Puppet Class: profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/opensearch/dashboards/httpd_proxy.pp
Class: profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy
Provisions Authentication for OpenSearch Dashboards
$vhost: Apache vhost name
$serveradmin: Email address for contacting server administrator
$auth_type: Vhost auth type. One of ldap, local, none
$require_ssl: Require SSL connection to vhost?
$auth_realm: HTTP basic auth realm description
$auth_file: Path to htpasswd file for $auth_type == 'local'
$ldap_authurl: AuthLDAPURL for $auth_type == 'ldap'
$ldap_binddn: AuthLDAPBindDN for $auth_type == 'ldap'
$ldap_groups: List of ldap-group names for $auth_type == 'ldap'
$aliases: List of additional vhosts to answer to
filtertags: labs-project-deployment-prep
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/opensearch/dashboards/httpd_proxy.pp', line 21
class profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy (
String $vhost = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::vhost'),
String $serveradmin = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::serveradmin'),
Enum['ldap','local','none','sso'] $auth_type = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::auth_type'),
Boolean $require_ssl = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::require_ssl', { 'default_value' => true }),
Optional[String] $auth_realm = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::auth_realm', { 'default_value' => undef }),
Optional[String] $auth_file = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::auth_file', { 'default_value' => undef }),
Optional[String] $ldap_authurl = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::ldap_authurl', { 'default_value' => undef }),
Optional[String] $ldap_binddn = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::ldap_binddn', { 'default_value' => undef }),
Optional[Array[String]] $ldap_groups = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::ldap_groups', { 'default_value' => [] }),
Optional[Array[String]] $aliases = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::aliases', { 'default_value' => [] }),
Optional[Sensitive[String]] $sso_client_secret = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::sso_client_secret', { 'default_value' => undef }),
Optional[Sensitive[String]] $sso_cookie_secret = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::sso_cookie_secret', { 'default_value' => undef }),
Stdlib::HTTPSUrl $sso_issuer_url = lookup('profile::opensearch::dashboards::httpd_proxy::sso_issuer_url', { 'default_value' => 'https://idp.wikimedia.org/oidc' }),
) {
$httpd_base_modules = [
if $auth_type == 'sso' {
# reverse proxy everything to oauth2-proxy
$upstream_port = 4180
} else {
# opensearch-dashboards
$upstream_port = 5601
if $auth_type == 'ldap' {
$httpd_extra_modules = ['authnz_ldap']
include ::passwords::ldap::production
# FIXME: move this into hiera config
$ldap_bindpass = $passwords::ldap::production::proxypass
} elsif $auth_type == 'local' {
$httpd_extra_modules = ['authz_groupfile', 'authz_user']
} elsif $auth_type == 'none' {
$httpd_extra_modules = []
} elsif $auth_type == 'sso' {
$httpd_extra_modules = []
class { 'profile::oauth2_proxy::oidc':
upstreams => ['http://localhost:5601'],
client_id => 'logstash_oidc',
client_secret => $sso_client_secret,
cookie_secret => $sso_cookie_secret,
issuer_url => $sso_issuer_url,
cookie_domain => $vhost,
redirect_url => "https://${vhost}/oauth2/callback",
skip_auth_routes => [ '^/api/status' ],
$httpd_modules = concat($httpd_base_modules, $httpd_extra_modules)
class { '::httpd':
modules => $httpd_modules,
$apache_auth = template("profile/opensearch/common/httpd_proxy/apache-auth-${auth_type}.erb")
if $auth_type != 'none' {
ferm::service { 'opensearch_dashboards_frontend':
proto => 'tcp',
port => 80,
notrack => true,
srange => '$DOMAIN_NETWORKS',
httpd::site { $vhost:
content => template('profile/opensearch/dashboards/httpd_proxy/apache.conf.erb'),