Puppet Class: profile::mariadb::proxy
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/mariadb/proxy.pp
base profile to have a manually-managed haproxy installation, pointing to to nowere by default. Check ::profile::mariadb::proxy::master,replica for it to do something useful (failover or load balancing)
pid: full path of the pid passed to haproxy to control running process
socket: full path of the socket passed to haproxy to connect without tcp
firewall: controls the firewall, the options are:
'disabled': no firewall is setup
'cloud': firewall with holes to cloud network for cloud production services
'misc': firewall with holes to misc services: rt, librenms, gerrit
'internal': firewall only to the internal network (10.x hosts)
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/mariadb/proxy.pp', line 11
class profile::mariadb::proxy (
$pid = lookup('profile::mariadb::proxy::pid', {'default_value' => '/run/haproxy/haproxy.pid'}),
$socket = lookup('profile::mariadb::proxy::socket', {'default_value' => '/run/haproxy/haproxy.sock'}),
$firewall = lookup('profile::mariadb::proxy::firewall', {'default_value' => 'internal'})
class { 'haproxy':
template => 'profile/mariadb/proxy/db.cfg.erb',
pid => $pid,
socket => $socket,
if $firewall == 'internal' {
include ::profile::firewall
::profile::mariadb::ferm { 'dbproxy': }
} elsif $firewall == 'misc' {
include ::profile::firewall
::profile::mariadb::ferm { 'dbproxy': }
include ::profile::mariadb::ferm_misc
} elsif $firewall == 'cloud' {
include ::profile::firewall
::profile::mariadb::ferm { 'dbproxy': }
include ::profile::mariadb::ferm_wmcs
} elsif $firewall == 'cloud+lists' {
include ::profile::firewall
::profile::mariadb::ferm { 'dbproxy': }
include ::profile::mariadb::ferm_wmcs
include ::profile::mariadb::ferm_lists
include ::profile::mariadb::ferm_idm
} elsif $firewall == 'public' {
include ::profile::firewall
::profile::mariadb::ferm_public { 'dbproxy': }
} elsif $firewall != 'disabled' {
fail('profile::mariadb::proxy::firewall can only be internal, public, misc, cloud, cloud+lists or disabled.')