Puppet Class: profile::librenms
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/librenms.pp
$active_server Which of the netmon servers should actually poll data and have active systemd timers. We don't want both to do it at the same time. Switch it in hieradata/common.yaml, the default is just a fallback.
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/librenms.pp', line 9
class profile::librenms (
Stdlib::Fqdn $active_server = lookup('netmon_server'),
Array[Stdlib::Fqdn] $passive_servers = lookup('netmon_servers_failover'),
Stdlib::Fqdn $graphite_host = lookup('graphite_host'),
String $graphite_prefix = lookup('profile::librenms::graphite_prefix'),
String $sitename = lookup('profile::librenms::sitename'),
Stdlib::Unixpath $install_dir = lookup('profile::librenms::install_dir'),
String $laravel_app_key = lookup('profile::librenms::laravel_app_key'),
String $db_user = lookup('profile::librenms::dbuser'),
String $db_password = lookup('profile::librenms::dbpassword'),
Stdlib::Fqdn $db_host = lookup('profile::librenms::dbhost'),
String $db_name = lookup('profile::librenms::dbname'),
Hash $ldap_config = lookup('ldap'),
Enum['ldap','sso'] $auth_mechanism = lookup('profile::librenms::auth_mechanism')
include network::constants
include passwords::network
$config = {
'title_image' => '//upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/0c/Wikimedia_Foundation_logo_-_horizontal_%282012-2016%29.svg/140px-Wikimedia_Foundation_logo_-_horizontal_%282012-2016%29.svg.png',
'base_url' => "https://${sitename}",
# disable evil daily auto-git pull
'update' => 0,
# Note that the DB settings will be copied in $install_dir/.env too
'db_host' => $db_host,
'db_user' => $db_user,
'db_pass' => $db_password,
'db_name' => $db_name,
'db' => {
'extension' => 'mysqli',
# https://docs.librenms.org/Support/Cleanup-options/
'device_perf_purge' => 30,
'eventlog_purge' => 360,
'perf_times_purge' => 90,
'syslog_purge' => 15,
'snmp' => {
'community' => [ $passwords::network::snmp_ro_community ],
# Provide an empty 'v3' section for SNMP v3 "addhost" to work
# https://github.com/librenms/librenms/issues/13390
'v3' => [
{ 'authname' => 'root' },
'autodiscovery' => {
'xdp' => true,
'ospf' => true,
'bgp' => false,
'snmpscan' => false,
'geoloc' => {
'latlng' => true,
'engine' => 'google',
'location_map' => {
'eqiad' => 'Equinix, Ashburn, Virginia, USA',
'codfw' => 'CyrusOne, Carrollton, Texas, USA',
'eqdfw' => 'Equinix, Carrollton, Texas, USA',
'ulsfo' => 'United Layer, San Francisco, California, USA',
'eqord' => 'Equinix, Chicago, Illinois, USA',
'esams' => 'Vancis, Amsterdam, The Netherlands',
'eqsin' => 'Equinix, Singapore',
'drmrs' => 'Interxion, Marseille, France',
'magru' => 'Ascenty SP3, Sao Paulo, Brazil',
'astext' => {
'64600' => 'PyBal',
'64601' => 'Kubernetes',
'64602' => 'Kubernetes',
'64603' => 'Kubernetes',
'64605' => 'Anycast',
'64700' => 'frack-eqiad',
'64701' => 'frack-codfw',
'65001' => 'confed-eqiad',
'65002' => 'confed-eqdfw-codfw',
'65003' => 'confed-esams',
'65004' => 'confed-ulsfo',
'65005' => 'confed-eqsin',
'65006' => 'confed-drmrs',
'65007' => 'confed-magru',
'65020' => 'confed-eqord',
'65517' => 'Equinix',
'twofactor' => true,
'twofactor_lock' => 300,
'rancid_configs' => ['/var/lib/rancid/core/configs/'],
'rancid_ignorecomments' => 1,
'enable_inventory' => 1,
'enable_syslog' => 1,
'enable_billing' => 1,
'syslog_filter' => [
'message repeated',
'Connection from UDP: [',
'CMD ( /usr/libexec/atrun)',
'CMD (newsyslog)',
'CMD (adjkerntz -a)',
'kernel time sync enabled',
'auth_mechanism' => $auth_mechanism,
'graphite' => {
'enable' => true,
'host' => $graphite_host,
'port' => '2003',
'prefix' => $graphite_prefix,
$ldap = {
'auth_ldap_server' => "ldap://${ldap_config[ro-server]} ldap://${ldap_config[ro-server-fallback]}",
'auth_ldap_starttls' => 'require',
'auth_ldap_port' => 389,
# This is dumb -- the code requires us to specify the dn rather
# than doing a search, so logins will require 'shell name' rather
# than the more-traditional 'wikitech name'
'auth_ldap_prefix' => 'uid=',
'auth_ldap_suffix' => ',ou=people,dc=wikimedia,dc=org',
'login_message' => 'Log in with your ldap shell name (NOT the full name used on wikitech) and password.',
# In our schema, a group is a list of user dns called 'member'
'auth_ldap_groupbase' => 'ou=groups,dc=wikimedia,dc=org',
'auth_ldap_groupmemberattr' => 'member',
'auth_ldap_groupmembertype' => 'fulldn',
# Give all ops full read/write permissions
'auth_ldap_group' => [
'auth_ldap_groups' => {'ops' => {'level' => 10}, 'wmf' => {'level' => 5}, 'nda' => {'level' => 5}},
$sso = {
'sso' => {
'mode' => 'env',
'user_attr' => 'HTTP_X_CAS_UID',
'realname_attr' => 'HTTP_X_CAS_CN',
'email_attr' => 'HTTP_X_CAS_MAIL',
'create_users' => true,
'update_users' => true,
'group_strategy' => 'map',
'group_attr' => 'HTTP_X_CAS_MEMBEROF',
'group_level_map' => {
'cn=ops,ou=groups,dc=wikimedia,dc=org' => 10,
'cn=wmf,ou=groups,dc=wikimedia,dc=org' => 5,
'cn=nda,ou=groups,dc=wikimedia,dc=org' => 5,
'group_delimiter' => ':',
$_config = $auth_mechanism ? {
'sso' => $config + $sso,
default => $config + $ldap,
class { 'librenms':
install_dir => $install_dir,
rrd_dir => '/srv/librenms/rrd',
config => $_config,
active_server => $active_server,
laravel_app_key => $laravel_app_key,
class { 'librenms::syslog':
require => Class['librenms']
include profile::librenms::web
firewall::service { 'librenms-rsyslog':
proto => 'udp',
port => 514,
firewall::service { 'librenms-http':
proto => 'tcp',
port => 80,
firewall::service { 'librenms-https':
proto => 'tcp',
port => 443,
backup::set {'librenms': }
$passive_servers.each |Stdlib::Fqdn $passive_server| {
rsync::quickdatacopy { "srv-librenms-rrd-${passive_server}":
ensure => present,
auto_sync => false,
source_host => $active_server,
dest_host => $passive_server,
module_path => '/srv/librenms/rrd',
server_uses_stunnel => true,
chown => 'librenms:librenms',
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'rsync': }