Puppet Class: profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/analytics/refinery/job/gobblin.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin
Declares gobblin jobs to import data from Kafka into Hadoop. (Gobblin is a replacement for Camus).
These jobs will eventually be moved to Airflow.
Description of Gobblin jobs declared here:
webrequest Ingests webrequest_text and webrequest_upload topics into /wmf/data/raw/webrequest/.
netflow Ingests the netflow topic into /wmf/data/raw/netflow.
event_default Ingests all streams with consumers.analytics_hadoop_ingestion.job_name == 'event_default' set in stream config to /wmf/data/raw/event
eventlogging_legacy Ingests legacy EventLogging streams. (No datacenter topic prefixes, topics start with 'eventlogging_'.)
webrequest_frontend_rc0 Ingests the composite webrequest.frontend.rc0 stream (upload and text topics) into /wmf/data/raw/webrequest_frontend_rc0.
- gobblin_shaded_jar
Path to shaded jar that will be used to launch gobblin. You should set this in your role hiera to a versioned gobblin-wmf jar. Usually this is deployed alongside of analytics/refinery artifacts.
- ensure_timers
This parameter can be used to disable gobblin jobs, effectively pausing ingestion to Hadoop. This might be necessary for short periods, such as during HDFS maintenance work
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/analytics/refinery/job/gobblin.pp', line 41
class profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin(
Stdlib::Unixpath $gobblin_jar_file = lookup('profile::analytics::refinery::job::test::gobblin_jar_file'),
String $ensure_timers = lookup('profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin::ensure_timers', { 'default_value' => 'present' }),
) {
require ::profile::analytics::refinery
$refinery_path = $::profile::analytics::refinery::path
# analytics-hadoop gobblin jobs should all use analytics-hadoop.sysconfig.properties.
Profile::Analytics::Refinery::Job::Gobblin_job {
sysconfig_properties_file => "${refinery_path}/gobblin/common/analytics-hadoop.sysconfig.properties",
# By default, gobblin_job will use a jobconfig_properties_file of
# ${refinery_path}/gobblin/jobs/${title}.pull
gobblin_jar_file => $gobblin_jar_file,
ensure => $ensure_timers,
profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin_job { 'webrequest':
# webrequest is large. Run it every 10 minutes to keep pressure on Kafka
# low (pulling more often means it is more likely for data to be in Kafka's cache).
# The 5 minutes offset from calendar hour is to mitigate out-of-order events
# messing up with _IMPORTED flags generation.
interval => '*-*-* *:05/10:00',
profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin_job { 'netflow':
# netflow data is unique. The producer does some minutely aggregation, so all
# timestamps are alligned with minutes and 0 seconds, e.g. 2021-07-07 18:00:00.
# This makes gobblin behave when run exactly at an hourly boundry.
# Gobblin writes _IMPORTED flags only if it notices that it finishes importing
# for a given hour during a run. If run at e.g. 10:00:00, it is very
# unlikely that that specific gobblin run will import any data for hour 10:00;
# the latest timestamp it will import is 09:59.
# We want at lesat one gobblin run to see timestamps on either side of the hour.
# Run at 5 and 35 minutes after the hour.
# Bug: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T286343
interval => '*-*-* *:05,35:00',
profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin_job { 'event_default':
interval => '*-*-* *:15:00',
profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin_job { 'eventlogging_legacy':
interval => '*-*-* *:20:00',
profile::analytics::refinery::job::gobblin_job { 'webrequest_frontend_rc0':
# webrequest_frontend is large. Run it every 10 minutes to keep pressure on Kafka
# low (pulling more often means it is more likely for data to be in Kafka's cache).
# The 15 minutes offset from calendar hour is to mitigate out-of-order events
# messing up with _IMPORTED flags generation, and runs of the webrequest gobblin job
# happening simulatenously.
interval => '*-*-* *:8/10:00',