Puppet Class: ceph::osds
- Defined in:
- modules/ceph/manifests/osds.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/ceph/manifests/osds.pp', line 2
class ceph::osds (
String $fsid,
Hash[String, Hash] $mon_hosts,
Boolean $discrete_bluestore_device = false,
Optional[Hash[String, Hash]] $osd_hosts = undef,
Optional[Array[String]] $absent_osds = undef,
Optional[Array[String]] $excluded_slots = undef,
Optional[String] $bluestore_device_name = undef,
) {
Ceph::Auth::Keyring['admin'] -> Class['ceph::osds']
Ceph::Auth::Keyring['bootstrap-osd'] -> Class['ceph::osds']
Ceph::Auth::Keyring["osd.${facts['hostname']}"] -> Class['ceph::osds']
Class['ceph::config'] -> Class['ceph::osds']
# Disable the write cache on devices using the SCSI disk driver
$facts['disk_type'].filter | $disk | { $disk[0] =~ 'sd*' }.each |$disk, $type| {
# Unset wite cache
exec { "Disable write cache on device /dev/${disk}":
# 0->disable, 1->enable
command => "hdparm -W 0 /dev/${disk}",
user => 'root',
unless => "hdparm -W /dev/${disk} | grep write-caching | egrep '(not supported|off)'",
path => ['/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
# Set io scheduler on disks
# hdd -> mq-deadline
# ssd/nvme -> none
if ($type == 'ssd') {
$disk_io_scheduler = 'none'
} elsif ($type == 'hdd') {
$disk_io_scheduler = 'mq-deadline'
} else {
fail("${type} for /dev/${disk} is currently not managed")
# The device names /dev/sd* may be volatile, but if they change this will detect it
# and refresh the sysfsutils service on first puppet run after boot.
sysfs::parameters { "scheduler_${disk}":
priority => 90,
values => {
"block/${disk}/queue/scheduler" => $disk_io_scheduler,
# Create a new hash with the populated slots from all controllers, exclude any that are in the list of excluded slots.
# This mechanism is intended to be used to avoid adding an OSD for the operating system disks.
# n.b. The ceph_disks fact is not available until after the first puppet run, so this conditional will defer management
# of the OSDs until the second puppet run. This is a temporary measure to fix reimages.
if $facts['ceph_disks'] {
$storage_disks = $facts['ceph_disks'].values.map | $controller | {
}.reduce | $memo, $disk | {
$memo + $disk
}.filter | $slot | {
! ($slot[0] in $excluded_slots)
else {
$storage_disks = {}
# Optional support for creating bluestore partitions on a named NVMe device
if ( $discrete_bluestore_device and $bluestore_device_name =~ '\/dev\/nvme[0-9]*n[0-9]*' ) {
# Set gpt partition table
exec { "Create gpt label on ${bluestore_device_name}":
command => "parted -s -a optimal ${bluestore_device_name} mklabel gpt",
user => 'root',
unless => "parted -s ${bluestore_device_name} print|grep \"Partition Table: gpt\"",
path => ['/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
# Filter the list of storage disks to obtain a list of HDDs that are to be used for hosting an OSD,
# then partition the given device equally between the number of HDDs.
$hdd_storage_disks = $storage_disks.values.filter | $disk | { $disk['medium'] == 'HDD' }
if ( $hdd_storage_disks.length > 0 ) {
$percent_partition = 100 / $hdd_storage_disks.length
$hdd_storage_disks.each |$index, $hdd_disk| {
$start_partition = 0 + $index * $percent_partition
$end_partition = ($index +1) * $percent_partition
$hdd_disk_label = "c${hdd_disk['controller']}e${hdd_disk['enclosure']}s${hdd_disk['slot']}"
exec { "Create partition db.${hdd_disk_label} on ${bluestore_device_name}":
command => "parted -s -a optimal ${bluestore_device_name} mkpart db.${hdd_disk_label} ext4 ${start_partition}% ${end_partition}%",
user => 'root',
unless => "parted -s ${bluestore_device_name} print|grep db.${hdd_disk_label}",
path => ['/usr/sbin', '/usr/bin'],
# Create the OSD devices - We use the wwn here because it will always refer to the same drive.
# It is not safe to depend on the device name /dev/sd* remaining the same across reboots.
$storage_disks.each |$slot_id, $disk| {
# Construct a name for the osd based on its controller, enclosure, and slot values.
$osd_label = "c${disk['controller']}e${disk['enclosure']}s${disk['slot']}"
# If this is a hard drive and we have specified that discrete bluestore partitions
# are in use, then use its named partition for the bluestore db.
if ($disk['medium'] == 'HDD') and $discrete_bluestore_device {
$bluestore_db = "/dev/disk/by-partlabel/db.${osd_label}"
} else {
$bluestore_db = undef
# For a SATA disk the WWN reported by the perccli64 tool matches that reported by the kernel in /dev/disk/by-id/wwwn-0x*.
# For a SAS hard drive we need to increment the hex string reported by three bits to obtain the LUN.
# For a SAS sold-state drive we need to increment the hex string by one bit to obtain the first SAS port.
# In order to handle this we convert the wwn to a decimal, add zero, one, or three bits, then convert it back to hexadecimal in lowercase.
$sas_disk = bool2num($disk['interface'] == 'SAS')
$wwn_bitshift = $disk['medium'] ? {
'SSD' => $sas_disk,
'HDD' => $sas_disk * 3,
$wwid = String.new(Integer.new("0x${disk['wwn']}")+$wwn_bitshift,'%#x')
# This device name will always be a symlink from the disk with this WWN to its current /dev/sd* name, as managed by udev.
# The links are always in lower case, whereas the WWN reported by the perccli64 tool is in upper case.
$device = "/dev/disk/by-id/wwn-${wwid}"
# Use the medium in the ceph_disks fact to inform the ceph-volume tool of its device class at the time of OSD creation.
$device_class = $disk['medium'].downcase
# Check to see if the current disk is marked for removal. This is intended to support replacement of failed OSDs
# by temporarily absenting them. As opposed to $excluded_slots which is for permanently ignoring certain slots such as
# those used for holding the O/S.
$ensure_osd = ($osd_label in $absent_osds).bool2str('absent', 'present')
ceph::osd { $osd_label:
ensure => $ensure_osd,
fsid => $fsid,
device => $device,
device_class => $device_class,
bluestore_db => $bluestore_db,