Puppet Class: profile::phabricator::httpd
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/phabricator/httpd.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 sets up a webserver configured for phabricator
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/phabricator/httpd.pp', line 4
class profile::phabricator::httpd (
Boolean $enable_forensic_log = lookup('profile::phabricator::httpd::enable_forensic_log', {'default_value' => false}),
) {
$httpd_base_modules = [ 'headers', 'rewrite', 'remoteip' ]
$php_version = wmflib::debian_php_version()
$php_lib = "php${php_version}-fpm"
$httpd_extra_modules = [ 'proxy', 'proxy_fcgi' ]
$httpd_modules = concat($httpd_base_modules, $httpd_extra_modules)
class { 'httpd':
modules => $httpd_modules,
require => Package[$php_lib],
# MPM tweaks for high load systems
# More performance specific tweaks to follow here
class { 'httpd::mpm':
mpm => 'worker',
source => 'puppet:///modules/phabricator/apache/worker.conf',
# Forensic logging (logs requests at both beginning and end of request processing)
if $enable_forensic_log {
httpd::mod_conf { 'log_forensic':
ensure => present,
httpd::conf { 'log_forensic':
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/phabricator/apache/log_forensic.conf',
require => Httpd::Mod_conf['log_forensic'],