Puppet Class: profile::mediawiki::maintenance
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/mediawiki/maintenance.pp
mediawiki maintenance server
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/mediawiki/maintenance.pp', line 2
class profile::mediawiki::maintenance (
Stdlib::Host $deployment_server = lookup('deployment_server'),
# In order to be able to use the conftool-aware wrapper, we need to access
# such data easily (on disk).
require ::profile::conftool::state
# httpd for noc.wikimedia.org
class { '::httpd':
modules => ['rewrite', 'headers'],
# firewall: allow http from deployment servers for testing with httpbb
ferm::service { 'deploy-http-mwmaint':
proto => 'tcp',
port => 80,
srange => "(@resolve((${deployment_server})) @resolve((${deployment_server}), AAAA))"
# Set the Server response header to the FQDN. (T255629)
# Installing libapache2-mod-security2 without also installing modsecurity-crs
# leads to a syntax error due to a bug in the former package which has
# an include that is supposed to be optional but isn't optional. --dz 20200803
package { [ 'libapache2-mod-security2', 'modsecurity-crs']:
ensure => present
::httpd::mod_conf { 'security2':
::httpd::conf { 'server_header':
content => template('mediawiki/apache/server-header.conf.erb'),
# Deployment
include ::scap::scripts
file { $::mediawiki::scap::mediawiki_staging_dir:
ensure => link,
target => '/srv/mediawiki'
if $::realm != 'labs' {
$ensure = mediawiki::state('primary_dc') ? {
$::site => 'present',
default => 'absent',
} else {
$ensure = 'present'
file { '/usr/local/bin/mw-cli-wrapper':
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/mediawiki/maintenance/mw-cli-wrapper.py',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555'
# MediaWiki maintenance scripts (periodic jobs)
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::wikidata
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::growthexperiments
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::mediamoderation
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::globalblocking
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::pagetriage
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::translationnotifications
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::updatetranslationstats
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::echo_mail_batch
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::parsercachepurging
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::cleanup_upload_stash
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::update_flaggedrev_stats
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::refreshlinks
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::update_special_pages
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::purge_abusefilter
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::purge_checkuser
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::purge_expired_userrights
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::purge_old_cx_drafts
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::purge_securepoll
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::db_lag_stats
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::cirrussearch
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::generatecaptcha
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::pageassessments
class { 'mediawiki::maintenance::uploads': ensure => $ensure }
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::readinglists
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::initsitestats
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::startupregistrystats
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::temporary_accounts
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::recount_categories
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::purge_expired_blocks
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::image_suggestions
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::campaignevents
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::purge_loginnotify
# Include the cache warmup script
# TODO: T369921 - absent and remove.
class { '::mediawiki::tools::cache_warmup':
ensure => present,
# NOTE: T369921 - conftool was previously required by the cache warmup
# script, but no longer is. It can be removed after verifying nothing else
# on the maintenance hosts needs conftool.
require ::profile::conftool::client
# backup home directories to bacula, people work on these
include ::profile::backup::host
backup::set {'home': }
# (T17434) Periodical run of currently disabled special pages
include ::profile::mediawiki::maintenance::updatequerypages
# Readline support for PHP maintenance scripts (T126262)
# GNU version of 'time' provides extra info like peak resident memory
# anomie needs it, as opposed to the shell built-in time command
# T112660 - kafka support
# The eventlogging code is useful for scripting
# EventLogging consumers. Install this but don't
# run any daemons. To use eventlogging code,
# add /srv/deployment/eventlogging/eventlogging
# to your PYTHONPATH or sys.path.
include ::eventlogging
rsync::quickdatacopy { 'home-mwmaint':
ensure => present,
auto_sync => false,
source_host => 'mwmaint1002.eqiad.wmnet',
dest_host => 'mwmaint2002.codfw.wmnet',
module_path => '/home',
if $::realm != 'labs' {
# T199124
$motd_ensure = $ensure ? {
'present' => 'absent',
'absent' => 'present',
default => 'present',
} else {
$motd_ensure = 'absent'
motd::script { 'inactive_warning':
ensure => $motd_ensure,
priority => 1,
content => template('profile/mediawiki/maintenance/inactive.motd.erb'),