Puppet Class: profile::puppetmaster::common
- Defined in:
- modules/profile/manifests/puppetmaster/common.pp
Shared profile for front- and back-end puppetmasters.Overview
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
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# File 'modules/profile/manifests/puppetmaster/common.pp', line 16
class profile::puppetmaster::common (
Hash $base_config = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::base_config'),
Boolean $command_broadcast = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::command_broadcast'),
Integer[1,2] $ssl_verify_depth = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::ssl_verify_depth'),
Boolean $netbox_hiera_enable = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::netbox_hiera_enable'),
Boolean $enable_merge_cli = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::enable_merge_cli'),
Boolean $disable_env_config = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::disable_env_config'),
String[1] $hiera_config = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::hiera_config'),
Enum['puppetdb', 'none'] $storeconfigs = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::storeconfigs'),
Array[Puppetmaster::Report] $reports = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::reports'),
Array[Stdlib::Host] $puppetdb_hosts = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::puppetdb_hosts'),
Stdlib::Port $puppetdb_port = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::puppetdb_port'),
Array[Stdlib::HTTPSUrl] $puppetdb_submit_only_hosts = lookup('profile::puppetmaster::common::puppetdb_submit_only_hosts'),
) {
$env_config = $disable_env_config ? {
true => {},
default => {
'environmentpath' => '$confdir/environments',
'default_manifest' => '$confdir/manifests',
$activerecord_config = {
'storeconfigs' => true,
'thin_storeconfigs' => true,
$puppetdb_config = {
storeconfigs => true,
storeconfigs_backend => 'puppetdb',
reports => $reports.join(','),
if $storeconfigs == 'puppetdb' {
class { 'puppetmaster::puppetdb::client':
hosts => $puppetdb_hosts,
port => $puppetdb_port,
command_broadcast => $command_broadcast,
submit_only_hosts => $puppetdb_submit_only_hosts,
$config = merge($base_config, $puppetdb_config, $env_config)
} else {
$config = merge($base_config, $env_config)
# Don't attempt to use puppet-master service, we're using passenger.
# TODO: I think we can probably drop this need to check for jessie pms in cloud
service { 'puppet-master':
ensure => stopped,
enable => false,
require => Package['puppet'],
# Clean up facts for idle hosts. This is just a cache so there's no danger of
# premature deletion.
systemd::timer::job { 'puppet_fact_cleanup':
ensure => absent,
description => 'clean up fact cache for absent hosts',
user => 'puppet',
command => "/usr/bin/findĀ /var/lib/puppet/yaml -mtime +7 -exec rm {} \\;",
interval => {'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => 'daily'},
# Clean up reports for idle hosts. This is just a cache so there's no danger of
# premature deletion.
systemd::timer::job { 'puppet_report_cleanup':
ensure => absent,
description => 'clean up puppet reports cache for absent hosts',
user => 'puppet',
command => "/usr/bin/findĀ /var/lib/puppet/reports -mtime +14 -exec rm {} \\;",
interval => {'start' => 'OnCalendar', 'interval' => 'daily'},
include profile::ssh::ca