Puppet Class: profile::cache::kafka::webrequest
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/cache/kafka/webrequest.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
class profile::cache::kafka::webrequest
Sets up a varnishkafka instance producing varnish webrequest logs to a Kafka cluster.
- cache_cluster
The name of the cache cluster.
- kafka_cluster_name
Name of the Kafka cluster in the hiera kafka_clusters hash. This can be unqualified (without DC suffix) or fully qualified.
- ssl_enabled
If true, the Kafka cluster needs to be configured with SSL support. profile::cache::kafka::certificate will be included, and certs used from it. Default: false
- monitoring_enabled
True if the varnishkafka instance should be monitored. Default: false
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/cache/kafka/webrequest.pp', line 24
class profile::cache::kafka::webrequest(
String $cache_cluster = lookup('cache::cluster'),
String $kafka_cluster_name = lookup('profile::cache::kafka::webrequest::kafka_cluster_name'),
Boolean $ssl_enabled = lookup('profile::cache::kafka::webrequest::ssl_enabled', {'default_value' => false}),
Boolean $monitoring_enabled = lookup('profile::cache::kafka::webrequest::monitoring_enabled', {'default_value' => false}),
Boolean $atskafka_enabled = lookup('profile::cache::kafka::webrequest::atskafka_enabled', {'default_value' => false}),
) {
$kafka_config = kafka_config($kafka_cluster_name)
$topic = "webrequest_${cache_cluster}"
$varnish_name = 'frontend'
$varnish_svc_name = 'varnish-frontend'
# Background task: T136314
# Background info about the parameters used:
# 'q':
# 1) Filter out PURGE requests and Pipe creation traffic.
# 2) A Varnish log containing Timestamp:Pipe does not carry Timestamp:Resp,
# used by Analytics to bucket data on Hadoop and for data consistency
# checks. These requests indicate that Varnish tried to establish a pipe
# channel between the client and the backend, an information that
# can be discarded.
# Websockets upgrade usually lead to long lived requests that trigger
# VSL timeouts as well. Varnishkafka does not have a nice support for
# these use cases, moreover we haven't decided yet if weberequest logs
# will need to take them into account or not.
# At the moment these requests get logged incorrectly and with partial
# data (due to the VSL timeout) so it makes sense to filter them out to
# remove noise from Analytics data.
# 3) A request marked with the VSL tag 'HttpGarbage' indicates unparseable
# HTTP requests, generating spurious Varnish logs.
# 4) After T27611 Varnish has the capability of trying to fetch .webp
# variants of the hottest thumbnails, but this adds extra log entries
# to the shared memory log that pollutes webrequests. Every log containing
# Timestamp:Restart (and hence not Timestamp:Resp) need to be filtered out,
# since it represents a failed fetch for the webp variant (not yet generated
# for example) that is followed by a 'regular' fetch for the original image.
# 'T':
# VLS API timeout is the maximum time that Varnishkafka will wait between
# "Begin" and "End" timestamps before flushing the available tags to a log.
# When a timeout occurs most of the times the result is a webrequest log
# missing values like the end timestamp.
# VSL Timeout parameters modified during the upload migration:
# 'L':
# Sets the upper limit of incomplete transactions kept before the oldest
# one is force completed. This setting keeps an upper bound
# on the memory usage of running queries (Default: 1000).
# A change in the -T timeout value has the side effect of keeping more
# incomplete transactions in memory for each varnishkafka query (in our case
# it directly corresponds to a varnishkafka instance running).
# The threshold has been raised to '5000' the first time (which removed
# the bulk of the timeouts) and to '10000' the second time.
# 'T':
# Raised the maximum timeout for incomplete records from '700' to '1500'
# after setting the -L to '5000'. VSL timeouts were masked
# by VSL store overflow errors.
$varnish_opts = {
'q' => 'ReqMethod ne "PURGE" and not Timestamp:Pipe and not Timestamp:Restart and not ReqHeader:Upgrade ~ "[wW]ebsocket" and not HttpGarbage',
'T' => '1500',
'L' => '10000'
# Note: the newer version of Varnishkafka (compatible with Varnish 4)
# needs to specify if the timestamp formatter should output the time
# when the request started to be processed by Varnish (SLT_Timestamp Start)
# or the time of the response flush (SLT_Timestamp Resp).
# The "end:" prefix forces the latter and it is not be part of the final output.
$timestamp_formatter = '%{end:%FT%TZ@dt}t'
# estimated peak reqs/sec we need to reasonably handle on a single cache.
# The current maximal "reasonable" case is in the text cluster, where if we
# have mutiple DCs depooled in DNS and ~8 servers in the remaining DC to
# split traffic, we could peak at ~9000
$peak_rps_estimate = 9000
if $ssl_enabled {
$kafka_brokers = $kafka_config['brokers']['ssl_array']
include profile::cache::kafka::certificate
# Include this class to get key and certificate for varnishkafka
# to produce to Kafka over SSL/TLS.
$ssl_ca_location = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_ca_location
$ssl_cipher_suites = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_cipher_suites
$ssl_curves_list = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_curves_list
$ssl_sigalgs_list = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_sigalgs_list
$ssl_keystore_location = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_keystore_location
$ssl_keystore_password = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_key_password
$ssl_key_password = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_key_password
$ssl_key_location = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_key_location
$ssl_certificate_location = $profile::cache::kafka::certificate::ssl_certificate_location
else {
$kafka_brokers = $kafka_config['brokers']['array']
$ssl_ca_location = undef
$ssl_key_password = undef
$ssl_key_location = undef
$ssl_certificate_location = undef
$ssl_cipher_suites = undef
$ssl_curves_list = undef
$ssl_sigalgs_list = undef
$ssl_keystore_location = undef
$ssl_keystore_password = undef
varnishkafka::instance { 'webrequest':
brokers => $kafka_brokers,
topic => $topic,
format_type => 'json',
compression_codec => 'snappy',
varnish_name => $varnish_name,
varnish_svc_name => $varnish_svc_name,
varnish_opts => $varnish_opts,
# Note: fake_tag tricks varnishkafka into allowing hardcoded string into a JSON field.
# Hardcoding the $fqdn into hostname rather than using %l to account for
# possible slip ups where varnish only writes the short hostname for %l.
format => "%{fake_tag0@hostname?${::fqdn}}x %{@sequence!num?0}n ${timestamp_formatter} %{Varnish:time_firstbyte@time_firstbyte!num?0.0}x %{X-Client-IP@ip}o %{X-Cache-Status@cache_status}o %{@http_status}s %{@response_size!num?0}b %{@http_method}m %{Host@uri_host}i %{@uri_path}U %{@uri_query}q %{Content-Type@content_type}o %{Referer@referer}i %{User-Agent@user_agent}i %{Accept-Language@accept_language}i %{X-Analytics@x_analytics}o %{Range@range}i %{X-Cache@x_cache}o %{Accept@accept}i %{Server@backend}o %{VCL_Log:tls@tls}x",
message_send_max_retries => 3,
# Buffer up to 80s at our expected maximum reasonable rate
queue_buffering_max_messages => 80 * $peak_rps_estimate,
# Our aim here is to not send batches more often than once per second,
# given our expected maximum reasonable rate
batch_num_messages => $peak_rps_estimate,
# On caches with high traffic (text and upload), we have seen
# message drops from esams during high load time with a large
# request ack timeout (it was 30 seconds).
# The vanrishkafka buffer gets too full and it drops messages.
# Perhaps this is a buffer bloat problem.
# Note that varnishkafka will retry a timed-out produce request.
topic_request_timeout_ms => 2000,
# 1 means only the leader broker must ACK each produce request
topic_request_required_acks => '1',
# Write out stats to varnishkafka.stats.json
# this often. This is set at 15 so that
# stats will be fresh when polled from gmetad.
log_statistics_interval => 15,
#TLS/SSL config
ssl_enabled => $ssl_enabled,
ssl_ca_location => $ssl_ca_location,
ssl_key_password => $ssl_key_password,
ssl_key_location => $ssl_key_location,
ssl_certificate_location => $ssl_certificate_location,
ssl_cipher_suites => $ssl_cipher_suites,
ssl_curves_list => $ssl_curves_list,
ssl_sigalgs_list => $ssl_sigalgs_list,
ssl_keystore_location => $ssl_keystore_location,
ssl_keystore_password => $ssl_keystore_password,
if $atskafka_enabled {
atskafka::instance { 'webrequest':
brokers => $kafka_brokers,
topic => "atskafka_test_${topic}",
stats_interval_ms => 60000,
# Instead of sending messages every 5 milliseconds (the default),
# buffer locally and send once every 2 seconds. Having chosen 2s
# here, the amount of messages sent per batch is 2x the number of
# rps served by the ATS instance divided by the number of kafka
# partitions for the topic. Larger batches benefit from better
# compression and less overhead improving throughput at the expense
# of latency.
buffering_ms => 2000,
# Instead of waiting for all replicas to commit the message
# (default value -1), wait for the leader only.
request_required_acks => 1,
socket => '/srv/trafficserver/tls/var/run/analytics.sock',
tls => {
ca_location => $ssl_ca_location,
key_location => $ssl_key_location,
key_password => $ssl_key_password,
certificate_location => $ssl_certificate_location,
cipher_suites => $ssl_cipher_suites,
curves_list => $ssl_curves_list,
sigalgs_list => $ssl_sigalgs_list,
if $monitoring_enabled {
# Aggregated alarms for delivery errors are defined in icinga::monitor::analytics
# Generate icinga alert if varnishkafka is not running.
nrpe::monitor_service { 'varnishkafka-webrequest':
description => 'Webrequests Varnishkafka log producer',
nrpe_command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -c 1:1 -a '/usr/bin/varnishkafka -S /etc/varnishkafka/webrequest.conf'",
contact_group => 'admins,analytics,team-data-platform',
require => Class['::varnishkafka'],
notes_url => 'https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/Systems/Varnishkafka',
# Make sure varnishes are configured and started for the first time
# before the instances as well, or they fail to start initially...
Service <| tag == 'varnish_instance' |> -> Varnishkafka::Instance['webrequest']