Puppet Class: eventschemas::service
- Defined in:
- modules/eventschemas/manifests/service.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Class: eventschemas::service
Sets up an nginx site serving a JSON autoindex of files in /srv/eventschemas/repositories. This also uses a static dist of github.com/spring-raining/pretty-autoindex to allow for nice browsing of the served schemas. In this way, schemas can be explored and requested from the service programtically via the JSON autoindex, or alternatively browsed in HTML in browser via pretty-autoindex.
curl schema.wikimedia.org/repositories/primary/jsonschema/mediawiki/ [
{ "name":"api", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Mon, 06 Jan 2020 21:49:58 GMT" },
{ "name":"centralnotice", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Mon, 06 Jan 2020 21:49:58 GMT" },
{ "name":"cirrussearch", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Mon, 06 Jan 2020 21:49:58 GMT" },
{ "name":"client", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Thu, 02 Jan 2020 20:37:54 GMT" },
{ "name":"job", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Thu, 05 Mar 2020 17:55:55 GMT" },
{ "name":"page", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Fri, 10 Jan 2020 18:50:02 GMT" },
{ "name":"recentchange", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Fri, 10 Jan 2020 17:49:34 GMT" },
{ "name":"revision", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Fri, 10 Jan 2020 18:50:02 GMT" },
{ "name":"user", "type":"directory", "mtime":"Mon, 06 Jan 2020 21:49:58 GMT" },
Or point a browser at schema.wikimedia.org to get a pretty-autoindex of repositories/.
- server_name
Default: schema.svc.$site.wmnet. Will also be used for Access-Control-Allow-Origin if $allow_origin is not set.
- server_alias
Default: undef
- port
Default: 8190
- allow_origin
This will default to server_name. Set this to something else Default: undef
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# File 'modules/eventschemas/manifests/service.pp', line 46
class eventschemas::service(
String $server_name = "schema.svc.${::site}.wmnet",
Optional[Array] $server_alias = undef,
$port = 8190,
String $allow_origin = undef,
) {
require ::eventschemas
$document_root = "${::eventschemas::base_path}/site"
# Ensure that all files in files/site are copied to the document root.
# These include the pretty-autoindex static files.
file { $document_root:
ensure => 'directory',
source => 'puppet:///modules/eventschemas/site',
recurse => 'remote',
# Use $allow_origin or $server_name for pretty-autoindex client side requests
file { "${document_root}/config.js":
content => template('eventschemas/pretty-autoindex-config.js.erb')
# Symlink the cloned schema repositories_path into the document root.
file { "${document_root}/repositories":
ensure => 'link',
target => $::eventschemas::repositories_path
nginx::site { $server_name:
content => template('eventschemas/site.nginx.erb')