Puppet Class: profile::graphite::base
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/graphite/base.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class: profile::graphite::base
Base class for setting up a graphite instance.
Sets up graphite + carbon listeners, with 8 carbon listeners running on localhost feeding data into graphite. Also sets up basic icinga checks.
- storage_dir
Location to store the whisper files used by graphite in
- provide_vhost
If enabled, configure an Apache vhost config (which is provided by a different profile if running with CAS auth)
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/graphite/base.pp', line 20
class profile::graphite::base(
$storage_dir = '/var/lib/carbon',
$hostname = 'graphite.wikimedia.org',
$cors_origins = [ 'https://grafana.wikimedia.org', 'https://grafana-next.wikimedia.org', 'https://grafana-rw.wikimedia.org', 'https://grafana-next-rw.wikimedia.org' ],
$c_relay_settings = {},
$cluster_servers = lookup('profile::graphite::base::cluster_servers'),
$uwsgi_processes = lookup('profile::graphite::base::uwsgi_processes'),
$uwsgi_max_request_duration_seconds = undef, # lint:ignore:wmf_styleguide
$uwsgi_max_request_rss_megabytes = undef, # lint:ignore:wmf_styleguide
$provide_vhost = true, # lint:ignore:wmf_styleguide
Hash $ldap_config = lookup('ldap'),
) {
include ::passwords::graphite
$carbon_storage_dir = $storage_dir
class { '::graphite':
# First match wins with storage schemas
# lint:ignore:arrow_alignment
storage_schemas => {
# Retain daily metrics for 25 years. Per metric size: 109528 bytes
'daily' => {
pattern => '(^daily\..*|.*\.daily$)',
retentions => '1d:25y',
# Retain aggregated data at 1 hour resolution for 1 year and at
# 1 day resolution for 5 years. Per metric size: 127060 bytes
'hourly' => {
pattern => '(^hourly\..*|.*\.hourly$)',
retentions => '1h:1y,1d:5y',
# Decom https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T335242
'coal' => {
pattern => '^coal\..*',
retentions => '1m:1y',
# Retain aggregated data at a one-minute resolution for one week; at
# five-minute resolution for two weeks; at 15-minute resolution for
# one month; one-hour resolution for one year, and 1d for five years.
# Per metric size: 331000 bytes
# Note that the different schemas are written to configuration file
# in alphabetical order and matched in that order. The "default"
# schema has to be the last one in the list, thus the "zzdefault"
# name.
'zzdefault' => {
pattern => '.*',
retentions => '1m:7d,5m:14d,15m:30d,1h:1y,1d:5y',
# lint:endignore
# Aggregation methods for whisper files.
# lint:ignore:arrow_alignment
storage_aggregation => {
# Cassandra "count" metrics are treated like gauges, not like
# statsd "counters". See also T121789 for rationale.
'10_cassandra_count' => {
pattern => '^cassandra\.[^.]+\.org\.apache\.cassandra\..*\.count$',
xFilesFactor => 0.01,
aggregationMethod => 'average',
'min' => {
pattern => '\.min$',
xFilesFactor => 0.01,
aggregationMethod => 'min',
'max' => {
pattern => '\.max$',
xFilesFactor => 0.01,
aggregationMethod => 'max',
'count' => {
pattern => '\.count$',
xFilesFactor => 0,
aggregationMethod => 'sum',
'sum' => {
pattern => '\.sum$',
xFilesFactor => 0,
aggregationMethod => 'sum',
# statsite extended counters
'lower' => {
pattern => '\.lower$',
xFilesFactor => 0.01,
aggregationMethod => 'min',
'upper' => {
pattern => '\.upper$',
xFilesFactor => 0.01,
aggregationMethod => 'max',
# Like storage_schemas, this hash is written in order in the
# configuration file and read in order by graphite
# (lib/carbon/storage.py). Therefore put default as last item for
# matching to work correctly.
'zzdefault' => {
pattern => '.*',
xFilesFactor => 0.01,
# lint:endignore
# All metric data goes through a single carbon-relay instance, which
# forwards each data point to one of eight carbon-cache instances, using
# a consistent hash ring to distribute the load.
# Why is this necessary? Because carbon-cache is CPU-bound, and the Python
# GIL prevents it from utilizing multiple processor cores efficiently.
# cf. "Single node, multiple carbon-caches"
# <http://bitprophet.org/blog/2013/03/07/graphite/>
# If we need to scale up, the next step is multi-node.
# <http://tinyurl.com/graphite-cluster-setup>.
carbon_settings => {
'cache' => {
line_receiver_interface => '', # Only the relay binds to
pickle_receiver_interface => '',
max_cache_size => 'inf',
max_creates_per_minute => '100',
max_updates_per_second_on_shutdown => '1000',
## Carbon caches ##
'cache:a' => {
line_receiver_port => 2103,
pickle_receiver_port => 2104,
cache_query_port => 7102,
'cache:b' => {
line_receiver_port => 2203,
pickle_receiver_port => 2204,
cache_query_port => 7202,
'cache:c' => {
line_receiver_port => 2303,
pickle_receiver_port => 2304,
cache_query_port => 7302,
'cache:d' => {
line_receiver_port => 2403,
pickle_receiver_port => 2404,
cache_query_port => 7402,
'cache:e' => {
line_receiver_port => 2503,
pickle_receiver_port => 2504,
cache_query_port => 7502,
'cache:f' => {
line_receiver_port => 2603,
pickle_receiver_port => 2604,
cache_query_port => 7602,
'cache:g' => {
line_receiver_port => 2703,
pickle_receiver_port => 2704,
cache_query_port => 7702,
'cache:h' => {
line_receiver_port => 2803,
pickle_receiver_port => 2804,
cache_query_port => 7802,
## Carbon relay ##
'relay' => {
pickle_receiver_interface => '',
# disabled, see ::graphite::carbon_c_relay
line_receiver_port => '0',
relay_method => 'consistent-hashing',
max_queue_size => '500000',
destinations => [
storage_dir => $carbon_storage_dir,
whisper_lock_writes => true,
c_relay_settings => $c_relay_settings,
class { '::graphite::web':
admin_user => $::passwords::graphite::user,
admin_pass => $::passwords::graphite::pass,
remote_user_auth => true,
secret_key => $::passwords::graphite::secret_key,
storage_dir => $carbon_storage_dir,
documentation_url => '//wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Graphite',
cluster_servers => $cluster_servers,
cors_origins => $cors_origins,
uwsgi_max_request_duration_seconds => $uwsgi_max_request_duration_seconds,
uwsgi_max_request_rss_megabytes => $uwsgi_max_request_rss_megabytes,
uwsgi_processes => $uwsgi_processes,
if $provide_vhost {
httpd::site { $hostname:
content => template('role/graphite/graphite.apache.erb'),
ferm::service { 'graphite-http':
proto => 'tcp',
port => [80],
# This check goes to the backend, which is http.
monitoring::service { 'graphite_render':
description => "${hostname} render",
check_command => "check_http_url!${hostname}!/render",
notes_url => 'https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Graphite#Operations_troubleshooting',
# Probe the API, the "carbon" hierarchy should always exist
monitoring::service { 'graphite_api':
description => "${hostname} api",
check_command => "check_http_url!${hostname}!/metrics/find?query=carbon.*",
notes_url => 'https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Graphite#Operations_troubleshooting',