Puppet Class: profile::backup::host
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/backup/host.pp
Profile class for adding backup functionalities to a host
Note that the hiera key lookups have a name space of profile::backup instead of profile::backup::host. That's cause they are reused in other profile classes in the same hierarchy and is consistent with our code guidelines
This profile class also does a small hack. It relies on profile::backup::enable being set to true before actually doing anything. That's because we can not provide meaningful default values for any of the other hiera calls, but still want to use the profile class in environments where backup is not set up. In that case we shortcircuit the class to be effectively a noop
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/backup/host.pp', line 13
class profile::backup::host(
Boolean $enable = lookup('profile::backup::enable'),
String $pool = lookup('profile::backup::pool'),
Stdlib::Host $director = lookup('profile::backup::director'),
Array[String] $days = lookup('profile::backup::days'),
String $director_seed = lookup('profile::backup::director_seed'),
if $enable {
class { 'bacula::client':
director => $director,
catalog => 'production',
file_retention => '90 days',
job_retention => '90 days',
directorpassword => fqdn_rand_string(32, '', $director_seed)
# This will use uniqueid fact to distribute (hopefully evenly) machines on
# days of the week
$day = inline_template('<%= @days[[@uniqueid].pack("H*").unpack("L")[0] % 7] -%>')
$jobdefaults = "Monthly-1st-${day}-${pool}"
# Realize the various virtual resources that may have been defined
Bacula::Client::Job <| |> {
require => Class['bacula::client'],
Motd::Script <| tag == 'backup-motd' |>
# If the machine includes profile::firewall then let director connect to us
firewall::service { "bacula-file-daemon-${director}":
proto => 'tcp',
port => 9102,
srange => [$director],