Puppet Class: mediawiki::tools::cache_warmup
- Defined in:
- modules/mediawiki/manifests/tools/cache_warmup.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/mediawiki/manifests/tools/cache_warmup.pp', line 2
class mediawiki::tools::cache_warmup( $ensure = present ) {
# Include this class on a host to install the warmup script, which is
# useful for warming cluster (e.g., memcache) or local (e.g., APCu) caches.
# NOTE: T369921 - For full functionality, the host must have kubernetes
# configuration / credentials present (e.g., a deployment host).
# See T156922 for the original motivation behind this tool.
# Ensure all files we have in puppet are present in the directory, but allow
# users to write files in the directory without purging them.
file { '/var/lib/mediawiki-cache-warmup':
ensure => stdlib::ensure($ensure, 'directory'),
owner => $::mediawiki::users::web,
recurse => remote,
group => 'wikidev',
mode => '0775',
source => 'puppet:///modules/mediawiki/tools/mediawiki-cache-warmup/',