Puppet Class: profile::presto::server
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/presto/server.pp
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Class profile::presto::server
Sets up a presto server in a presto cluster. By default this node will be set up as a worker node. To enable the coordinator or discovery, provide appropriate settings in $config_properties.
See also: prestodb.io/docs/current/installation/deployment.html
- cluster_name
Name of the Presto cluster. This will be used as the default node.environment.
- discovery_uri
URI to the Presto discovery server.
- enabled
Allows selectively disabling nodes within the cluster. Default: true
- node_properties
Specific node.properties settings. This profile attempts to use sane defaults. Only set this if you need to override them. Note that node.id will be set automatically by the presto::server module class based on the current node's $::fqdn.
- config_properties
Specific config.properties settings. This profile attempts to use sane defaults. Only set this if you need to override them.
- log_properties
Specific log.properties settings.
- heap_max
-Xmx argument. Default: 2G
- generate_certificate
Use the pki::get_cert function to generate a certificate for TLS authentication, using the discovery CA, as opposed to using the Puppet CA certificates. If this option is enabled, a certificate will be generated using the host's $::fqdn. Default: false
- ssl_certnames
Optional array of SubjectAltNames that should be added to a certificate generated by the pki::get_cert function. This is only used if generate_certificates is true. Default: []
- presto_clusters_secrets
Hash of available/configured Presto clusters and their secret properties, like passwords, etc.. The following values will be checked in the hash table only if TLS/Kerberos configs are enabled (see in the code for the exact values).
- 'ssl_keystore_password' - 'ssl_trustore_password'
Default: {}
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/presto/server.pp', line 57
class profile::presto::server(
String $cluster_name = lookup('profile::presto::cluster_name'),
String $discovery_uri = lookup('profile::presto::discovery_uri'),
Boolean $enabled = lookup('profile::presto::enabled', { 'default_value' => true }),
Hash $node_properties = lookup('profile::presto::server::node_properties', { 'default_value' => {} }),
Hash $config_properties = lookup('profile::presto::server::config_properties', { 'default_value' => {} }),
Hash $catalogs = lookup('profile::presto::server::catalogs', { 'default_value' => {} }),
Hash $log_properties = lookup('profile::presto::server::log_properties', { 'default_value' => {} }),
String $heap_max = lookup('profile::presto::server::heap_max', { 'default_value' => '2G' }),
String $ferm_srange = lookup('profile::presto::server::ferm_srange', { 'default_value' => '$DOMAIN_NETWORKS' }),
Array[String] $ssl_certnames = lookup('profile::presto::server::ssl_certnames', { 'default_value' => [] }),
Boolean $generate_certificate = lookup('profile::presto::server::generate_certificate', { 'default_value' => false }),
Boolean $use_kerberos = lookup('profile::presto::use_kerberos', { 'default_value' => true }),
Boolean $monitoring_enabled = lookup('profile::presto::monitoring_enabled', { 'default_value' => false }),
Optional[Hash[String, Hash[String, String]]] $presto_clusters_secrets = lookup('presto_clusters_secrets', { 'default_value' => {} }),
) {
# node.environment must not contain any -
$sanitize_cluster_name = regsubst($cluster_name, '-', '', 'G')
$default_node_properties = {
'node.environment' => $sanitize_cluster_name,
'node.data-dir' => '/srv/presto',
'node.internal-address-source' => 'FQDN',
$default_config_properties = {
'jmx.rmiregistry.port' => '8279',
'discovery.uri' => $discovery_uri,
# flat will try to schedule splits on the host where the data is located by reserving
# 50% of the work queue for local splits. It is recommended to use flat for clusters
# where distributed storage runs on the same nodes as Presto workers.
# You should change this if your Presto cluster is not colocated with storage.
'node-scheduler.network-topology' => 'flat',
# Enables accessing the Presto UI over http. Access it as follows:
# ssh -NL 8280:an-test-coord1001.eqiad.wmnet:8280 an-test-coord1001.eqiad.wmnet
# (for the test cluster, for the production cluster use an-coord1003).
# Then visit http://localhost:8280 (which should redirect to http://localhost:8280/ui/)
'http-server.http.port' => '8280',
'http-server.http.enabled' => true,
if $use_kerberos {
$hostname_suffix = $::realm ? {
'labs' => '.eqiad.wmflabs',
default => "${::site}.wmnet",
$keystore_password = $presto_clusters_secrets[$cluster_name]['ssl_keystore_password']
$ssl_keystore_path = '/etc/presto/ssl/server.p12'
$ssl_truststore_path = '/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts'
$ssl_truststore_password = 'changeit'
if $generate_certificate {
# Generate a certificate for each presto server. These will be used to secure traffic between
# 1) the clients and the co-ordinator and 2) between each server in the cluster
# The co-ordinator will use several SubJectAltNames in order to support DNS discovery
$ssl_cert = profile::pki::get_cert('discovery', $facts['fqdn'], {
'hosts' => $ssl_certnames,
'outdir' => '/etc/presto/ssl',
'owner' => 'presto',
notify => Sslcert::X509_to_pkcs12['presto_keystore'],
require => Package['presto-server'],
sslcert::x509_to_pkcs12 { 'presto_keystore' :
owner => 'presto',
group => 'presto',
public_key => $ssl_cert['chained'],
private_key => $ssl_cert['key'],
outfile => $ssl_keystore_path,
password => $keystore_password,
require => Package['presto-server'],
notify => Service['presto-server'],
} else {
# TODO: consider using profile::pki::get_cert
puppet::expose_agent_certs{ '/etc/presto':
user => 'root',
group => 'presto',
provide_p12 => true,
provide_pem => false,
p12_password => $keystore_password,
require => Package['presto-server'],
file { '/usr/local/bin/presto':
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0555',
content => template('profile/presto/presto_client_ssl_kerberos.erb'),
require => Package['presto-server'],
if $presto_clusters_secrets[$cluster_name] {
$ssl_keystore_password = $presto_clusters_secrets[$cluster_name]['ssl_keystore_password']
$default_ssl_properties = {
'http-server.https.keystore.path' => $ssl_keystore_path,
'http-server.https.keystore.key' => $ssl_keystore_password,
'internal-communication.https.required' => true,
'internal-communication.https.keystore.path' => $ssl_keystore_path,
'internal-communication.https.keystore.key' => $ssl_keystore_password,
'internal-communication.https.trust-store-path' => '/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts',
'internal-communication.https.trust-store-password' => 'changeit',
'http-server.https.port' => '8281',
'http-server.https.enabled' => true,
} else {
$default_ssl_properties = {}
if $use_kerberos {
$default_kerberos_properties = {
'internal-communication.kerberos.enabled' => true,
'http-server.authentication.type' => 'KERBEROS',
'http.authentication.krb5.config' => '/etc/krb5.conf',
'http.server.authentication.krb5.keytab' => '/etc/security/keytabs/presto/presto.keytab',
'http.server.authentication.krb5.service-name' => 'presto',
} else {
$default_kerberos_properties = {}
# Merge in any overrides for properties
$_node_properties = $default_node_properties + $node_properties
$_config_properties = $default_config_properties + $config_properties + $default_ssl_properties + $default_kerberos_properties
if $monitoring_enabled {
include ::profile::presto::monitoring::server
$jmx_agent_port = $::profile::presto::monitoring::server::prometheus_jmx_exporter_server_port
$jmx_agent_config_file = $::profile::presto::monitoring::server::jmx_exporter_config_file
$extra_jvm_configs = "-javaagent:/usr/share/java/prometheus/jmx_prometheus_javaagent.jar=[::]:${jmx_agent_port}:${jmx_agent_config_file}"
nrpe::monitor_service { 'presto-server':
description => 'Presto Server',
nrpe_command => '/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_procs -c 1:1 -C java -a "com.facebook.presto.server.PrestoServer"',
contact_group => 'team-data-platform',
require => Class['presto::server'],
notes_url => 'https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Analytics/Systems/Presto/Administration#Presto_server_down',
} else {
$extra_jvm_configs = undef
class { '::presto::server':
enabled => $enabled,
node_properties => $_node_properties,
config_properties => $_config_properties,
log_properties => $log_properties,
catalogs => $catalogs,
heap_max => $heap_max,
extra_jvm_configs => $extra_jvm_configs,
if $presto_clusters_secrets[$cluster_name] {
ferm::service{ 'presto-https':
proto => 'tcp',
port => $_config_properties['http-server.https.port'],
srange => $ferm_srange,
} else {
ferm::service{ 'presto-http':
proto => 'tcp',
port => $_config_properties['http-server.http.port'],
srange => $ferm_srange,
ferm::service{ 'presto-jmx-rmiregistry':
proto => 'tcp',
port => $_config_properties['jmx.rmiregistry.port'],
srange => $ferm_srange,