Puppet Class: profile::ceph::core
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/ceph/core.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Class: profile::ceph::core
This profile provides common configuration for Ceph services.
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/ceph/core.pp', line 5
class profile::ceph::core (
Hash[String,Hash] $mon_hosts = lookup('profile::ceph::mon::hosts'),
Hash[String,Hash] $osd_hosts = lookup('profile::ceph::osd::hosts'),
Array[Stdlib::IP::Address] $public_networks = lookup('profile::ceph::public_networks'),
Array[Stdlib::IP::Address] $cluster_networks = lookup('profile::ceph::cluster_networks', { default_value => [] }),
Stdlib::Unixpath $data_dir = lookup('profile::ceph::data_dir', { default_value => '/var/lib/ceph' }),
String $fsid = lookup('profile::ceph::fsid'),
String $ceph_repository_component = lookup('profile::ceph::ceph_repository_component'),
Stdlib::Port $radosgw_port = lookup('profile::ceph::radosgw::port'),
) {
require profile::ceph::auth::load_all
require profile::ceph::server::firewall
class { 'ceph::common':
home_dir => $data_dir,
ceph_repository_component => $ceph_repository_component,
class { 'ceph::config':
cluster_networks => $cluster_networks,
enable_libvirt_rbd => false,
enable_v2_messenger => true,
fsid => $fsid,
mon_hosts => $mon_hosts,
osd_hosts => $osd_hosts,
public_networks => $public_networks,
rgw_frontend => 'beast',
radosgw_port => $radosgw_port,
# TODO enable prometheus pinger
# # These are the IPv4 addresses of the mon servers
# $mon_addrs = $mon_hosts.map | $key, $value | { $value['public']['addr'] }
# # These are the IPv4 addresses of the osd servers.
# # n.b. for the new Ceph cluster these are co-located with the OSD servers.
# $osd_public_addrs = $osd_hosts.map | $key, $value | { $value['public']['addr'] }
# # OSD nodes may or may not have a separate cluster network.
# $osd_cluster_addrs = $osd_hosts.filter | $key, $value | {
# has_key($value,cluster)
# }.map | $key, $value | {
# $value['cluster']['addr']
# }
# # Remove duplicates for co-located mon and osd nodes
# $ceph_server_addrs = unique([$mon_addrs,$osd_public_addrs, $osd_cluster_addrs])
# # This adds latency stats between from this osd to the rest of the ceph fleet
# class { 'prometheus::node_pinger':
# nodes_to_ping_regular_mtu => $ceph_server_addrs,
# }