the cassandra class, or because they are referenced from other classes / modules. Default: {}
- seeds
Array of seed IPs for this Cassandra cluster. Default: [$::ipaddress]
- listen_address
Cassandra listen IP address. Default $::ipaddress
- additional_jvm_opts
Additional options to pass to the JVM. Default: []
- extra_classpath
Additional files and/or directories to append to the JVM classpath. Default: []
- target_version
The Cassandra version to configure for. Valid choices are '3.x', '4.x', and 'dev' Default: 3.x
- memory_allocator
The off-heap memory allocator. Default: JEMallocAllocator
- cassandra_passwords
A hash containing user->pass mappings Default: undef
- native_transport_port
Native transport listen port. Default: 9042
- dc
Logical name datacenter name. This will only be used if $endpoint_snitch is GossipingPropertyFileSnitch. Default: dc1
- rack
Logical rack name. This will only be used if $endpoint_snitch is GossipingPropertyFileSnitch. Default rack1
- start_rpc
Whether to start the thrift rpc server. Default: true
- super_username
Cassandra superuser username. Username and password for superuser will be written to /etc/cassandra/cqlshrc for easy/unattended usage by cqlsh. Default: cassandra
- super_password
Cassandra superuser password. Default: cassandra
- java_package
The java package name responsible for installing java If present this is used to add dependencies on the cassandra install
- auto_apply_grants
If true, automatically apply grants files on this node when there is a change.
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# File 'modules/cassandra/manifests/init.pp', line 132
class cassandra (
String $cluster_name = 'Test Cluster',
Optional[String] $tls_cluster_name = undef,
Boolean $tls_use_pki = false,
Boolean $tls_use_pki_truststore = false,
Boolean $tls_use_pki_keep_old_ca = false,
Optional[String] $tls_keystore_password = undef,
Hash $instances = {},
Hash $default_instance_params = {},
Array[Stdlib::Host] $seeds = [$::ipaddress],
Stdlib::IP::Address $listen_address = $::ipaddress,
Array[String] $additional_jvm_opts = [],
Array[String] $extra_classpath = [],
Enum['3.x', 'dev', '4.x'] $target_version = '3.x',
String $memory_allocator = 'JEMallocAllocator',
Hash[String, String] $cassandra_passwords = {},
Stdlib::Port $native_transport_port = 9042,
String $dc = 'datacenter1',
String $rack = 'rack1',
Stdlib::Host $logstash_host = 'logstash.svc.eqiad.wmnet',
Stdlib::Port $logstash_port = 11514,
Boolean $start_rpc = true,
Array[String] $jbod_devices = [],
String $super_username = 'cassandra',
String $super_password = 'cassandra',
Optional[String] $version = undef,
Array[String] $users = [],
Optional[String] $java_package = undef,
Boolean $auto_apply_grants = false,
) {
ensure_packages(['cassandra-tools-wmf', 'jvm-tools'])
# We pin the version to a specific one.
$package_version = $target_version ? {
'3.x' => pick($version, '3.11.14'),
'4.x' => pick($version, '4.1.5'),
'dev' => pick($version, '4.1.5')
$component = $target_version ? {
'3.x' => 'component/cassandra311',
'4.x' => 'component/cassandra41',
'dev' => 'component/cassandradev'
$cassandra_require = $java_package ? {
undef => undef,
default => Package[$java_package]
apt::package_from_component { 'cassandra':
packages => { 'cassandra' => $package_version },
component => $component,
require => $cassandra_require,
package { 'cassandra-tools':
ensure => $package_version,
require => Package['cassandra'],
# Make sure libjemalloc is installed if we are going to use the JEMallocAllocator.
if $memory_allocator == 'JEMallocAllocator' {
# Create non-default cassandra instances if requested.
# Default is to keep Debian package behaviour,
# in other words create a "default" instance.
$default_common = {
cluster_name => $cluster_name,
tls_cluster_name => $tls_cluster_name,
tls_use_pki => $tls_use_pki,
tls_use_pki_truststore => $tls_use_pki_truststore,
tls_use_pki_keep_old_ca => $tls_use_pki_keep_old_ca,
tls_keystore_password => $tls_keystore_password,
seeds => $seeds,
additional_jvm_opts => $additional_jvm_opts,
extra_classpath => $extra_classpath,
memory_allocator => $memory_allocator,
listen_address => $listen_address,
users => $users,
native_transport_port => $native_transport_port,
target_version => $target_version,
dc => $dc,
rack => $rack,
logstash_host => $logstash_host,
logstash_port => $logstash_port,
start_rpc => $start_rpc,
super_username => $super_username,
super_password => $super_password,
cassandra_passwords => $cassandra_passwords,
auto_apply_grants => $auto_apply_grants,
if empty($instances) {
$defaults_for_single_instance = {
config_directory => '/etc/cassandra',
service_name => 'cassandra',
tls_hostname => $::hostname,
pid_file => '/var/run/cassandra/cassandra.pid',
instance_id => $::hostname,
jmx_port => 7199,
data_directory_base => '/var/lib/cassandra',
commitlog_directory => '/var/lib/cassandra/commitlog',
hints_directory => '/var/lib/cassandra/data/hints',
heapdump_directory => '/var/lib/cassandra/',
saved_caches_directory => '/var/lib/cassandra/saved_caches',
nodetool_path => '/usr/bin/nodetool',
$actual_defaults = merge(
$instances_to_create = {
'default' => {},
} else {
$instances_to_create = $instances
$actual_defaults = merge(
# if running multi-instances, make sure the default instance is stopped
service { 'cassandra':
ensure => stopped,
$instances_to_create.each |$instance, $params| {
cassandra::instance { $instance:
* => $actual_defaults + $params,
cassandra::jbod_device { $jbod_devices: }
# nodetool wrapper to handle multiple instances, for each instance there
# will be symlinks from /usr/local/bin/nodetool-<INSTANCE_NAME> to
# nodetool-instance
file { '/usr/local/bin/nodetool-instance':
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/nodetool-instance",
owner => 'cassandra',
group => 'cassandra',
mode => '0555',
require => Package['cassandra'],
# sstable utility wrapper to handle multiple instances, for each instance
# there will be symlinks from /usr/local/bin/<UTILITY>-<INSTANCE_NAME> to
# sstable-util-instance
file { '/usr/local/bin/sstable-util-instance':
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/sstable-util-instance",
owner => 'cassandra',
group => 'cassandra',
mode => '0555',
require => Package['cassandra'],
file { '/etc/cassandra.in.sh':
ensure => present,
content => template("${module_name}/cassandra.in.sh-${target_version}.erb"),
owner => 'cassandra',
group => 'cassandra',
mode => '0444',
require => Package['cassandra'],
# no-op sysv init script
file { '/etc/init.d/cassandra':
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/cassandra-init.d",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => Package['cassandra'],
file { '/etc/tmpfiles.d/cassandra.conf':
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/cassandra-tmpfiles.conf",
owner => 'cassandra',
group => 'cassandra',
mode => '0444',
require => Package['cassandra'],
file { '/etc/cassandra-instances.d':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'cassandra',
group => 'cassandra',
mode => '0755',
require => Package['cassandra'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/cassandra_validate_grants':
ensure => present,
source => "puppet:///modules/${module_name}/validate_grant_statements.py",
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => Package['cassandra'],