Puppet Class: profile::openstack::base::rabbitmq
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/openstack/base/rabbitmq.pp
Cloud VPS OpenStack RabbitMQ message queue serverOverview
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 There are two similarly-named params here, '$rabbitmq_setup_nodes' and '$rabbitmq_nodes':
$rabbitmq_nodes is the list of nodes that rabbitmq clients should actually use; it will generally
consist of wikimediacloud.org service names rather than physical hardware fqdns. These values
will be baked into unpuppetized Trove VMs and so should be changed as little as possible; changes
to active rabbit nodes should be made via dns changes to the service fqdns.
$rabbitmq_setup_nodes is a list of fqdns of hosts that are configured by this class but not yet
in service. It exists to stage new rabbitmq nodes (with firewalls and such) before switching
traffic over. It should consist of primary fqdns (.wikimedia.org or .wmnet)
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/openstack/base/rabbitmq.pp', line 19
class profile::openstack::base::rabbitmq(
Array[Stdlib::Fqdn] $rabbitmq_nodes = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbitmq_nodes'),
Array[Stdlib::Fqdn] $rabbitmq_setup_nodes = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbitmq_setup_nodes'),
Stdlib::Fqdn $rabbitmq_service_name = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbitmq_service_name'),
Stdlib::Fqdn $rabbitmq_own_name = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbitmq::rabbitmq_own_name'),
$monitor_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbit_monitor_user'),
$monitor_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbit_monitor_pass'),
$cleanup_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbit_cleanup_pass'),
$file_handles = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbit_file_handles'),
String $nova_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::nova::rabbit_user'),
String $nova_rabbit_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::nova::rabbit_pass'),
String $neutron_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::neutron::rabbit_user'),
String $neutron_rabbit_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::neutron::rabbit_pass'),
String $trove_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::trove::rabbit_user'),
String $trove_rabbit_pass = lookup('profile::openstack::base::trove::rabbit_pass'),
String $trove_guest_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::trove::trove_guest_rabbit_user'),
String $trove_guest_rabbit_pass = lookup('profile::openstack::base::trove::trove_guest_rabbit_pass'),
String $heat_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::heat::rabbit_user'),
String $heat_rabbit_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::heat::rabbit_pass'),
String $magnum_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::magnum::rabbit_user'),
String $magnum_rabbit_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::magnum::rabbit_pass'),
String $cinder_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::cinder::rabbit_user'),
String $cinder_rabbit_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::cinder::rabbit_pass'),
String $designate_rabbit_user = lookup('profile::openstack::base::designate::rabbit_user'),
String $designate_rabbit_password = lookup('profile::openstack::base::designate::rabbit_pass'),
$rabbit_erlang_cookie = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbit_erlang_cookie'),
Optional[String] $rabbit_cfssl_label = lookup('profile::openstack::base::rabbitmq::rabbit_cfssl_label', {default_value => undef}),
Integer $heartbeat_timeout = lookup('profile::openstack::base::heartbeat_timeout'),
String $version = lookup('profile::openstack::base::version'),
Stdlib::IP::Address::V4 $cloud_private_supernet = lookup('profile::wmcs::cloud_private_subnet::supernet'),
if $rabbit_cfssl_label {
$cert_paths = profile::pki::get_cert(
outdir => '/etc/rabbitmq/ssl',
provide_chain => true,
owner => 'rabbitmq',
group => 'rabbitmq',
require => Package['rabbitmq-server'],
before => File['/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.config'],
notify => Service['rabbitmq-server'],
hosts => [
$rabbitmq_tls_key_file = $cert_paths['key']
$rabbitmq_tls_cert_file = $cert_paths['chained']
$rabbitmq_tls_ca_file = '/etc/ssl/certs/wmf-ca-certificates.crt'
} else {
$rabbitmq_tls_key_file = undef
$rabbitmq_tls_cert_file = undef
$rabbitmq_tls_ca_file = undef
class { '::rabbitmq':
file_handles => $file_handles,
erlang_cookie => $rabbit_erlang_cookie,
tls_cert_file => $rabbitmq_tls_cert_file,
tls_key_file => $rabbitmq_tls_key_file,
tls_ca_file => $rabbitmq_tls_ca_file,
heartbeat_timeout => $heartbeat_timeout,
contain '::rabbitmq'
# https://www.rabbitmq.com/management.html
# Needed for https://www.rabbitmq.com/management-cli.html
rabbitmq::plugin { 'rabbitmq_management': }
# This installs some things we don't need but also sets up
# the versioned repo which will get us the latest version-specific
# rabbitmq packages
class { "openstack::serverpackages::${version}::${::lsbdistcodename}":
file { '/etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf':
owner => 'rabbitmq',
group => 'rabbitmq',
mode => '0644',
content => template('profile/openstack/base/rabbitmq/rabbitmq-env.conf.erb'),
require => Package['rabbitmq-server'],
notify => Service['rabbitmq-server'],
# We want this job to run on only one host; it doesn't matter which.
class {'::rabbitmq::cleanup':
password => $cleanup_password,
enabled => $rabbitmq_nodes[0] == $rabbitmq_service_name,
contain '::rabbitmq::cleanup'
class { '::openstack::nova::rabbit':
username => $nova_rabbit_user,
password => $nova_rabbit_password,
class { '::openstack::neutron::rabbit':
username => $neutron_rabbit_user,
password => $neutron_rabbit_password,
class { '::openstack::heat::rabbit':
username => $heat_rabbit_user,
password => $heat_rabbit_password,
class { '::openstack::magnum::rabbit':
username => $magnum_rabbit_user,
password => $magnum_rabbit_password,
class { '::openstack::cinder::rabbit':
username => $cinder_rabbit_user,
password => $cinder_rabbit_password,
class { '::openstack::designate::rabbit':
username => $designate_rabbit_user,
password => $designate_rabbit_password,
class { '::openstack::trove::rabbit':
username => $trove_rabbit_user,
password => $trove_rabbit_pass,
guest_username => $trove_guest_rabbit_user,
guest_password => $trove_guest_rabbit_pass,
rabbitmq::plugin { 'rabbitmq_prometheus': }
# One more rabbit metric that isn't provided by the standard plugin
file { '/usr/local/sbin/detect_rabbit_partition':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0744',
source => 'puppet:///modules/profile/openstack/base/rabbitmq/detect_rabbit_partition.py',
systemd::timer::job { 'rabbitmq_detect_partition':
ensure => present,
description => 'Update prometheus metric about rabbit network partition',
command => '/usr/local/sbin/detect_rabbit_partition',
user => 'root',
interval => {'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => '*:0/2'}
firewall::service { 'rabbitmq-cloud-private':
proto => 'tcp',
port => [5671, 5672],
srange => $cloud_private_supernet,
firewall::service { 'rabbitmq-internals':
proto => 'tcp',
port => [4369, 5671, 5672, 25672],
srange => $rabbitmq_nodes + $rabbitmq_setup_nodes,
firewall::service { 'rabbitmq-cloud-vps-instances':
proto => 'tcp',
port => [5671, 5672],
src_sets => ['CLOUD_NETWORKS'],