Puppet Class: profile::openstack::base::keystone::fernet_keys
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/openstack/base/keystone/fernet_keys.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/openstack/base/keystone/fernet_keys.pp', line 2
class profile::openstack::base::keystone::fernet_keys(
Array[OpenStack::ControlNode] $openstack_control_nodes = lookup('profile::openstack::base::openstack_control_nodes'),
String $cred_key_0 = lookup('profile::openstack::base::keystone::credential_key_0'),
String $cred_key_1 = lookup('profile::openstack::base::keystone::credential_key_1'),
) {
file { '/etc/keystone/fernet-keys':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'keystone',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0770',
rsync::server::module { 'keystonefernetkeys':
path => '/etc/keystone/fernet-keys',
uid => 'keystone',
gid => 'keystone',
hosts_allow => $openstack_control_nodes.map |$node| { $node['cloud_private_fqdn'] },
auto_firewall => true,
read_only => 'yes',
# It's important to do these steps in the right order: a host should rotate its keys, and immediately
# after that each other host should rsync to pick up the changes.
# Rotations happen on the hour, and syncing on the half.
# Note that if the order of hosts in $keystone_hosts is not consistent across all
# hosts this will cause chaos.
$hostcount = count($openstack_control_nodes)
$staggerhours = 24/$hostcount
$openstack_control_nodes.each |$index, OpenStack::ControlNode $node| {
$activehour = $index * $staggerhours
$is_this_host = $::facts['networking']['fqdn'] == $node['host_fqdn']
$fqdn = $node['cloud_private_fqdn']
systemd::timer::job { "keystone_sync_keys_from_${fqdn}":
ensure => $is_this_host.bool2str('absent', 'present'),
description => "Sync keys for Keystone fernet tokens to ${fqdn}",
command => "/usr/bin/rsync -a --delete rsync://${fqdn}/keystonefernetkeys/ /etc/keystone/fernet-keys/",
interval => {
'start' => 'OnCalendar',
'interval' => "*-*-* ${activehour}:30:00",
logging_enabled => true,
monitoring_enabled => false,
user => 'keystone',
if $is_this_host {
systemd::timer::job { 'keystone_rotate_keys':
description => 'Rotate keys for Keystone fernet tokens',
command => '/usr/bin/keystone-manage fernet_rotate --keystone-user keystone --keystone-group keystone',
interval => {
'start' => 'OnCalendar',
'interval' => "*-*-* ${activehour}:00:00",
logging_enabled => true,
user => 'root',
monitoring_enabled => false,
# Credential keys
# These don't need to rotate but we do need to call credential_migrate
# any time they change.
# See https://docs.openstack.org/keystone/zed/admin/credential-encryption.html
file { '/etc/keystone/credential-keys':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'keystone',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0700',
file { '/etc/keystone/credential-keys/credential-key-0':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'keystone',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0400',
content => $cred_key_0,
# Strictly speaking this key isn't needed but keystone-manage
# creates it so I'm installing it to avoid future confusion
file { '/etc/keystone/credential-keys/credential-key-1':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'keystone',
group => 'keystone',
mode => '0400',
content => $cred_key_1,
exec { 'migrate_credential_keys':
command => '/usr/bin/keystone-manage credential_migrate --keystone-user keystone --keystone-group keystone',
subscribe => [File['/etc/keystone/credential-keys/credential-key-0'],
refreshonly => true,