Puppet Class: profile::matomo::instance
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/matomo/instance.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class: profile::matomo::instance
Configuration options for piwik.wikimedia.org
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/matomo/instance.pp', line 6
class profile::matomo::instance (
String $database_password = lookup('profile::matomo::database_password'),
String $admin_username = lookup('profile::matomo::admin_username'),
String $admin_password = lookup('profile::matomo::admin_password'),
String $password_salt = lookup('profile::matomo::password_salt'),
Array[String] $trusted_hosts = lookup('profile::matomo::trusted_hosts', { 'default_value' => ['piwik.wikimedia.org', 'wikimediafoundation.org'] }),
Stdlib::Fqdn $archive_timer_url = lookup('profile::matomo::archive_timer_url', { 'default_value' => 'piwik.wikimedia.org' }),
String $contact_groups = lookup('profile::matomo::contact_groups', { 'default_value' => 'team-data-platform' }),
String $matomo_username = lookup('profile::matomo::matomo_username', { 'default_value' => 'www-data' }),
) {
class { 'matomo':
database_password => $database_password,
admin_username => $admin_username,
admin_password => $admin_password,
password_salt => $password_salt,
trusted_hosts => $trusted_hosts,
# We temporarily retain the use of piwik_username here while the matomo module is shared with the active
# matomo 3 version on matomo1002. Once the migration is complete we will be able to rename this parameter.
piwik_username => $matomo_username,
# Copy the MaxMind geoip data files from the puppetmaster into Matomo's /misc directory
# Matomo can then be manually configured to use these data files for geocoding IP addresses.
# Functionally this is similar to including geoip::data::puppet, but that uses
# a recursive copy with different permissions which would clobber other files' permissions in /misc.
file { '/usr/share/matomo/misc' :
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
# lint:ignore:puppet_url_without_modules
source => 'puppet:///volatile/GeoIP',
# lint:endignore
recurse => 'remote',
backup => false,
show_diff => false,
# Install an hourly systemd timer to run the Archive task periodically.
# We previously ran the timer every 8 hours indexing permitted once per day.
# However, having reviewed the server load, we feel that we can now increase the frequency
$archiver_command = "/usr/bin/php /usr/share/matomo/console core:archive --url=\"${archive_timer_url}\""
systemd::timer::job { 'matomo-archiver':
description => "Runs the Matomo's archive process.",
command => "/bin/bash -c '${archiver_command}'",
interval => {
'start' => 'OnCalendar',
'interval' => 'hourly',
logfile_basedir => '/var/log/matomo',
logfile_name => 'matomo-archive.log',
syslog_identifier => 'matomo-archiver',
user => $matomo_username,
monitoring_enabled => true,
monitoring_contact_groups => $contact_groups,
require => Class['matomo'],