Puppet Class: mariadb::stock_heartbeat
- Defined in:
- modules/mariadb/manifests/stock_heartbeat.pp
Stock (non-customised) pt-heartbeat for Beta Cluster
Enabling or disabling the service should be handled by orchestration when replication is started or stopped.
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# File 'modules/mariadb/manifests/stock_heartbeat.pp', line 5
class mariadb::stock_heartbeat {
file { '/etc/percona-toolkit/pt-heartbeat.conf':
mode => '0444',
source => 'puppet:///modules/mariadb/pt-heartbeat.conf',
user { 'heartbeat':
ensure => present,
system => true,
systemd::service { 'pt-heartbeat':
ensure => present,
content => file('mariadb/pt-heartbeat.service'),
service_params => {
ensure => undef,