Puppet Class: netbox
- Defined in:
- modules/netbox/manifests/init.pp
Installs NetboxOverview
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/netbox/manifests/init.pp', line 45
class netbox (
Stdlib::Fqdn $service_hostname,
String $secret_key,
String $ldap_password,
Stdlib::Fqdn $db_host,
String $db_password,
Stdlib::Fqdn $discovery_name = $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
Wmflib::Ensure $ensure = 'present',
Stdlib::Port $db_port = 5432,
String $db_user = 'netbox',
Boolean $debug = false,
Stdlib::Port $port = 8001,
Stdlib::Unixpath $config_path = '/srv/deployment/netbox/deploy',
Stdlib::Unixpath $venv_path = '/srv/deployment/netbox/venv',
Stdlib::Unixpath $directory = '/srv/deployment/netbox/deploy/src',
Stdlib::Unixpath $extras_path = '/srv/deployment/netbox-extras',
String $scap_repo = 'netbox/deploy',
Stdlib::Port $redis_port = 6380,
Integer $local_redis_maxmem = 1610612736, # 1.5Gb
Stdlib::Fqdn $redis_host = 'localhost',
String $redis_password = '',
Integer[0] $changelog_retention = 90,
Integer[0] $jobresult_retention = 90,
Boolean $prefer_ipv4 = false,
Optional[Stdlib::Fqdn] $ldap_server = undef,
Boolean $enable_ldap = false,
Optional[Enum['ldap', 'cas', 'oidc']] $authentication_provider = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::HTTPUrl] $swift_auth_url = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::HTTPUrl] $http_proxy = undef,
# Cas specific config
Hash[String, String] $cas_rename_attributes = {},
Hash[String, Array] $cas_group_attribute_mapping = {},
Hash[String, Array] $cas_group_mapping = {},
Array $cas_group_required = [],
Array[String[1]] $validators = [],
Stdlib::HTTPSUrl $cas_server_url = 'https://cas.example.org',
Optional[String] $oidc_key = undef,
Optional[String] $oidc_secret = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_username_attribute = undef,
# Swift specific config
Optional[String] $swift_user = undef,
Optional[String] $swift_key = undef,
Optional[String] $swift_container = undef,
Optional[String] $swift_url_key = undef,
Optional[Stdlib::Unixpath] $ca_certs = undef,
) {
ensure_packages(['virtualenv', 'python3-pip', 'python3-pynetbox'])
$home_path = '/var/lib/netbox'
file { $home_path:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'netbox',
group => 'netbox',
mode => '0755',
if $redis_host == 'localhost' {
# Configure REDIS to be memory-only (no persistance) and to only accept local
# connections
redis::instance { String($redis_port): # cast as int's are not valid titles
settings => {
# below setting prevents persistance
save => '""',
bind => ' ::1',
maxmemory => $local_redis_maxmem,
maxmemory_policy => 'volatile-lru',
maxmemory_samples => 5,
lazyfree-lazy-eviction => 'yes',
lazyfree-lazy-expire => 'yes',
lazyfree-lazy-server-del => 'yes',
lua-time-limit => 5000,
databases => 3,
protected-mode => 'yes',
dbfilename => '""',
appendfilename => '""',
prometheus::redis_exporter { String($redis_port): }
$redis_service_name = "redis-instance-tcp_${redis_port}"
profile::auto_restarts::service { $redis_service_name: }
systemd::sysuser { 'netbox':
ensure => $ensure,
home_dir => $home_path,
shell => '/bin/bash',
file { '/etc/netbox/configuration.py':
ensure => $ensure,
owner => 'netbox',
group => 'www-data',
mode => '0440',
content => template('netbox/configuration.py.erb'),
require => Scap::Target[$scap_repo],
before => Uwsgi::App['netbox'],
notify => [Service['uwsgi-netbox'], Service['rq-netbox']],
file { '/etc/netbox/ldap.py':
ensure => $ensure,
owner => 'netbox',
group => 'www-data',
mode => '0440',
content => template('netbox/ldap_config.py.erb'),
require => Scap::Target[$scap_repo],
before => Uwsgi::App['netbox'],
notify => [Service['uwsgi-netbox'], Service['rq-netbox']],
file { '/etc/netbox/cas_configuration.py':
ensure => stdlib::ensure($authentication_provider == 'cas', file),
owner => 'netbox',
group => 'www-data',
mode => '0440',
content => template('netbox/cas_configuration.py.erb'),
require => Scap::Target[$scap_repo],
before => Uwsgi::App['netbox'],
notify => [Service['uwsgi-netbox'], Service['rq-netbox']],
# Netbox is controlled via a custom systemd unit (uwsgi-netbox),
# so avoid the generic uwsgi sysvinit script shipped in the package
exec { 'mask_default_uwsgi':
command => '/bin/systemctl mask uwsgi.service',
creates => '/etc/systemd/system/uwsgi.service',
$uwsgi_environ = [
service::uwsgi { 'netbox':
port => $port,
deployment_user => 'netbox',
repo => $scap_repo,
config => {
need-plugins => 'python3',
chdir => "${directory}/netbox",
venv => $venv_path,
wsgi => 'netbox.wsgi',
vacuum => true,
http-socket => "${port}",
# T170189: make sure Python has a sane default encoding
env => $uwsgi_environ,
max-requests => 300,
healthcheck_url => '/login/',
icinga_check => false,
sudo_rules => [
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service uwsgi-netbox restart',
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service uwsgi-netbox start',
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service uwsgi-netbox status',
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service uwsgi-netbox stop',
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service rq-netbox restart',
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service rq-netbox start',
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service rq-netbox status',
'ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/service rq-netbox stop',
core_limit => '30G',
systemd::service { 'rq-netbox':
ensure => $ensure,
content => file('netbox/rq-netbox.service'),
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'uwsgi-netbox': }
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'rq-netbox': }