Puppet Class: profile::kubernetes::node
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/kubernetes/node.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/kubernetes/node.pp', line 2
class profile::kubernetes::node (
String $kubernetes_cluster_name = lookup('profile::kubernetes::cluster_name'),
Optional[Array[String]] $kubelet_node_labels = lookup('profile::kubernetes::node::kubelet_node_labels', { default_value => [] }),
Optional[Array[String]] $kubelet_extra_params = lookup('profile::kubernetes::node::kubelet_extra_params', { default_value => undef }),
Optional[Array[K8s::Core::V1Taint]] $kubelet_node_taints = lookup('profile::kubernetes::node::kubelet_node_taints', { default_value => [] }),
Optional[String] $docker_kubernetes_user_password = lookup('profile::kubernetes::node::docker_kubernetes_user_password', { default_value => undef }),
) {
require profile::rsyslog::kubernetes
# Using netbox to know where we are situated in the datacenter
require profile::netbox::host
# FIXME: Ensure kube user/group as well as /etc/kubernetes/pki is created with proper permissions
# before the first pki::get_cert call: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T337826
unless defined(Group['kube']) {
group { 'kube':
ensure => present,
system => true,
unless defined(User['kube']) {
user { 'kube':
ensure => present,
gid => 'kube',
system => true,
home => '/nonexistent',
shell => '/usr/sbin/nologin',
$cert_dir = '/etc/kubernetes/pki'
unless defined(File[$cert_dir]) {
file { $cert_dir:
ensure => 'directory',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
# Blacklist the wdat_wdt watchdog kernel module present in some R440s
# Due to some race condition that is triggered by a slow to stop container
# the machines using this watchdog driver don't finish a proper reboot but
# are rather rebooted by the watchdog. The watchdog triggered reboot causes
# the firmware to ask for a manual action on the next boot (Press F1), which
# is just unacceptable. Blacklist the module as a workaround. T354413
if $::productname == 'PowerEdge R440' {
kmod::blacklist { 'r440_wdat_wdt':
modules => [ 'wdat_wdt' ],
rmmod => true,
$k8s_config = k8s::fetch_cluster_config($kubernetes_cluster_name)
# Enable performance governor for hardware nodes
class { 'cpufrequtils': }
rsyslog::input::file { 'kubernetes-json':
path => '/var/log/containers/*.log',
reopen_on_truncate => 'on',
addmetadata => 'on',
addceetag => 'on',
syslog_tag => 'kubernetes',
priority => 8,
# additional rsyslog imfile remedy, unconditionally restart rsyslog
# every few hours
class { 'toil::rsyslog_imfile_remedy': }
# rsyslog imfile fd leak seems fixed with 8.2404.0-1~bpo11+1
# absent the bandaid to completely remove it later.
# https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T357616
$release_deleted_inotify_watches = 'rsyslog-release-deleted-inotify-watches'
$command = "/usr/local/sbin/${release_deleted_inotify_watches}"
file { $command:
ensure => 'absent',
mode => '0544',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
$minute = fqdn_rand(59, $release_deleted_inotify_watches)
systemd::timer::job { $release_deleted_inotify_watches:
ensure => 'absent',
description => 'Restart rsyslog to release inotify watches of deleted container logs',
user => 'root',
command => $command,
interval => { 'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => "*-*-* *:${minute}:00" },
$kubelet_cert = profile::pki::get_cert($k8s_config['pki_intermediate_base'], 'kubelet', {
'profile' => 'server',
'renew_seconds' => $k8s_config['pki_renew_seconds'],
'owner' => 'kube',
'outdir' => $cert_dir,
'hosts' => [
'notify_services' => ['kubelet'],
# Figure out if this node has SSD or spinning disks
# This is not the absolute correct approach, but it will do for now
if $facts['is_virtual'] {
# disk_type will be "kvm" for example
$disk_type = $facts['virtual']
} else {
$ssd_disks = filter($facts['disk_type']) |$x| {
$x[1] == 'ssd'
if $ssd_disks.length > 0 {
$disk_type = 'ssd'
} else {
$disk_type = 'hdd'
# Setup kubelet
$kubelet_kubeconfig = '/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf'
$default_auth = profile::pki::get_cert($k8s_config['pki_intermediate_base'], "system:node:${facts['fqdn']}", {
'renew_seconds' => $k8s_config['pki_renew_seconds'],
'names' => [{ 'organisation' => 'system:nodes' }],
'owner' => 'kube',
'outdir' => $cert_dir,
'notify_services' => ['kubelet'],
k8s::kubeconfig { $kubelet_kubeconfig:
master_host => $k8s_config['master'],
username => 'default-auth',
auth_cert => $default_auth,
owner => 'kube',
group => 'kube',
# Get typology info from Netbox and LLDP data
$location = $profile::netbox::host::location
$region = $location['site']
$zone = $location ? {
# Ganeti instances will have their ganeti cluster and group as zone, like "ganeti-eqiad-a"
Netbox::Device::Location::Virtual => "ganeti-${location['ganeti_cluster']}-${location['ganeti_group']}",
# The zone of metal instances depends on the layout of the row they are in
Netbox::Device::Location::BareMetal =>
if !$facts['lldp']['parent'] {
fail('LLDP fact finding failed, \
failing the entire Puppet run to avoid unwanted kubelet topology changes.')
} elsif $facts['lldp']['parent'] =~ /^lsw/ {
# Old-> new switches transition - to be removed once the transition is over
# Case where the server has been physically moved to the new switches,
# But is still in the old row wise codfw vlans
if $facts['lldp'][$facts['interface_primary']]['vlans']['untagged_vlan'] in [2017, 2018, 2019, 2020] {
regsubst($location['row'], "${region}-", '')
} else {
# L3 ToR switches in the core sites are named "lsw", while row wide VCs are "asw"
# in that case, their "availlability zone" is limited to the rack
} else {
# The old row setup follows a per row redundancy model, therefore we
# expect zone to include the row without rack number, like "row-a".
regsubst($location['row'], "${region}-", '')
$topology_labels = [
$node_labels = concat($kubelet_node_labels, $topology_labels, "node.kubernetes.io/disk-type=${disk_type}")
if $facts['fqdn'] in $k8s_config['control_plane_nodes'] {
$system_reserved = undef
} else {
# If this node is not a master, compute reserved system resources
# Reserve memory:
# * 25% of the first 4 GiB == 1 GiB
# * 20% of the next 4 GiB == 0.8 GiB
# * 10% of the next 8 GiB == 0.8 GiB
# * 6% of the next 112 GiB == 6.72 GiB
# * 3% of anything above 128 GiB
$one_gib_bytes = 1074176000
$system_mem_bytes = $facts['memory']['system']['total_bytes']
if $system_mem_bytes <= $one_gib_bytes * 4 {
$reserved_mem_bytes = 25 * $system_mem_bytes / 100
} elsif $system_mem_bytes <= $one_gib_bytes * 8 {
$reserved_mem_bytes = $one_gib_bytes + 20 * ($system_mem_bytes - $one_gib_bytes * 4) / 100
} elsif $system_mem_bytes <= $one_gib_bytes * 16 {
$reserved_mem_bytes = 1.8 * $one_gib_bytes + 10 * ($system_mem_bytes - $one_gib_bytes * 8) / 100
} elsif $system_mem_bytes <= $one_gib_bytes * 128 {
$reserved_mem_bytes = 2.6 * $one_gib_bytes + 6 * ($system_mem_bytes - $one_gib_bytes * 16) / 100
} else {
$reserved_mem_bytes = 9.32 * $one_gib_bytes + 3 * ($system_mem_bytes - $one_gib_bytes * 128) / 100
# Reserve CPU
# 6% of the first core
# 1% of the second core
# 0.5% of the next 2 cores (up to 4)
# 0.01% of all cores above 4
$system_cpus = $facts['processorcount']
if $system_cpus == 1 {
$reserved_cpus = 0.06
} elsif $system_cpus == 2 {
$reserved_cpus = 0.07
} elsif $system_cpus <= 4 {
$reserved_cpus = (0.07 + 0.5 * ($system_cpus - 2) / 100) * $system_cpus
} else {
$reserved_cpus = (0.08 + 0.01 * ($system_cpus - 4) / 100) * $system_cpus
$system_reserved = {
'cpu' => sprintf('%.1f', $reserved_cpus),
'memory' => sprintf('%.2fGi', $reserved_mem_bytes / 1024.0 / 1024.0 / 1024.0),
class { 'k8s::kubelet':
cni => $k8s_config['use_cni'],
cluster_dns => $k8s_config['cluster_dns'],
pod_infra_container_image => $k8s_config['infra_pod'],
kubelet_cert => $kubelet_cert,
kubeconfig => $kubelet_kubeconfig,
node_labels => $node_labels,
node_taints => $kubelet_node_taints,
extra_params => $kubelet_extra_params,
version => $k8s_config['version'],
ipv6dualstack => $k8s_config['ipv6dualstack'],
docker_kubernetes_user_password => $docker_kubernetes_user_password,
system_reserved => $system_reserved,
# Setup kube-proxy
$kubeproxy_kubeconfig = '/etc/kubernetes/proxy.conf'
$default_proxy = profile::pki::get_cert($k8s_config['pki_intermediate_base'], 'system:kube-proxy', {
'renew_seconds' => $k8s_config['pki_renew_seconds'],
'names' => [{ 'organisation' => 'system:node-proxier' }],
'owner' => 'kube',
'outdir' => $cert_dir,
'notify_services' => ['kube-proxy'],
k8s::kubeconfig { $kubeproxy_kubeconfig:
master_host => $k8s_config['master'],
username => 'default-proxy',
auth_cert => $default_proxy,
owner => 'kube',
group => 'kube',
class { 'k8s::proxy':
kubeconfig => $kubeproxy_kubeconfig,
version => $k8s_config['version'],
ipv6dualstack => $k8s_config['ipv6dualstack'],
cluster_cidr => $k8s_config['cluster_cidr'],
# Set the host as a router for IPv6 in order to allow pods to have an IPv6
# address
# If the host considers itself as a router (IP forwarding enabled), it will
# ignore all router advertisements, breaking IPv6 SLAAC. Accept Router
# Advertisements even if forwarding is enabled, but only on the primary
# interface
# lint:ignore:arrow_alignment
sysctl::parameters { 'ipv6-fowarding-accept-ra':
values => {
'net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding' => 1,
"net.ipv6.conf.${facts['interface_primary']}.accept_ra" => 2,
# lint:endignore
$kubelet_default_port = 10250
$control_plane_nodes_ferm = join($k8s_config['control_plane_nodes'], ' ')
ferm::service { 'kubelet-http':
proto => 'tcp',
port => $kubelet_default_port,
srange => "(@resolve((${control_plane_nodes_ferm})) @resolve((${control_plane_nodes_ferm}), AAAA))",
# Override for ferm.service to autorestart in case of kube-proxy race-condition
# T354855
systemd::override { 'ferm-service-auto-restart':
unit => 'ferm',
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/kubernetes/node/ferm_systemd_override',
# kube-proxy on startup sets the following. However sysctl values may be
# changed after that. Enforce them in puppet as well to avoid nasty
# surprises. Furthermore, since we don't want our kubernetes nodes, which
# act as routers, to send ICMP redirects to other nodes when reached for
# workloads that don't reside on them but do know the router for, disable
# send_redirects. T226237
sysctl::parameters { 'kube_proxy_conntrack':
values => {
'net.netfilter.nf_conntrack_max' => 1048576,
'net.ipv4.conf.all.send_redirects' => 0,
'net.ipv4.conf.default.send_redirects' => 0,
"net.ipv4.conf.${facts['interface_primary']}.send_redirects" => 0,
priority => 75,
# docker/runc will spam syslog for every exec inside a container, see:
# https://github.com/docker/for-linux/issues/679
# Stop the messages from reaching syslog until there is a proper fix available.
rsyslog::conf { 'block-docker-mount-spam':
priority => 1,
content => 'if $msg contains "run-docker-runtime\\\\x2drunc-moby-" and $msg contains ".mount: Succeeded." then { stop }',
rsyslog::conf { 'kubernetes-node-filters':
priority => 10,
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/kubernetes/node/kubernetes-node-filters.rsyslog.conf',
# We've seen issues with tailing container logs as kubelet a lot of inotify instances.
# Increase the inotify limits (from Debian default 8192, 128). The new values don't have a real meaning,
# they've been copied from what we use on prometheus nodes.
sysctl::parameters { 'increase_inotify_limits':
values => {
'fs.inotify.max_user_watches' => 32768,
'fs.inotify.max_user_instances' => 512,
# Populating apparmor profile for fun and profit
class { 'apparmor': }
$apparmor_profiles = 'apparmor_profiles' in $k8s_config ? {
true => $k8s_config['apparmor_profiles'],
false => [],
$apparmor_profiles.each |$pname| {
apparmor::profile { "containers.${pname}":
source => "puppet:///modules/profile/kubernetes/node/${pname}",