Puppet Class: confluent::kafka::common
- Defined in:
- modules/confluent/manifests/kafka/common.pp
Class confluent::kafka::common
Installs the confluent-kafka package and a handy kafka wrapper script.
Most likely you will not use this class directly, and instead just use confluent::kafka::broker to install and start a Kafka broker. You will only use confluent::kafka::common directly if you need to change the version of java, kafka, or scala that is being installed, or if you want to install the confluent-kafka package without puppet managing a Kafka broker.
- java_home
Path to JAVA_HOME. This class does not manage installation of Java. You must do that elsewhere. Default: undef (will use system default).
- scala_version
Package confluent-kafka-$scala_version will be installed. Default: 2.11
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# File 'modules/confluent/manifests/kafka/common.pp', line 22
class confluent::kafka::common(
$java_home = undef,
$scala_version = '2.11',
$user_group_id = undef,
) {
$package = "confluent-kafka-${scala_version}"
apt::package_from_component { 'confluent-kafka':
component => 'thirdparty/confluent',
packages => [$package],
# Ensure that the confluent systemd units are disabled. The confluent-kafka
# package installs these, and we don't want to remove their .service files
# in case it would cause package conflicts during future upgrades, so we just
# ensure they are not running and masked in systemd.
# work around "Error: Could not set 'mask' on enable:undefined method `mask' for Service"
# that occurs on Jessie hosts by forcing provider => 'systemd'
service { ['confluent-kafka', 'confluent-kafka-connect', 'confluent-zookeeper']:
ensure => 'stopped',
enable => 'mask',
provider => 'systemd',
require => Package[$package],
group { 'kafka':
ensure => 'present',
gid => $user_group_id,
system => true,
require => Package[$package],
# Kafka system user
user { 'kafka':
gid => 'kafka',
uid => $user_group_id,
shell => '/bin/false',
home => '/nonexistent',
comment => 'Apache Kafka',
system => true,
managehome => false,
require => Group['kafka'],
file { '/var/log/kafka':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'kafka',
group => 'kafka',
mode => '0755',
file { '/usr/local/bin/kafka':
source => 'puppet:///modules/confluent/kafka/kafka.sh',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
require => Package[$package],
# Have puppet manage totally manage this directory.
# Anything it doesn't know about will be removed.
file { '/etc/kafka/mirror':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'kafka',
group => 'kafka',
recurse => true,
purge => true,
force => true,
require => Package[$package],