Puppet Class: profile::kafka::mirror
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/kafka/mirror.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class profile::kafka::mirror
Sets up an individual MirrorMaker instance to mirror from $source_cluster_name to $destination_cluster_name. Consumer and Producer properties will automatically include proper max message bytes / batch size settings. Any other MirrorMaker Consumer or Producer properties you need to set should be provided in $properties, with keys that match the confluent::kafka::mirror::instance define parameters.
SSL Configuration
To configure SSL for Kafka MirrorMaker the PKI infrastructure is used and
everything will be handled by puppet. The only extra thing to add is the keystore
password in puppet private.
When you enable SSL for MirrorMaker, User:CN=kafka_mirror_maker should be granted consumer and/or producer privileges via ACLs. This will not be done for you. Run the following command to add them.
kafka acls --add --allow-principal User:CN=kafka_mirror_maker --topic '*' --group '*' --producer --consumer
- enabled
If false, kafka mirror-maker service will not be started. Default: true.
- source_cluster_name
This will be passed to the kafka_config function to find the source cluster brokers.
- destination_cluster_name
This will be passed to the kafka_config function to find the destination cluster brokers.
- properties
Hash of extra properties to pass to confluent::kafka::mirror::instance. Default: {}
- num_processes
Number of (systemd based) processes to spawn for this MirrorMaker. Default: 1
- consumer_ssl_enabled
If true, an SSL will be used to consume from the source cluster. Default: false
- producer_ssl_enabled
If true, an SSL will be used to produce to the destination cluster Default: false
- ssl_password
Password for keystores and keys. You should set this in hiera in the operations puppet private repository. Hiera: profile::kafka::mirror::ssl_password This expects that all keystore, truststores, and keys use the same password. Default: undef
- monitoring_enabled
If true, monitoring (via prometheus) will be enabled for this MirrorMaker instance.
- jmx_base_port
Starting port for JMX. Each instantiated process will +1 to this port. Default: 9900
- jmx_exporter_base_port
Starting port for Prometheus JMX exporter. Each instantiated process will +1 to this port. Only used if $monitoring_enabled is true. Default: 7900
- message_max_bytes
Max Kafka message size. Should be synchronized between all producers, brokers, and consumers.
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/kafka/mirror.pp', line 66
class profile::kafka::mirror(
Boolean $enabled = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::enabled', {'default_value' => true}),
String $source_cluster_name = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::source_cluster_name'),
String $destination_cluster_name = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::destination_cluster_name'),
Hash[String, Any] $properties = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::properties', {'default_value' => {}}),
Integer $num_processes = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::num_processes', {'default_value' => 1}),
Boolean $consumer_ssl_enabled = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::consumer_ssl_enabled', {'default_value' => false}),
Boolean $producer_ssl_enabled = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::producer_ssl_enabled', {'default_value' => false}),
Optional[String] $ssl_password = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::ssl_password', {'default_value' => undef}),
Boolean $monitoring_enabled = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror::monitoring_enabled', {'default_value' => true}),
Stdlib::Port $jmx_base_port = lookup('profile::kafka:mirror:jmx_base_port', {'default_value' => 9900}),
Stdlib::Port $jmx_exporter_base_port = lookup('profile::kafka::mirror:jmx_exporter_base_port', {'default_value' => 7900}),
Integer $message_max_bytes = lookup('kafka_message_max_bytes'),
) {
include profile::kafka::common
$source_config = kafka_config($source_cluster_name)
$destination_config = kafka_config($destination_cluster_name)
# This is the name of the logical MirrorMaker instance. It will be used
# for the consumer group.id. Each individual process belonging to this will
# be named $mirror_instance_name@$process_num.
$mirror_instance_name = "${source_config['name']}_to_${destination_config['name']}"
$certificate_name = 'kafka_mirror_maker'
$ssl_location = '/etc/kafka/mirror/ssl'
# Consumer and Producer use the same SSL properties.
if $consumer_ssl_enabled or $producer_ssl_enabled {
$ssl_truststore_location = profile::base::certificates::get_trusted_ca_jks_path()
$ssl_truststore_password = profile::base::certificates::get_trusted_ca_jks_password()
$ssl_cert = profile::pki::get_cert('kafka', $certificate_name, {
'outdir' => $ssl_location,
'owner' => 'kafka',
'group' => 'kafka',
'profile' => 'kafka_11',
notify => Sslcert::X509_to_pkcs12['kafka_mirror_keystore'],
$ssl_keystore_location = "${ssl_location}/${certificate_name}.keystore.p12"
sslcert::x509_to_pkcs12 { 'kafka_mirror_keystore' :
owner => 'kafka',
group => 'kafka',
public_key => $ssl_cert['chained'],
private_key => $ssl_cert['key'],
certfile => $ssl_cert['ca'],
outfile => $ssl_keystore_location,
password => $ssl_password,
notify => Service['kafka-mirror'],
# https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T182993#4208208
$ssl_java_opts = '-Djdk.tls.namedGroups=secp256r1 '
# These will be used for consumer and/or producer properties.
$ssl_properties = {
'security.protocol' => 'SSL',
'ssl.truststore.location' => $ssl_truststore_location,
'ssl.truststore.password' => $ssl_truststore_password,
'ssl.keystore.location' => $ssl_keystore_location,
'ssl.keystore.password' => $ssl_password,
'ssl.key.password' => $ssl_password,
'ssl.enabled.protocols' => 'TLSv1.2',
'ssl.cipher.suites' => 'TLS_ECDHE_ECDSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384',
else {
$ssl_properties = {}
$ssl_java_opts = ''
if $consumer_ssl_enabled {
$consumer_ssl_properties = $ssl_properties
$source_brokers = split($source_config['brokers']['ssl_string'], ',')
else {
$consumer_ssl_properties = {}
$source_brokers = split($source_config['brokers']['string'], ',')
if $producer_ssl_enabled {
$producer_ssl_properties = $ssl_properties
$destination_brokers = split($destination_config['brokers']['ssl_string'], ',')
else {
$producer_ssl_properties = {}
$destination_brokers = split($destination_config['brokers']['string'], ',')
# The requests not only contain the message but also a small metadata overhead.
# So if we want to produce a kafka_message_max_bytes payload the max request size should be
# a bit higher. In Kafka 0.11+, there is a bit more metadata, and I've seen a request
# of size 5272680 even though max.message.bytes is 4Mb. Increase request size + 1.5 MB.
$producer_request_max_size = $message_max_bytes + 1572864
# Merge other consumer and producer properties together with the ssl configuration.
$consumer_properties = merge(
# RoundRobin results in more balanced consumer assignment when dealing
# with many single partition topics.
'partition.assignment.strategy' => 'org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.RoundRobinAssignor',
'max.partition.fetch.bytes' => $producer_request_max_size
$producer_properties = merge(
'max.request.size' => $producer_request_max_size
# Iterate and instantiate $num_processes MirrorMaker processes using these configs.
range(0, $num_processes - 1).each |$process| {
# Use the names from the config hashes, rather than as passed in, since names passed in
# might not be fully suffixed with datacenter name.
$mirror_process_name = "${mirror_instance_name}@${process}"
if $monitoring_enabled {
$prometheus_jmx_exporter_port = $jmx_exporter_base_port + $process
$jmx_exporter_config_file = "/etc/kafka/mirror/${mirror_process_name}/prometheus_jmx_exporter.yaml"
# Use this in your JAVA_OPTS you pass to the Kafka MirrorMaker process
$prometheus_java_opts = "-javaagent:/usr/share/java/prometheus/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar=${::ipaddress}:${prometheus_jmx_exporter_port}:${jmx_exporter_config_file}"
# Declare a prometheus jmx_exporter instance.
# This will render the config file, declare the jmx_exporter_instance,
# and configure ferm.
profile::prometheus::jmx_exporter { "kafka_mirror_${$mirror_process_name}_${::hostname}":
hostname => $::hostname,
port => $prometheus_jmx_exporter_port,
config_file => $jmx_exporter_config_file,
content => template('profile/kafka/mirror_maker_prometheus_jmx_exporter.yaml.erb'),
labels => {
'mirror_name' => $mirror_instance_name,
# Generate icinga alert if MirrorMaker process is not running.
nrpe::monitor_service { "kafka-mirror-${mirror_process_name}":
description => "Kafka MirrorMaker ${mirror_process_name}",
nrpe_command => "/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -c 1:1 -C java --ereg-argument-array 'kafka.tools.MirrorMaker.+/etc/kafka/mirror/${mirror_process_name}/producer\\.properties'",
require => Confluent::Kafka::Mirror::Instance[$mirror_process_name],
notes_url => 'https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Kafka/Administration#MirrorMaker',
# More alerts can be added by declaring
# profile::kafka::mirror::alerts { $mirror_process_name: }
# elsewhere, usually in profile::prometheus::alerts.
else {
$prometheus_java_opts = ''
# Minimum defaults for configuring a MirrorMaker instance.
$default_parameters = {
'enabled' => $enabled,
'source_brokers' => $source_brokers,
'destination_brokers' => $destination_brokers,
'producer_properties' => $producer_properties,
'consumer_properties' => $consumer_properties,
'java_opts' => "${ssl_java_opts}${prometheus_java_opts}",
'jmx_port' => $jmx_base_port + $process,
'group_id' => "kafka-mirror-${mirror_instance_name}",
# This hash will be passed to confluent::kafka::mirror::instance.
# Use deep_merge because producer and consumer properties are also hashes.
$mirror_parameters = deep_merge(
# Create the mirror instance using create_resources. This allows us to pass parameters
# from hiera, with some sane defaults, to the mirror::instance without declaring
# every possible mirror::instance parameter here. Any that aren't defined in $mirror_parameters
# will just use the confluent::kafka::mirror::instance defaults.
# If we didn't do this, we'd have to add around 8 more parameters to this profile
# now, and possibly more as needed later.
{ "${mirror_process_name}" => $mirror_parameters }