Puppet Class: geoip::data::maxmind::ipinfo
- Defined in:
- modules/geoip/manifests/data/maxmind/ipinfo.pp
Installs Maxmind GeoIP database files for the IP Info extension by downloading them from Maxmind with the geoipupdate command. This also installs a timer/job to do this weekly.
The difference to geoip::data::maxmind is a different license and different database product IDs. This is a transitional class for T288844.
You can use this class on your puppetmaster to stick the GeoIP .dat files into a fileserver module. Once the files are there, you can use the default geoip::data::puppet class to sync the files from your puppetmaster, instead of downloading them from maxmind on all your nodes. node puppetmaster {
class { 'geoip::data::maxmind::ipinfo':
$data_directory => '/etc/puppet/files/GeoIPInfo',
} … node client_node
include geoip::data::puppet
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# File 'modules/geoip/manifests/data/maxmind/ipinfo.pp', line 33
class geoip::data::maxmind::ipinfo(
Stdlib::Unixpath $data_directory = '/usr/share/GeoIPInfo',
String $user_id = '999999',
String $license_key = '000000000000',
Array $product_ids = [506],
Stdlib::Host $ca_server = $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
Optional[Stdlib::Httpurl] $proxy = undef,
) {
ensure_resource('file', $data_directory, {'ensure' => 'directory'})
$is_active = $facts['networking']['fqdn'] == $ca_server
$config_file = '/etc/GeoIPInfo.conf'
# Install GeoIP.conf with Maxmind user_id, licence_key, and product_ids.
file { $config_file:
ensure => file,
content => template('geoip/GeoIP.conf.erb'),
if $is_active {
$geoipupdate_command = "/usr/bin/geoipupdate -f ${config_file} -d ${data_directory}"
# Go ahead and exec geoipupdate now, so that we can be sure we have these
# files if this is the first time puppetmaster is running this class.
exec { 'geoipupdate-ipinfo':
command => $geoipupdate_command,
refreshonly => true,
require => [
File[$config_file, $data_directory]
} else {
# Emit a log entry if not on the active server
$geoipupdate_command = "/usr/bin/printf 'this job only runs on the active ca server: ${ca_server}\\n'"
# Set up a timer to run geoipupdate daily. This will download .dat files for
# the specified MaxMind Product IDs. We expect new data to generally arrive
# weekly on Tuesdays, but there is no gaurantee as to the precise timing in
# the long term.
systemd::timer::job { 'geoip_update':
ensure => 'absent',
user => 'root',
description => 'download geoip databases for IP Info from MaxMind',
command => $geoipupdate_command,
interval => {'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => '*-*-* 4:30:0'},
systemd::timer::job { 'geoip_update_ipinfo':
ensure => 'present',
user => 'root',
description => 'download geoip databases for the IPInfo extension from MaxMind',
command => $geoipupdate_command,
syslog_identifier => 'geoip_update_ipinfo',
interval => {'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => '*-*-* 4:30:0'},
monitoring_enabled => false,
logging_enabled => true,
require => [
File[$config_file, $data_directory]