Puppet Class: profile::analytics::cluster::hadoop::yarn_capacity_scheduler
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/analytics/cluster/hadoop/yarn_capacity_scheduler.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Class: profile::analytics::cluster::hadoop::yarn_capacity_scheduler
Capacity scheduler config tailored for the Hadoop Analytics Cluster. This class renders the capacity-scheduler.xml file, but it requires some options to be set in yarn-site.xml (via hadoop's common config) to be enabled:
yarn.resourcemanager.scheduler.monitor.enable: true yarn.acl.enable: true
This profile needs to be included on the Hadoop master nodes only.
Settings that are common/shared to all clusters that use this scheduler.
Settings that can be selectively enabled/disabled on top of the base ones.
It is useful when testing new properties on a single cluster (like testing)
before considering to add the option to the base_settings.
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/analytics/cluster/hadoop/yarn_capacity_scheduler.pp', line 23
class profile::analytics::cluster::hadoop::yarn_capacity_scheduler (
$extra_settings = lookup('profile::analytics::cluster::hadoop::yarn_capacity_scheduler::extra_settings', { 'default_value' => {} }),
) {
$base_settings = {
# Global config
# Maximum number of applications that can be pending and running (same as hadoop default).
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-applications' => 10000,
# Maximum percent of resources in the cluster which can be used to run
# application masters i.e. controls number of concurrent running applications
# (same as hadoop default).
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.maximum-am-resource-percent' => 0.1,
# The ResourceCalculator implementation to be used to compare Resources in the scheduler.
# The default DefaultResourceCalculator only uses Memory while DominantResourceCalculator
# uses dominant-resource to compare multi-dimensional resources such as Memory, CPU etc.
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.resource-calculator' => 'org.apache.hadoop.yarn.util.resource.DominantResourceCalculator',
# Number of missed scheduling opportunities after which the CapacityScheduler
# attempts to schedule rack-local containers.
# Typically this should be set to number of nodes in the cluster.
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.node-locality-delay' => 78,
# If a queue mapping is present, will it override the value specified by the user?
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.queue-mappings-override.enable' => false,
# Useful to enable/disable any new job in the cluster (for example to let it drain before maintenance)
# Individual queues are not re-enabled by setting the yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.state to RUNNING,
# so all 5 queues have a setting here. Specific leaf queues can also be managed this way.
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.state' => 'RUNNING',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.state' => 'RUNNING',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.state' => 'RUNNING',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.state' => 'RUNNING',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.state' => 'RUNNING',
# Queue definitions
# Sum of capacity (not max) needs to be 100 at any level/branch of the tree.
# The -1 value for maximum-capacity means no maximum. We set this to maximize
# usage elasticity.
# First layer
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.queues' => 'gpus,launchers,default,production,essential',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.capacity' => 2,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.maximum-capacity' => -1,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.capacity' => 3,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.maximum-capacity' => -1,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.capacity' => 35,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.maximum-capacity' => -1,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.capacity' => 50,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.maximum-capacity' => -1,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.capacity' => 10,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.maximum-capacity' => -1,
# Default mappings
# PLEASE NOTE: use only the leaf queue names, not full path.
# Example: root.production BAD, production GOOD
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.queue-mappings' => 'u:druid:production,u:analytics:production,u:analytics-platform-eng:production,u:analytics-research:production,u:analytics-search:production,u:analytics-product:production,u:analytics-wmde:production,g:analytics-privatedata-users:default',
# Limits
# https://docs.cloudera.com/HDPDocuments/HDP2/HDP-2.6.4/bk_yarn-resource-management/content/setting_user_limits.html
# https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.10.1/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/CapacityScheduler.html
# The user limit factor is a multiplier used to allow users of a specific queue to take up to X
# times the resource allocated (as min value) for the queue. It is needed to allow/control elasticity,
# so users can overcome Yarn default limits in case there are free resources.
# Since launchers queue size is small, use a large limit-factor.
# Don't allow more resources than GPU ones when running in GPU queue
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.user-limit-factor' => 1,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.user-limit-factor' => 5,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.user-limit-factor' => 2,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.user-limit-factor' => 2,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.user-limit-factor' => 10,
# The user limit percent is different from the factor, since it is about how many users can run jobs on a queue
# at any given time. For example, if we set:
# 'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.analytics.minimum-user-limit-percent' => 50,
# we want to allow up to two users concurrently in the queue (druid and analytics), leaving the others waiting.
# If we use '25', we'll allow a max of 4 different users, etc..
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.minimum-user-limit-percent' => 100,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.minimum-user-limit-percent' => 50,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.minimum-user-limit-percent' => 10,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.minimum-user-limit-percent' => 20,
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.minimum-user-limit-percent' => 50,
# Max lifetime for a Yarn application
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.maximum-application-lifetime' => 604800, # 1 week in seconds
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.maximum-application-lifetime' => 604800, # 1 week in seconds
# Ordering policy
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.ordering-policy' => 'fifo',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.ordering-policy' => 'fair',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.ordering-policy' => 'fair',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.ordering-policy' => 'fair',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.ordering-policy' => 'fair',
# Labels
# https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/r2.10.0/hadoop-yarn/hadoop-yarn-site/NodeLabel.html
# Only one label can be assigned to every node, by default ending up in the DEFAULT_PARTITION.
# When a label is assigned, it creates a partition between the nodes, and the Capacity scheduler
# settings gets "duplicated" (so all the queues, etc..). In this case we want just one queue to
# use the GPU label, so we concentrate all the capacity to it.
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.accessible-node-labels' => 'GPU',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.accessible-node-labels.GPU.capacity' => '100',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.accessible-node-labels' => 'GPU',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.accessible-node-labels.GPU.capacity' => '100',
# ACLs
# Permissions cannot be reduced on the lower layer of the tree once set for a specific
# queue, they can only be incremented.
# Note: permissions values are in the form 'users groups'. If no user is specified but a
# group is, the value should start with a space
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.acl_submit_applications' => ' ',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.acl_administer_queue' => ' ',
# Allow any from analytics-privatedata-users group to use GPUs
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.acl_submit_applications' => ' analytics-privatedata-users',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.gpus.acl_administer_queue' => ' analytics-privatedata-users',
# same settings as the production queue
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.acl_submit_applications' => 'analytics,analytics-platform-eng,analytics-research,druid,analytics-search,analytics-product,analytics-wmde',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.acl_administer_queue' => '%user analytics-admins,analytics-platform-eng-admins,analytics-research-admins,analytics-search-users,analytics-product-users,airflow-wmde-admins',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.acl_submit_applications' => ' analytics-privatedata-users',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.default.acl_administer_queue' => ' analytics-privatedata-users',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.acl_submit_applications' => 'analytics,analytics-platform-eng,analytics-research,druid,analytics-search,analytics-product,analytics-wmde',
# '%user' below refers to the submitter of the application/job. Thus, the submitter can manage/kill their own jobs in production.
# Additionaly, any member from the group list can manage/kill any job in production
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.production.acl_administer_queue' => '%user analytics-admins,analytics-platform-eng-admins,analytics-research-admins,analytics-search-users,analytics-product-users,airflow-wmde-admins',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.acl_submit_applications' => 'analytics,druid',
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.acl_administer_queue' => ' analytics-admins',
# Preemption
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.essential.disable_preemption' => true,
# Application-master ratio override
# The launchers queue will be used to run very small jobs (application-master only)
# We don't limit the ratio application-master/container to allow many jobs
# to be run at the same time in this queue
'yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.launchers.maximum-am-resource-percent' => 1,
$scheduler_settings = $base_settings + $extra_settings
class { 'bigtop::hadoop::yarn::capacity_scheduler':
scheduler_settings => $scheduler_settings,