Puppet Class: profile::kubernetes::mediawiki_runner
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/kubernetes/mediawiki_runner.pp
Class to add specific data to a k8s node running mediawikiOverview
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/kubernetes/mediawiki_runner.pp', line 3
class profile::kubernetes::mediawiki_runner(
Optional[Array[String]] $kubelet_node_labels = lookup('profile::kubernetes::node::kubelet_node_labels', { default_value => [] })
) {
# For now, assume we can use any node that's not marked as dedicated.
$reserved_node = /dedicated=.*/ in $kubelet_node_labels
$command = '/usr/local/sbin/mediawiki-image-download'
if $reserved_node {
# Just pretend to do it on the non-reserved nodes
file { $command:
ensure => link,
target => '/bin/true',
} else {
# Download the mediawiki image on the reserved nodes
file { $command:
ensure => present,
mode => '0544',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/kubernetes/node/mediawiki-image-download.sh'
## Scap "client"
# Please note: if we ever want to actually use the scap client to not just deliver commands but to
# distribute the code, we should include profile::mediawiki::scap_client instead
# The following is copied over from mediawiki::users; TODO: refactor and DRY
group { 'mwdeploy':
ensure => present,
system => true,
user { 'mwdeploy':
ensure => present,
shell => '/bin/bash',
home => '/var/lib/mwdeploy',
system => true,
managehome => true,
ssh::userkey { 'mwdeploy':
ensure => present,
content => secret('keyholder/mwdeploy.pub'),
# Grant mwdeploy sudo rights to download the mediawiki image.
sudo::user { 'mwdeploy':
ensure => present,
privileges => [
"ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: ${command} *",
class { 'scap::ferm':
ensure => present,
unless $reserved_node {
## GeoIP data
# Make sure that the GeoIP data is copied locally on the node before starting the kubelet
# service so it can be available to the mediawiki pods. T288375
class { 'geoip::data::puppet':
fetch_ipinfo_dbs => true,
before => Service['kubelet'],