Puppet Class: confluent::kafka::broker
- Defined in:
- modules/confluent/manifests/kafka/broker.pp
Class confluent::kafka::broker
Sets up a Kafka Broker and ensures that it is running.
- enabled
Boolean. If true, systemd::service will be passed ensure => present, otherwise ensure => absent. Default: true.
- brokers
Hash of Kafka Broker configs keyed by fqdn of each kafka broker node. This Hash should be of the form: { 'hostA' => { 'id' => 1, 'rack' => 'A' }, 'hostB' => { 'id' => 2, 'rack' => 'B' }, … } Default: { $::fqdn => { 'id' => 1 } }
'rack' is optional, but will be used for broker.rack awareness.
- listeners
Array of URIs Kafka will listen on. Default: ['PLAINTEXT://:9092']
- security_inter_broker_protocol
Security protocol used to communicate between brokers. Default: undef
- ssl_keystore_location
The location of the key store file. Default: undef
- ssl_keystore_password
The store password for the key store file. Default: undef
- ssl_key_password
The password of the private key in the key store file. Default: undef
- ssl_truststore_location
The location of the trust store file. Default: undef
- ssl_truststore_password
The password for the trust store file. Default: undef
- *ssl_client_auth
Configures kafka broker to request client authentication. Must be one of 'none', 'requested', or 'required'. Default: undef
- ssl_enabled_protocols*
Comma separated string of enabled ssl protocols that will be accepted from clients
e.g. TLSv1.2,TLSv1.1,TLSv1. Default: undef
- ssl_cipher_suites
Comma separated string of cipher suites that will be accepted from clients. Default: undef
- log_dirs
Array of directories in which the broker will store its received message data. Default: ['/var/spool/kafka']
- zookeeper_connect
Zookeeper URI list and chroot on which Kafka will store its metadata. To use multiple hosts and a chroot, do something like
Default: localhost:2181
- zookeeper_connection_timeout_ms
The max time that the client waits to establish a connection to zookeeper. If not set, the value in zookeeper.session.timeout.ms is used. Default: 6000
- zookeeper_session_timeout_ms
Zookeeper session timeout. Default: 6000
- auto_create_topics_enable
If autocreation of topics is allowed. Default: true
- auto_leader_rebalance_enable
If leaders should be auto rebalanced. Default: true
- num_partitions
The default number of partitions per topic. Default: 1
- default_replication_factor
The default replication factor for automatically created topics. Default: 1
- delete_topic_enable
Enables topic deletion. Default: true
- min_insync_replicas
When producing with acks=all, this specifiies the number of replicas that should be in a partition's ISR. If fewer than this are present, the produce request will fail. Default: 1
- replica_lag_time_max_ms
If a follower hasn't sent any fetch requests for this window of time, the leader will remove the follower from ISR. Default: undef (10000)
- num_recovery_threads_per_data_dir
The number of threads per data directory to be used for log recovery at startup and flushing at shutdown. Default: undef (1)
- replica_socket_timeout_ms
The socket timeout for network requests to the leader for replicating data. Default: undef (30000)
- replica_socket_receive_buffer_bytes
The socket receive buffer for network requests to the leader for replicating data. Default: undef (65536)
- num_replica_fetchers
Number of threads used to replicate messages from leaders. Default: 1
- replica_fetch_max_bytes
The number of bytes of messages to attempt to fetch for each partition in the fetch requests the replicas send to the leader. Default: undef (1048576)
- max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots
The maximum number of incremental fetch sessions that we will maintain. Default: undef (1000).
- num_network_threads
The number of threads handling network requests. Default: undef (3)
- num_io_threads
The number of threads doing disk I/O. Default: size($log_dirs)
- socket_send_buffer_bytes
The byte size of the send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) used by the socket server. Default: 1048576
- socket_receive_buffer_bytes
The byte size of receive buffer (SO_RCVBUF) #used by the socket server. Default: 1048576
- socket_request_max_bytes
The maximum size of a request that the socket server will accept. Default: undef (104857600)
- log_message_timestamp_type
Default message timestamp type for a topic if it is not set on that topic. CreateTime means the timestamp will only be set if the producer provides it. LogAppendTime means that the broker will set it to the time is receives the message. You can override this setting per topic. Default: LogAppendTime
- log_flush_interval_messages
The number of messages accumulated on a log partition before messages are flushed to disk. Default: 10000
- log_flush_interval_ms
The maximum amount of time a message can sit in a log before we force a flush: Default 1000 (1 second)
- log_retention_hours
The number of hours to keep a log file before deleting it (in hours). Default 168 (1 week)
- log_retention_bytes
The maximum size of the log before deleting it. Default: undef
- log_segment_bytes
The maximum size of a log segment file. When this size is reached a new log segment will be created: Default undef (512MB)
- log_retention_check_interval_ms
The frequency in milliseconds that the log cleaner checks whether any log eligible for deletion. Default: undef (300000)
- log_cleanup_policy
Designates the retention policy to use on old log segments. 'delete' will discard old segments when their retention time or size limit has been reached. 'compact' will enable log compaction. Default: delete
- offsets_retention_minutes
Log retention window in minutes for offsets topic. Default: 10080 (1 week)
- log_max_backup_index
Number of (256 MB) log files to keep in /var/log/kafka. Default: 4
- inter_broker_protocol_version
Specify which version of the inter-broker protocol will be used. This is typically bumped after all brokers were upgraded to a new version. Default: undef
- * group_initial_rebalance_delay*
The time, in milliseconds, that the `GroupCoordinator` will delay the initial consumer rebalance.
- log_message_format_version
Specify the message format version the broker will use to append messages to the logs. By setting a particular message format version, the user is certifying that all the existing messages on disk are smaller or equal than the specified version. Setting this value incorrectly will cause consumers with older versions to break as they will receive messages with a format that they don't understand. Default: undef
- nofiles_ulimit
The broker process' number of open files ulimit. Default: 8192
- java_opts
Extra Java options. Default: undef
- classpath
Extra classpath entries. Default: undef
- jmx_port
Port on which to expose JMX metrics. Default: 9999
- heap_opts
Heap options to pass to JVM on startup. Default: undef
- jvm_performance_opts
Value to use for KAFKA_JVM_PERFORMANCE_OPTS in /etc/default/kafka. This controls GC settings. Default: undef.
- server_properties_template
Default: 'confluent/kafka/server.properties.erb'
- default_template
Default: 'confluent/kafka/kafka.default.erb'
- log4j_properties_template
Default: 'confluent/kafka/log4j.properties.erb'
- message_max_bytes
The maximum message size allowed. Default: 1048576
- allow_everyone_if_no_acl_found
If this value is on true, only the topics on which are ACLs are set are secured. Default: true
- super_users
List of super user CNs. If configuring SSL, this should at least include the cluster's SSL principal so the cluster can operate.
- authorizer_class_name
Sets up the ACL authorization provider specified as parameter. It also set up a more verbose log4j logging related to ACL authorization events. Default: undef
- authorizer_log_level
Default: INFO
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# File 'modules/confluent/manifests/kafka/broker.pp', line 247
class confluent::kafka::broker(
$enabled = true,
$brokers = {
"${::fqdn}" => {
'id' => 1,
'port' => 9092,
$listeners = ['PLAINTEXT://:9092'],
$security_inter_broker_protocol = undef,
$ssl_keystore_location = undef,
$ssl_keystore_password = undef,
$ssl_key_password = undef,
$ssl_truststore_location = undef,
$ssl_truststore_password = undef,
$ssl_client_auth = undef,
$ssl_enabled_protocols = undef,
$ssl_cipher_suites = undef,
$log_dirs = ['/var/spool/kafka'],
$zookeeper_connect = 'localhost:2181',
$zookeeper_connection_timeout_ms = undef,
$zookeeper_session_timeout_ms = undef,
$auto_create_topics_enable = true,
$auto_leader_rebalance_enable = true,
$num_partitions = 1,
$default_replication_factor = 1,
$delete_topic_enable = true,
$offsets_topic_replication_factor = undef,
$min_insync_replicas = 1,
$replica_lag_time_max_ms = undef,
$num_recovery_threads_per_data_dir = undef,
$replica_socket_timeout_ms = undef,
$replica_socket_receive_buffer_bytes = undef,
$num_replica_fetchers = 1,
$replica_fetch_max_bytes = undef,
$max_incremental_fetch_session_cache_slots = undef,
$num_network_threads = undef,
$num_io_threads = size($log_dirs),
$socket_send_buffer_bytes = 1048576,
$socket_receive_buffer_bytes = 1048576,
$socket_request_max_bytes = undef,
$log_message_timestamp_type = 'CreateTime',
$log_flush_interval_messages = undef,
$log_flush_interval_ms = undef,
$log_retention_hours = 168, # 1 week
$log_retention_bytes = undef,
$log_segment_bytes = undef,
$log_retention_check_interval_ms = undef,
$log_cleanup_policy = undef,
$offsets_retention_minutes = 10080, # 1 week
$inter_broker_protocol_version = undef,
$group_initial_rebalance_delay = undef,
$log_message_format_version = undef,
$nofiles_ulimit = 8192,
$java_opts = undef,
$classpath = undef,
$jmx_port = 9999,
$heap_opts = undef,
$log_max_backup_index = 4,
$jvm_performance_opts = undef,
$server_properties_template = 'confluent/kafka/server.properties.erb',
$default_template = 'confluent/kafka/kafka.default.erb',
$log4j_properties_template = 'confluent/kafka/log4j.properties.erb',
$message_max_bytes = 1048576,
$allow_everyone_if_no_acl_found = true,
$super_users = undef,
$authorizer_class_name = undef,
$authorizer_log_level = 'INFO',
) {
# confluent::kafka::common installs the kafka package
# and a handy wrapper script.
require ::confluent::kafka::common
# Get this broker's id out of the $kafka::brokers
# configuration hash.
$id = $brokers[$::fqdn]['id']
# If this broker's rack is set, use it for broker.rack
$rack = $brokers[$::fqdn]['rack']
# The default Kafka port for KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS will be the port
# first port specified in the $listeners array. This is used
# in the kafka shell wrapper to automatically provide broker list.
$default_port = inline_template("<%= Array(@listeners)[0].split(':')[-1] %>")
# Local variable for rendering in templates.
$java_home = $::confluent::kafka::common::java_home
# This is the message data directory,
# not to be confused with /var/log/kafka
# which contains daemon process logs.
file { $log_dirs:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'kafka',
group => 'kafka',
mode => '0755',
# If any passwords, set proper readability.
if $ssl_key_password or $ssl_keystore_password or $ssl_truststore_password {
$server_properties_mode = '0440'
else {
$server_properties_mode = '0444'
# Render out Kafka Broker config files.
file { '/etc/kafka/server.properties':
content => template($server_properties_template),
group => 'kafka',
mode => $server_properties_mode,
# log4j configuration for Kafka daemon
# process logs in /var/log/kafka.
file { '/etc/kafka/log4j.properties':
content => template($log4j_properties_template),
# Environment variables that are passed to kafka-run-class.
file { '/etc/default/kafka':
content => template($default_template),
# Environment variables used by the /usr/local/bin/kafka wrapper script
# installed by confluent::kafka::common. This makes it easier
# to use the kafka wrapper script on Kafka brokers.
file { '/etc/profile.d/kafka.sh':
content => template('confluent/kafka/kafka-profile.sh.erb'),
$service_ensure = $enabled ? {
false => 'absent',
default => 'present',
# Start the Kafka server.
# We don't want to subscribe to the config files here.
# It will be better to manually restart Kafka when
# the config files changes.
systemd::service { 'kafka':
ensure => $service_ensure,
content => systemd_template('kafka'),
require => [