Puppet Class: profile::lists
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/lists.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/lists.pp', line 12
class profile::lists (
Stdlib::Fqdn $lists_servername = lookup('mailman::lists_servername'),
Optional[String] $primary_host = lookup('lists_primary_host', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[Array[String]] $standby_hosts = lookup('lists_standby_host', {'default_value' => []}),
Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address] $lists_ipv4 = lookup('profile::lists::ipv4', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address] $lists_ipv6 = lookup('profile::lists::ipv6', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $acme_chief_cert = lookup('profile::lists::acme_chief_cert', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[Stdlib::Fqdn] $db_host = lookup('profile::lists::db_host', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $db_name = lookup('profile::lists::db_name', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $db_user = lookup('profile::lists::db_user', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $db_password = lookup('profile::lists::db_password', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $webdb_name = lookup('profile::lists::web::db_name', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $webdb_user = lookup('profile::lists::web::db_user', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $webdb_password = lookup('profile::lists::web::db_password', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $api_password = lookup('profile::lists::api_password', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $web_secret = lookup('profile::lists::web::secret', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $archiver_key = lookup('profile::lists::archiver_key', {'default_value' => undef}),
Optional[String] $memcached = lookup('profile::lists::memcached', {'default_value' => undef}),
Integer $uwsgi_processes = lookup('profile::lists::uwsgi_processes', {'default_value' => 4}),
Hash[String, String] $renamed_lists = lookup('profile::lists::renamed_lists'),
# Conditions to deny access to the lists web interface. Found in the private repository if needed.
Array[String] $web_deny_conditions = lookup('profile::lists::web_deny_conditions', {'default_value' => []}),
Array[String] $security_cfgs = lookup('profile::lists::security_cfgs', {'default_value' => []}),
Boolean $allow_incoming_mail = lookup('profile::lists::allow_incoming_mail', { 'default_value' => true }),
Stdlib::Unixpath $mailman_root = lookup('profile::lists::mailman_root', { 'default_value' => '/var/lib/mailman3' }),
) {
include network::constants
include privateexim::listserve
$is_primary = $facts['fqdn'] == $primary_host
# Disable mailman service on the sandby host
$mailman_service_ensure = stdlib::ensure($is_primary)
if $mailman_root == '/var/lib/mailman3' {
file { 'mailman-root':
ensure => directory,
path => $mailman_root,
owner => 'list',
group => 'list',
} else {
file { 'mailman-root-symlink':
ensure => 'link',
path => '/var/lib/mailman3',
target => $mailman_root,
file { 'mailman-root':
ensure => directory,
path => $mailman_root,
owner => 'list',
group => 'list',
class { 'mailman3':
host => $lists_servername,
db_host => $db_host,
db_name => $db_name,
db_user => $db_user,
db_password => $db_password,
webdb_name => $webdb_name,
webdb_user => $webdb_user,
webdb_password => $webdb_password,
api_password => $api_password,
archiver_key => $archiver_key,
uwsgi_processes => $uwsgi_processes,
web_secret => $web_secret,
memcached => $memcached,
service_ensure => $mailman_service_ensure,
allow_incoming_mail => $is_primary and $allow_incoming_mail,
mailman_root => $mailman_root,
$ssl_settings = ssl_ciphersuite('apache', 'mid', true)
class { 'httpd':
modules => [
$apache_conf = {
lists_servername => $lists_servername,
acme_chief_cert => $acme_chief_cert,
renamed_lists => $renamed_lists,
ssl_settings => $ssl_settings,
web_deny_conditions => $web_deny_conditions,
security_cfgs => $security_cfgs,
mailman_root => $mailman_root,
httpd::site { $lists_servername:
content => epp('profile/lists/apache.conf.epp', $apache_conf),
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'apache2': }
# Add files in /var/www (docroot)
file { '/var/www':
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/lists/docroot/',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
recurse => 'remote',
# Not using require_package so apt::pin may be applied
# before attempting to install package.
package { 'libapache2-mod-security2':
ensure => present,
# Ensure that the CRS modsecurity ruleset is not used. it has not
# yet been tested for compatibility with our mailman instance and may
# cause breakage.
file { '/etc/apache2/mods-available/security2.conf':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/lists/modsecurity/security2.conf',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
require => Package['libapache2-mod-security2'],
mailalias { 'root': recipient => 'root@wikimedia.org' }
# This will be a noop if $lists_ipv[46] are undef
interface::alias { $lists_servername:
ipv4 => $lists_ipv4,
ipv6 => $lists_ipv6,
if $acme_chief_cert {
class { 'sslcert::dhparam': }
acme_chief::cert{ $acme_chief_cert:
puppet_svc => 'apache2',
puppet_rsc => Service['exim4'],
key_group => 'Debian-exim',
if $::realm == 'labs' {
$trusted_networks = ['']
if $::realm == 'production' {
$trusted_networks = $network::constants::aggregate_networks.filter |$x| {
$x !~ /|::1/
class { 'spamassassin':
required_score => '4.0',
use_bayes => '0',
bayes_auto_learn => '0',
trusted_networks => $trusted_networks,
monitoring_ensure => $mailman_service_ensure,
profile::auto_restarts::service { 'spamd': }
$list_outbound_ips = [
pick($lists_ipv4, $facts['ipaddress']),
pick($lists_ipv6, $facts['ipaddress6']),
class { 'exim4':
variant => 'heavy',
config => template('profile/exim/exim4.conf.mailman.erb'),
filter => template('profile/exim/system_filter.conf.mailman.erb'),
require => [
file { "/etc/exim4/aliases/${lists_servername}":
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0444',
content => template('profile/exim/listserver_aliases.erb'),
require => Class['exim4'],
exim4::dkim { $lists_servername:
domain => $lists_servername,
selector => 'wikimedia',
content => secret("dkim/${lists_servername}-wikimedia.key"),
backup::set { 'var-lib-mailman3': }
if $primary_host and $standby_hosts != [] {
rsync::quickdatacopy { 'mailman-root-sync':
ensure => present,
source_host => $primary_host,
dest_host => $standby_hosts,
module_path => $mailman_root,
ignore_missing_file_errors => true,
rsync::quickdatacopy { 'var-lib-mailman':
ensure => present,
source_host => $primary_host,
dest_host => $standby_hosts,
module_path => '/var/lib/mailman',
class { 'profile::lists::monitoring':
lists_servername => $lists_servername,
ensure => $mailman_service_ensure,
mailman_root => $mailman_root,
class { 'profile::lists::automation':
ensure => $mailman_service_ensure,