Puppet Class: profile::doc
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/doc.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 web server hosting doc.wikimedia.org
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/doc.pp', line 3
class profile::doc (
Stdlib::Fqdn $active_host = lookup('profile::doc::active_host'),
Array[Stdlib::Fqdn] $all_hosts = lookup('profile::doc::all_hosts'),
Stdlib::Unixpath $wmf_doc_path = lookup('profile::doc::wmf_doc_path', {'default_value' => '/srv/doc'}),
Array[Stdlib::Host] $contint_hosts = lookup('jenkins_controller_hosts'),
) {
include profile::ci::php
$php_prefix = $profile::ci::php::php_prefix
$php_version = $profile::ci::php::php_version
$deploy_user = 'deploy-ci-docroot'
scap::target { 'integration/docroot':
deploy_user => $deploy_user,
ensure_packages(["${php_prefix}-fpm", "${php_prefix}-xml"])
# The Debian package does not provide a `php-fpm` service and we need scap
# to be able to restart the service without relying on a version number.
$restart_cmd = "/bin/systemctl restart ${php_prefix}-fpm"
# scap deployment swap symlink which confuses PHP opcache. On promote
# stage, scap invoke this script to clear the opcache.
file { '/usr/local/sbin/restart-php-fpm-unsafe':
ensure => present,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
content => "#!/bin/bash\nexec sudo -u root -- ${restart_cmd}\n"
sudo::user { 'deploy_restart_fpm':
user => $deploy_user,
privileges => ["ALL = NOPASSWD: ${restart_cmd}"],
class { '::httpd':
modules => ['setenvif',
class { '::httpd::mpm':
mpm => 'worker',
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/doc/httpd_worker.conf'
httpd::conf { 'wmf_doc_path':
priority => 40,
content => "Define WMF_DOC_PATH ${wmf_doc_path}\nDefine WMF_DOC_PHP_VERSION ${php_prefix}",
# Apache configuration for doc.wikimedia.org
httpd::site { 'doc.wikimedia.org':
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/doc/httpd-doc.wikimedia.org.conf'
profile::auto_restarts::service { "${php_prefix}-fpm": }
firewall::service { 'doc-http':
proto => 'tcp',
port => 80,
src_sets => ['CACHES', 'DEPLOYMENT_HOSTS'],
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'apache2': }
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'envoyproxy': }
systemd::sysuser { 'doc-uploader':
ensure => present,
id => '922:922',
description => 'doc-uploader system user',
file { '/srv/doc':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'doc-uploader',
group => 'doc-uploader',
mode => '0755',
# This is to prevent monitoring from alerting. The directory is empty until
# we have completed the migration of generated documentations. Once done,
# we should remove the file.
file { '/srv/doc/BACKMEUP':
ensure => 'file',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
content => 'Placeholder for Bacula',
backup::set { 'srv-doc': }
class { '::rsync::server': }
$is_active = $::fqdn == $active_host
$ensure_on_active = $is_active.bool2str('present', 'absent')
$gitlab_runner_hosts = wmflib::role::hosts('gitlab_runner')
$jenkins_releases_hosts = wmflib::class::hosts('profile::releases::mediawiki')
file { '/etc/rsync-doc-auth-secrets':
ensure => $ensure_on_active,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0400',
content => secret('doc/secrets'),
rsync::server::module { 'doc-auth':
ensure => $ensure_on_active,
comment => 'Docroot of https://doc.wikimedia.org/',
read_only => 'no',
path => '/srv/doc',
uid => 'doc-uploader',
gid => 'doc-uploader',
incoming_chmod => 'D775,F664',
hosts_allow => $gitlab_runner_hosts + $jenkins_releases_hosts,
auto_firewall => true,
auth_users => ['doc-publisher'],
secrets_file => '/etc/rsync-doc-auth-secrets',
require => [
rsync::server::module { 'doc':
ensure => $ensure_on_active,
comment => 'Docroot of https://doc.wikimedia.org/',
read_only => 'no',
path => '/srv/doc',
uid => 'doc-uploader',
gid => 'doc-uploader',
incoming_chmod => 'D775,F664',
hosts_allow => $contint_hosts,
auto_firewall => true,
require => [
rsync::quickdatacopy { 'doc-host-data-sync':
ensure => present,
source_host => $active_host,
dest_host => $all_hosts.filter |$host| { $host != $active_host },
module_path => '/srv/doc',
auto_sync => true,
delete => true,
chown => 'doc-uploader:doc-uploader',
auto_interval => { 'start' => 'OnUnitInactiveSec', 'interval' => '1h' },
require => [User['doc-uploader'], File['/srv/doc']],
ignore_missing_file_errors => true,
$all_hosts.each |Stdlib::Fqdn $other_host| {
prometheus::blackbox::check::http { $other_host:
server_name => 'doc.wikimedia.org',
instance_label => $other_host,
team => 'collaboration-services',
severity => 'task',
path => '/',
ip_families => ['ip4'],
force_tls => true,
body_regex_matches => ['open-source'],
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'rsync': }
# We want to _include_ the E_DEPRECATED php logs, T325245
file { 'php-logging-confd':
ensure => present,
path => "/etc/php/${php_version}/fpm/conf.d/99-logging-levels",
owner => 'root',
mode => '0644',
content => 'error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_STRICT',
rsyslog::input::file { 'doc-apache2-error':
path => '/var/log/apache2/*error*.log',
rsyslog::input::file { 'doc-apache2-access':
path => '/var/log/apache2/*access*.log',
rsyslog::input::file { 'doc-phpfpm-error':
path => '/var/log/php*-fpm.log',