Puppet Class: druid::overlord
- Defined in:
- modules/druid/manifests/overlord.pp
Class druid::overlord
Configures and runs a Druid Overlord. druid.io/docs/latest/design/indexing-service.html
- properties
Hash of runtime.properties See: Default $properties
- env
Hash of shell environment variables. Default:
'JMX_PORT' => 9664, 'DRUID_HEAP_OPTS' => '-Xmx64m -Xms64m',
- should_subscribe
True if the service should refresh if any of its config files change. Default: false
Default $properties
The properties listed here are only the defaults. For a full list of configuration properties, see druid.io/docs/latest/configuration/indexing-service.html
- druid.port
Default: 8090
- druid.indexer.queue.startDelay
Sleep this long before starting overlord queue management. This can be useful to give a cluster time to re-orient itself after e.g. a widespread network issue. Default: PT5S
- druid.indexer.runner.type
Choices “local” or “remote”. Indicates whether tasks should be run locally or in a distributed environment. Default: 'remote'
- druid.indexer.storage.type
Choices are “local” or “metadata”. Indicates whether incoming tasks should be stored locally (in heap) or in metadata storage. Storing incoming tasks in metadata storage allows for tasks to be resumed if the overlord should fail. Default: 'metadata'
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# File 'modules/druid/manifests/overlord.pp', line 46
class druid::overlord(
$properties = {},
$env = {},
$should_subscribe = false,
$logger_prefix = 'io.druid',
require ::druid
$default_properties = {
'druid.port' => 8090,
'druid.indexer.queue.startDelay' => 'PT5S',
'druid.indexer.runner.type' => 'remote',
'druid.indexer.storage.type' => 'metadata',
$default_env = {
'JAVA_HOME' => $::druid::java_home,
'JMX_PORT' => 9665,
'DRUID_HEAP_OPTS' => '-Xmx128m -Xms128m',
# Save these in variables so the properties can be referenced
# from outside of this class.
$runtime_properties = merge($default_properties, $properties)
$environment = merge($default_env, $env)
druid::service { 'overlord':
runtime_properties => $runtime_properties,
env => $environment,
should_subscribe => $should_subscribe,
logger_prefix => $logger_prefix,