Puppet Class: profile::dns::auth::update
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/dns/auth/update.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/dns/auth/update.pp', line 2
class profile::dns::auth::update (
Hash[Stdlib::Fqdn, Stdlib::IP::Address::Nosubnet] $authdns_servers = lookup('authdns_servers'),
Stdlib::HTTPSUrl $gitrepo = lookup('profile::dns::auth::gitrepo'),
Stdlib::Unixpath $netbox_dns_snippets_dir = lookup('profile::dns::auth::update::netbox_dns_snippets_dir'),
Stdlib::Fqdn $netbox_exports_domain = lookup('profile::dns::auth::update::netbox_exports_domain'),
Hash[Stdlib::Fqdn, Stdlib::IP::Address::Nosubnet] $authdns_servers_ips = lookup('profile::dns::auth::authdns_servers_ips'),
Array[Wmflib::Sites] $datacenters = lookup('datacenters'),
Hash[String, Wmflib::Advertise_vip] $advertise_vips = lookup('profile::bird::advertise_vips', {'merge' => hash}),
) {
require ::profile::dns::auth::update::account
require ::profile::dns::auth::update::scripts
$workingdir = '/srv/authdns/git'
$netbox_dns_snippets_repo = "https://${netbox_exports_domain}/dns.git"
$netbox_dns_user = 'netboxdns'
user { $netbox_dns_user:
ensure => present,
comment => 'User for the Netbox generated DNS zonefile snippets',
system => true,
shell => '/bin/bash',
file { dirname($netbox_dns_snippets_dir):
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
before => Exec['authdns-local-update'],
# safe.directory directive for the two below directories allows
# authdns-local-update to be run without any permission issues.
# See CR 888053 for more information.
git::systemconfig { 'safe.directory-authdns-git':
settings => {
'safe' => {
'directory' => '/srv/authdns/git',
before => Exec['authdns-local-update'],
git::systemconfig { 'safe.directory-netbox-snippets':
settings => {
'safe' => {
'directory' => '/srv/git/netbox_dns_snippets',
before => Exec['authdns-local-update'],
$authdns_conf = '/etc/wikimedia-authdns.conf'
$authdns_update_watch_keys = $datacenters.map |$dc| { "/pools/${dc}/dnsbox/authdns-update" }
confd::file { $authdns_conf:
ensure => present,
watch_keys => $authdns_update_watch_keys,
content => template('profile/dns/auth/wikimedia-authdns.conf.tpl.erb'),
before => Exec['authdns-local-update'],
$host_state_dir = '/var/lib/dnsbox'
file { $host_state_dir:
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
# Manage service depooling via confd. This means iterating over the
# services defined in advertise_vips and creating state files for them,
# using their respective healthchecks.
# Since the basic wrapper is the same for all services, we use that and
# template it, instead of duplicating the code.
$advertise_vips.map |$vip_fqdn, $vip_params| {
$service_type = $vip_params['service_type']
$service_name = regsubst($service_type, '-', '_', 'G')
$state_file = "${host_state_dir}/${service_name}.state"
file { "/usr/local/bin/check_${service_name}_state":
ensure => present,
mode => '0755',
content => template('profile/dns/auth/check_state.erb'),
before => Confd::File[$state_file],
$service_watch_keys = [ "/pools/${::site}/dnsbox/${service_type}/${::fqdn}" ]
confd::file { $state_file:
ensure => present,
watch_keys => $service_watch_keys,
content => template('profile/dns/auth/state.tpl.erb'),
reload => "/usr/local/bin/check_${service_name}_state",
before => Exec['authdns-local-update'],
ferm::service { 'authdns_update_ssh_rule':
proto => 'tcp',
port => '22',
srange => "(${authdns_servers_ips.values().join(' ')})",
# The clones and exec below are only for the initial puppetization of a
# fresh host, ensuring that the data and configuration are fully present
# *before* the daemon is ever started for the first time (which can only be
# gauranteed by doing it before the package is even installed). Most other
# daemon configuration needs a "before => Exec['authdns-local-update']" to
# ensure it is also a part of this process.
git::clone { $workingdir:
directory => $workingdir,
origin => $gitrepo,
branch => 'master',
owner => 'authdns',
group => 'authdns',
notify => Exec['authdns-local-update'],
# Clone the Netbox exported DNS snippet zonefiles with automatically generated
# DNS records from Netbox data.
git::clone { $netbox_dns_snippets_dir:
directory => $netbox_dns_snippets_dir,
origin => $netbox_dns_snippets_repo,
branch => 'master',
owner => $netbox_dns_user,
group => $netbox_dns_user,
timeout => 600, # 10 minutes
notify => Exec['authdns-local-update'],
exec { 'authdns-local-update':
command => '/usr/local/sbin/authdns-local-update --skip-review --initial',
user => root,
timeout => 60,
# we don't want to run this if we have already run before and the files exist
unless => [ '/usr/bin/test -f /etc/gdnsd/config -a -f /etc/gdnsd/zones/netbox/eqiad.wmnet -a -f /etc/gdnsd/zones/wikipedia.org' ],
# we prepare the config even before the package gets installed, leaving
# no window where service would be started and answer with REFUSED
before => Package['gdnsd'],