Puppet Class: profile::analytics::backup::database
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/analytics/backup/database.pp
Class: profile::analytics::backup::database
Periodical backups of all the databases using Bacula. This profile is generic enough to be re-used across multiple Analytics database environments (like Piwik/Meta/etc..).
Assumptions for Analytics databases: 1) no slaves are set up 2) lock time due to mysqldump is acceptable 3) xtrabackup is not used
- backup_username
Mysql username used to execute mysqldump of all the databases. Must be set manually on the database before setting this class up.
- backup_password
Mysql username's password used to execute mysqldump of all the databases. Must be set manually on the database before setting this class up.
- db_instance
Name of the target database, mostly for puppet-naming puroposes. If undef, it defaults to $title.
- backup_frequency
How often the backup should be taken. Keep in mind that a more frequent backup scheduling will generate more files to be stored on disk. Default: 'Weekly' Supported values: 'Daily', 'Weekly'
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/analytics/backup/database.pp', line 32
class profile::analytics::backup::database (
String $backup_username = lookup('profile::analytics::backup::database::username'),
String $backup_password = lookup('profile::analytics::backup::database::password'),
Optional[String] $db_instance = lookup('profile::analytics::backup::database::db_instance', { 'default_value' => undef }),
Optional[String] $backup_frequency = lookup('profile::analytics::backup::database::backup_frequency', { 'default_value' => 'Weekly' }),
) {
$supported_backup_frequency = ['Daily', 'Weekly']
if ! ($backup_frequency in $supported_backup_frequency) {
fail("The backup_frequency ${backup_frequency} parameter must be either Weekly or Daily")
if $backup_username and $backup_password {
include ::profile::backup::host
file { '/srv/backups':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0600', # implicitly 0700 for dirs
file { '/etc/mysql/conf.d/dumps.cnf':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0400',
content => "[client]\nuser=${backup_username}\npassword=\'${backup_password}\'\n",
$db_instance_name = $db_instance ? {
undef => $title,
default => $db_instance,
# Needed to deploy /usr/bin/mysqldump (used by backup::mysqlset)
package { 'mariadb-client': }
# Backups older than 15 days will be deleted by the predump script before
# the mysqldump, so a cron is not needed.
backup::mysqlset { $db_instance_name:
xtrabackup => false,
per_db => true,
innodb_only => true,
binlog => false,
slave => false,
local_dump_dir => '/srv/backups',
password_file => '/etc/mysql/conf.d/dumps.cnf',
method => 'predump',
mysql_binary => '/usr/bin/mysql',
mysqldump_binary => '/usr/bin/mysqldump',
jobdefaults => "${backup_frequency}-${profile::backup::host::day}-${profile::backup::host::pool}",